Extraction CannaVodka ?

Man In The Jar

Sativa Induced Satire
Mar 1, 2012
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Making some cannavodka from sugar leaves and small nugs ? is what if anything can
the left over material be used for ? Also would it be okay to use a flavored vodka ?

Any Help? My first go at it :D

flavoured vodka is fine from what i have read i had a magazine with the way to make it but my misses binned it :cuss:
Thought the flavored would be ok, You know if there is anythink I can do with the leftovers?

Think I'll try the butter thing unless someone brings somethink else
Thanks bro:smokebuds:

If you do try vodka, make sure you wash the pot.
I didn't. Then I concentrated the mess in a crockpot
and the end result was hideous.

I am going to try again, but with Bacardi 151.
But I'll be doing a good cure and a thorough wash first.
top stuff !" good luck with this !! i remember years ago i had a 1ltr bottle of jack daniels and for over 1 year i kept adding triched up stalks from my buds into it... it was monster strong.. it was so killer that just a tiny sip would seriously burn your lips to the point you will think they will fall off...

i later heard that drinking this stuff would make me mentaly ill.. not sure if its true but it was so killer, i never wanted to ever make any again and all my friends could not handle it.. when i poured it into a glass .. obviously i had some torn stockings over the top so the stalks stayed in.. you could see the adundance of resin floating around in the whiskey.. try it if you like.. it will fuck you up bigtime ! :)
Absinthe has higher alcohol content and is therefore more effective at pulling the THC - apart from canna foods I can recommend cannacologne made from pure alcohol for a lovely aftershave or cannapillow where I stuff a pillow full of dried buds so the aroma helps me sleep and dream of big buds and if you have excess seeds give them to your parrots and they will sing songs that blow your mind finally I am designing a new CannaCharm where a fat bud is sealed in transparent plastic locket that could be worn as Cannaccessories and kept for years and years even decades before being opened to smoke an ancient bud. At the end once everything you can use has been used then the remainder is for Cannabilism whereby I use them for to make CannaCompost for my plants - perhaps one day it will be in tins in supermarkets then you can buy a Can of Canna............
Making me CannaButter now :D

The CannaVodka is MummmUmmmmmM Good :drool:
Next time More and Bigger Nuggs:booya:
