Good morning AFN! This is day 58 and I will be starting my ripening on day 60. Here are some pics of FC2, she has amber trichomes on some of the sugar leaves. I am not sure if I should start ripening her now and then start the others on day 60??? She does seem to be ahead of the others and should be hitting the chopping block first. Just the concern of whether it will be ok to wait the couple of days and do two more feedings before the ripening and have them all on the same flush/ripen schedule. I have heard that you should wait till you see ambers on the bud and not worry about the sugar leaves.

like gorgeous dollops of cookie dough :drool:

i've let plants go a bit too long waiting for ambers myself, now i just wait for all cloudy and start water-only. i'm not too familiar on the NFTG recommended flush period at the end...they have a harvest product that minimises the time needed or something like that?
Flushing is kinda an individual thing... how long are you wanting to flush? In soil I was shooting for 10 days, HH & P+. In coco it's shorter as there's no nutrition once I stop feeding.. more like 5.
And yep the leaves will amber first. But not by a ton. I ignore them more than not. On first runs if things look good, I start flush when the majority of hairs have turned... really hard to tell till you've run that strain before. Record everything.
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like gorgeous dollops of cookie dough :drool:

i've let plants go a bit too long waiting for ambers myself, now i just wait for all cloudy and start water-only. i'm not too familiar on the NFTG recommended flush period at the end...they have a harvest product that minimises the time needed or something like that?

The other Forgotten Cookies has this chocolate biscuit smell to it, it's crazy:woohoo:

Flushing is kinda an individual thing... how long are you wanting to flush? In soil I was shooting for 10 days, HH & P+. In coco it's shorter as there's no nutrition once I stop feeling.. more like 5.
And yep the leaves will amber first. But not by a ton. I ignore them more than not. On first runs if things look good, I start flush when the majority of hairs have turned... really hard to tell till you've run that strain before. Record everything.

Don't know if you've read the Unofficial NFTG Growers Guide (it's on AFN somewhere), but there's a flush scenario of 15 days in there. Since all these are 70 - 80 day strains I thought I would split the difference and call it 75 and start at 60 days. I was gonna flush every other day, letting them dry a little. I would use TT, AE and HH with SLF and P+ thrown in here and there:stir: I also want to do a couple plain water flushes at the end then let them dry out for a couple days. I'll keep a close eye and of course record everything in my journal. I did slurries yesterday for the last time and they were all on point. I'll feed today and tomorrow then start flushes on Friday. So here is the schedule: 2 Tbsp TT, 2 Tbsp AE and 3 Tbsp HH first two flushes. 1 Tbsp TT, 2 Tbsp AE, 2 TBSP HH next two. 1 Tbsp AE and 2 Tbsp HH until they are ready for the final plain water, which I will be eyeballing.
Day 62. Been doing the ripening flushes since day 59. FC2 has always been the one that has been ahead for the whole run. Been scoping trichomes and she has had ambers scattered around for about a week now. I've noticed she now has some ambers inside some of the buds so I did the last plain water flush on her and will be taking her down tomorrow or Tuesday. This whole run has been an experiment to see if I can still do this, so I am going to experiment with the chops. FC1 I'll let go into the 70 - 80 day period, along with the Orange Diesels. Here are some pics of a few buds and the whole plant on FC2.