Cannabinoid/Terpene Synthesis Question

I understand that much, my issue is this.
There is either a real difference in the psychoactive effects of different strains or it is a perceptual placebo. If the former is true than marketing different effects around different terpene profiles Is a lie. If the latter is true than marketing different effects around different terpenes profiles is also a lie. Either way its a lie.
I think most would agree that there is "a real difference in the" perceived "psychoactive effects of different strains," likely due to minor cannabinoids and various terpenes.
That's kinda wat I'm saying I smoke both rec and medical and again I don't bother with what is on box as not enough real info exists on the real effects the only person that's had access is a Dr over in Jerusalem but like I was saying the big companies and even the government funded and continue to fund the research of cannabis so not sure wats wat as he could be in there pocket sorta speak. I personally think terps are there only to make it taste good and no effects come from them for me not that they are noticed by me anyway.
I think it's perfectly valid to want more AND to want to avoid terpenes in cannabis products. Much as with cigarettes, some like relatively unprocessed tobacco/nicotine and others want menthol and all kinds of flavors/scents and other additives.

I don't see anything here to be worked-up about. I don't see any parties promoting 'lies' or some type of conspiracy. It's more a situation that nobody knows what they are talking about, what boosts THC effects -- Be worth $billions if this could be figured out. Many, including both well-intentioned and greed-motivated researchers and corporations, have been trying to figure this out for decades. All of these unknowns about cannibinoids' perceived effects is yet another factor preventing related mainstream drug approvals. It will probably have to wait until full US legalization for rigorous cilnical trials with real-time inhalation stream chemical analysis and scoring of subjective effects by experienced users to figure out this entourage effect stuff for real.
That's just it, in my region we are being sold lies. Claims are being made about effects directly related to terpene profiles. They've had to change their wording to border legality. All this is from a fundamentally flawed point of view from the start.

Wouldn't it make 1000x more sense that the unknown and minor cannabinoids that have psychoactive effects are responsible for varying psychoactive experiences?
Why are terpenes even considered a factor, let alone the most commonly believed main factor?