I think it's perfectly valid to want more AND to want to avoid terpenes in cannabis products. Much as with cigarettes, some like relatively unprocessed tobacco/nicotine and others want menthol and all kinds of flavors/scents and other additives.
I don't see anything here to be worked-up about. I don't see any parties promoting 'lies' or some type of conspiracy. It's more a situation that nobody knows what they are talking about, what boosts THC effects -- Be worth $billions if this could be figured out. Many, including both well-intentioned and greed-motivated researchers and corporations, have been trying to figure this out for decades. All of these unknowns about cannibinoids' perceived effects is yet another factor preventing related mainstream drug approvals. It will probably have to wait until full US legalization for rigorous cilnical trials with real-time inhalation stream chemical analysis and scoring of subjective effects by experienced users to figure out this entourage effect stuff for real.