Extraction Canna Olive Oil - Ditch the Pain Pills!!

I am compiling comments and effects from patients, stoners, and AFN members. This is an amazingly effective pain relief medicine as well as a nice buzz for the brave.

:peace: stay tuned
I'm very excited for this Mustard and I hope it becomes a sticky! as opiate addiction and those of us who hate chemical meds now have an alternative that is 100% natural, no side effects, and actual pain relief.

I have been treating our cat with it as well. he was diagnosed last August with renal failure and we were told he had weeks to live. I bought Urinary Gold off petwellbeing.com and he gets that twice a day with a dropper of my oil. he's been on the canna oil for a few weeks now and its really helping him. its for pets too!! :thumbup:
Dude i love it ...

Been.on it for a good few days over a week ...
Almost feels like my shoulders rebuilding ...
Sounds crazy but i feel like its even stronger ...

3 tsps had me Anihilated. .
Woke up like Whoa ...
Had drool On Tsp. And now i have taken it down to aboht 1 total a day 1/2 am ...1/2 4pm and.im doing good all.day ...
Now u take Tsp.before bed and Call Me.in Da Morning if ya still feeling sick we ginna make u take.2 more ....it wont kill ya but make.ya sleep w/oda sheep
Oh shit ....told Mustard about Ma Sadie ...old 12year old Tiger stripe Pit ...
Bad Arthritis ....
Bitch can.run.on.1/2 tsp.as well ...
swamp that's awesome man! about your shoulder and Ol' Girl Sadie! it works just as good for critters! they benefit from it as well. Runty loves it! he meows at the kitchen sink cuz her knows his personal dropper bottle is on the windowsill above the sink lol

I hope to see more folks use it on their animals as natural meds. Vets are just as evil as our docs. hell they had ol' boy dead 10 months ago. told me to "make him comfortable" lmao! we sure did!!
Hell Yeah Bro ....i think once the CM.ISdone.ill.make.a.batch with 2oz abatch lol ...oops....its dangerous ...

But man.it sure does.hit ya when it does....

Didnt.know.what i was in.for but 3 tsp was.insane ride to wonderland ....
After almost a year on it we can take a teaspoon after first meal of the day and then 2 or 3 teaspoons (or 1 tablespoon... 3 teaspoons is a 1 tablespoon no?) so we've built a bit of a tolerance but it has leveled off.... more than a tablespoon and it's :nightdrag:
Is it possible to sticky this?

Tried several times with coconut oil but didn't work

At this moment I'm have

- Grounded buds about 20 grams
- Crock pot. There are 3 settings. 1) Hot 2) Medium 3) Warm (this is generally used when the hot or medium settings turns off and then it automatically switched to warm) Would the warm setting be good enough?

Do not have the oil yet. As I find it hard to find First Pressed Olive Oil. It's pretty easy to find Cold Pressed.
Since I only have 20g's of grounded bud do I have to put in less oil?
My crock pot is pretty big. So not sure if the oil would cover all the bud. Would that still be okay?

Hey RC, Ground bud is not the best as it requires finer straining. Also it is best not to stir it, Just let it steep on medium. I go 4-6 hours

Perhaps you can find a smaller contianer like a pyrex cup or bowl to put in the crockpot with a little water to transfer heat. Do not get water in oil mix.

Look close at the bottles some say cold but are also first press. We get big bottles at walmart for $12

For 20g I would use a little over a cup of oil.

Save up some bud its worth it. Any material you miss straining can spoil the oil pretty quick. For some 2oz of oil can last 2 months.

Costco $16.00


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