Extraction Canna cooking...


Jun 9, 2011
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The Cannabis Cookbook


Take 1 teaspoon black peppercorns, 1 whole nutmeg, 4 average sticks of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon coriander. These should all be pulverized in a mortar. About a handful each of stoned dates, dried figs, shelled almonds and peanuts: chop these and mix them together. A bunch of cannabis sativa can be pulverized. This along with the spices should be dusted over the mixed fruit and nuts, kneaded together. About a cup of sugar dissolved in a big pat of butter. Rolled into a cake and cut into balls about the size of a walnut, it should be eaten with care. Two pieces are quite sufficient.

This is a traditional Indian recipe, given a slightly Aztec flavor.

Take four ounces of chopped leaf or two ounces of heads, and an equal quantity of gee or butter and place in a vessel. Add a pint of water, and slow boil for 1 - 3 hours allowing the fat molecules to dissolve most of the THC.

Leave saucepan to cool and settle, then place in the refrigerator. Wait until the butter sets, then take the layer of canna butter off the stinking brew. Most of the THC will be concentrated in the canna butter. Refrigerate for later use.


Take 2 lbs. of sugar, and adding a little water, place it in a saucepan over a stove. When the sugar dissolves and froths, two ounces of milk are added;. A thick scum rises and is removed. More milk and a little water are added from time to time, and the boiling continued about an hour, the solution being carefully stirred until it becomes an adhesive clear syrup, ready to solidify on a cold surface.

Four ounces of powdered chocolate are stirred in, and lastly the canna butter is introduced, brisk stirring being continued for a few minutes. A few drops of rose water are then quickly sprinkled in, and the mixture poured from the saucepan onto a flat cold dish or slab where it solidifies into a thin cake, which is divided into small lozenge shaped pieces.

Ingredients: One bag of Hershey's Chocolate Chips A quarter cup of powdered sugar [ optional: if you want it sweeter
] A quarter ounce of your best buds

In a double boiler, melt the chocolate chips until slightly chunky. Then in a blender, put buds in until they are finely chopped. Then add the chopped buds into the chocolate. Add sugar if you want. Mix all together, let it stay on heat for about five minutes. Take off heat and let cool slightly. Grease a baking sheet or a candy bar shaping pan and pour the mixture into it. Freeze the chocolate mixture until completely firm. (Keep away from baking soda otherwise it will get that weird baking soda taste.) Cut into two inch bars. Then Enjoy!!

I put the minimum amount of buds in the recipe, of course you can use more. About three or four bars should give you a good buzz.

Just make a regular chocolate chip cookie batch, your very favorite kind. Then look at the weed you're gonna cook with and decide how many cookies you'd like it to make. So if you've got say a couple joint's worth, make maybe 3 or 4 cookies with it. Experiment with amounts. Maybe you've got just enough for one cookie.

Then to make sure all the THC is properly isomerized by heat (something I'm not sure would otherwise happen given the short cooking time and relatively low mid-cookie temperature), saute the weed in a bit of vegetable oil in a little pan or pot at a low-med temperature 'til it's nice and aromatic and getting just a bit crispy and darker, but *not* to the point of toasted, brown, or god forbid, burnt in any way. Cool the oil/weed mixture down, then add however may cookies' worth of dough to the pan, mix it all up to get all the weed and now-psychoactive green oil blended in, and then dollop out your special green cookies onto the baking sheet along with their paler non-psychedelic brethren and bake away!

Hint: don't use too much oil to precook the weed, or the cookies will be too, well, oily.

Variation: don't use any oil at all to precook the weed, just stir it around in a dry pan, being again very careful not to burn any. I'm not sure which works best in terms of THC utilization - with oil or without, but I feel a bit safer using some oil because the heat is more evenly distributed and there's less chance of burning.

This last technique, cooking the weed in a dry pan, is from the famous early 70's primer "A Child's Garden of Grass" and does work very well if you're careful not to burn, allowing you to add the isomerized toasted grass to almost anything. I particularly like sprinkling it on toast with butter and honey. Yummy!

The good doctor put this recipe on some broadsheets and handed them out at a Folk Music Festival. The organizers got upset, so doc delivered the remainder of the samples to some thankful musicians. Here's the recipe part of that sheet for your research and enjoyment.

You trim leaves 10 cm long from the main and 8 cm long from the side shoots to get flower sites to proliferate, right? What to do with 'useless' leaf while waiting for females to bloom?

150 gm butter (salty)
200 gm dark chocolate
1 cup raw sugar
3 60 gm eggs
1/2 cup plain flour
Nutmeg and Cinnamon
2 tbsp vanilla essence
2-3 oz dried ground leaf
1/4 cup chopped nuts (if desired)

Pre-heat oven to 175c, grease baking dish @ 25x35cm. Over low heat, melt butter and chocolate stirring constantly. Remove from heat and add spices, sugar and eggs. Stir until smooth, add flour, nuts and powdered leaf. Stir well (add dash of skim milk if necessary), pour into pan and bake for 20 to 25 mins. Cool and cut into 16 to 30 squares according to bravado. Lasts 6 hours.


12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
4 Tablespoons Green Butter*
1/4 cup superfine white granulated sugar
2 egg yolks, beaten
1 cup finely chopped blanched almonds
1/3 cup liqueur ( Kahlua or Gran Marnier, etc.)
chocolate decorates, chopped blanched almonds, or sweetened powered cocoa to roll the truffles in.

To make Green Butter: take at least 4 oz. of shake leaf ( a good place to use up those harvest trimmings) place it in a pot with approximately 8 cups of water. Bring this to the simmering boil and add one pound of butter. Simmer this for at least 2 hours. Strain off liquid . Put a couple of cups of boiling water over the residual leaf to rinse more of the butter off the leaf: I use a potato ricer to squeeze the rest out of the leaf. Place all the liquid in wide bowl ( makes it easier to work with if a wide bowl). Allow this to cool then place in refrigerator. The butter will float to the top, and you can lift it off. Discard the remaining liquid. Use the Green Butter in recipes, or can eat on toast, etc., potent at this stage! You can freeze the Green Butter in a covered container for future use.
To make Truffles: Melt chocolate in double boiler , and gradually add in the butter. Add sugar and cook, stirring constantly , until the sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and allow to cool as much as possible without letting it harden. Take about one to two tablespoons of the hot chocolate mixture and stir into the egg yolks to warm them before adding to the rest of the chocolate mixture, then stir in. Add almonds and mix well. Stir in liqueur. Allow this to cool and then put in the refrigerator to harden. When it firms up. use a spoon (I use a melon baller) to scoop up enough to make a ball about one and a half inches in diameter. Roll the ball in your palms. to form a ball. Then roll the ball into the chocolate decorates or almonds or whatever. Place in little paper cups for presentation.

Tips: To make superfine granulated sugar ( if you don't want to buy it) place regular sugar in a blender and whiz it- but not too much or you'll end up with powered sugar.

Also, I try to make several flavored batches at a time and "match" the stuff I roll them in with the type of flavored liqueur. For example, with the Gran Marnier I use the choc. decorates; with Frangelico, almonds, and Kahlua, powdered cocoa sweetened with powdered sugar. I am sure there are a zillion combinations.

These make perfect holiday gifts for those 'special' friends. The Truffles freeze very well for storage.

Pot Butter

2 oz average grade pot
1 cup butter
2 cups water
boil together for 1 hour. Strain hot mix, rinse with more hot water to wash out the butter from the pot. Let it stand in a cool place. The butter should harden on top of the water. Skim off and save the butter; throw out the gross water and the boiled pot, both have served their purpose.

2 cups oatmeal
1 cup brown sugar
2 squares unsweetened bakers chocolate melted
your 1 cup of pot butter melted

Mix and spread in 7 X 9 pan, then bake at 350 F. for 25 mins. Mark squares, 2 X 2 inch, before pan cools for easier removal. Enjoy.


2 cups flour
2 eggs
1 cup quaker dry oatmeal
1 tbsp vanilla
1/2 cup cocoa
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 pound (1 stick) butter
1 tbsp walnut extract
1 oz. of finely ground cannabis

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. If there is not enough liquid to mix all ingredients after 5 minutes of stirring, add a tiny amount of milk to aid in mixing of remaining ingredients. Taste batter before cooking and adjust amount of sugar to your liking. Place on a lightly greased cookie sheet and bake for 8 to 12 minutes, depending on how large you made your cookies. Can be cooked for a shorter time for chewier cookies, or a longer time for drier, crisp cookies.

CARAMEL CORN, Tasmanian Style
(amounts vary with amount of butter used)

A fair wad of ready prepared butter (I find it works better if no water is added in this recipe, and use freshly prepared butter if possible.)
Brown Sugar (about twice as much as the butter)
Popcorn and a dash of oil to cook it in.
Prepare the butter in the usual way, except, as mentioned above, don't use water in the recipe as the butter works better when freshly made rather than having sat overnight.
Slowly add brown sugar, making sure that the stove is only on low heat. Don't strain the butter, as the sugar caramelizes around the pot.
When the sugar is completely dissolved, and is going to a toffee type texture, take off heat and allow to cool for a moment, but make sure it stays liquid. If you want some variety, then add some ice cream topping - I find that either Caramel, Strawberry or Blueberry work best.

Prepare the popcorn in the usual manner.
Pour the caramel mixture over the popcorn, and put it in the fridge for a while, until the caramel has hardened.
Eat while watching movies, it should hit hard right in the middle. Be careful if you have made it strong, once when I made this with a few friends, I put about 1/4 oz of bud in and the night ended up with most of the people curled up into little balls, shivering and generally freaking out. Unless you enjoy that type of thing, of course.

Smooth & Creamy CocoPot Ice Cream

6 oz. swiss chocolate
2 1/4 cup custard(pre-made)
1 1/4 cup whipped cream, whipped
1/4 oz skunk or Northern lights
melt chocolate (either in microwave or in double boiler). Using a rubber spatula put chocolate in with custard and mix well. Using a rubber spatula fold pre whipped cream into the above mixture. Put all into a plastic container cover and freeze, if in freezer for a long time set out at room temperature for 2-3 mins. Serve 3 scoops on small dessert plate and top with chocolate shavings.

1 can condensed beef broth
3 tablespoons marijuana
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 can water
3 tablespoons chopped watercress

Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Place in a refrigerator for two to three hours, reheat, and serve.

Pork and Beans and Pot
1 large can pork and beans
1/2 cup marijuana
4 slices bacon
1/2 cup light molasses
1/2 teaspoon hickory salt
3 pineapple rings

Mix together in a casserole, cover top with pineapple and bacon, bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes. Serves about six.

The Meat Ball
1 lb. hamburger
1/4 cup chopped onions
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/4 cup bread crumbs
3 tablespoons Marijuana
3 tablespoons India relish

Mix it up and shape into meatballs. Brown in frying pan and drain. Place in a casserole with soup and 1/2 cup water, cover and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes. Feeds about four people.

Spaghetti Sauce
1 can tomato paste
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup chopped onions
1/2 cup chopped marijuana
1 pinch pepper
1 can water (6 oz)
1/2 clove minced garlic
1 bay leaf
1 pinch thyme
1/2 teaspoon salt

Mix in a large pot, cover and shimmer with frequent stirring for two hours. Serve over spaghetti.

Marijuana Loaf
1 packet onion soup mix
1 can whole peeled tomatoes (16 oz)
1/2 cup chopped marijuana
2 lbs. ground beef
1 egg
4 slices bread, crumbed

Mix all ingredients and shape into a loaf. Bake for one hour in 400 degree oven. Serves about six.

Chili Bean Pot
2 lbs. pinto beans
1 lb. bacon, cut into two inch sections
2 cups red wine
4 tablespoons chili powder
1/2 clove garlic
1 cup chopped marijuana
1/2 cup mushrooms

Soak beans overnight in water. In a large pot pour boiling water over beans and simmer for at least an hour, adding more water to keep beans covered. Now add all other ingredients and continue to simmer for another three hours. Salt to taste. Serves about ten.

Apple Pot
4 apples (cored)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup water
4 cherries
1/3 cup chopped marijuana
2 tablespoons cinnamon

Powder the marijuana in a blender, then mix it with sugar and water. Stuff cores with this paste. Sprinkle apples with cinnamon, and top with a cherry. Bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees.

Marijuana Brownies
1/2 cup flour
3 tablespoons shortening
2 tablespoons honey
1 egg (beaten)
1 tablespoon water
1/2 cup marijuana
pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons corn syrup
1 square melted chocolate
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup chopped nuts

Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together. Mix shortening, sugar, honey, syrup, and egg. Then blend in chocolate and other ingredients, mix well. Spread in an eight inch pan and bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees.

Banana Bread
1/2 cup shortening
2 eggs
1 teaspoon lemon juice
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup sugar
1 cup mashed bananas
2 cups sifted flour
1/2 cup chopped marijuana
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped nuts

Mix the shortening and sugar, beat eggs, and add to mixture. Separately mix bananas with lemon juice and add to the first mixture. Sift flour, salt, and baking powder together, then mix all ingredients together. Bake for 1 1/4 hours at 375 degrees.

Sesame Seed Marijuana Cookies
3 oz ground roast sesame seeds
3 tablespoons ground almonds
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 cup honey
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 oz marijuana

Toasts you can try. Pick a medium sized leaf off the marijuana plant and dip it into a cup of drawn butter, add salt, and eat. lace skillet over low flame and add 1 tablespoon of salt butter. Allow it to cook. When cool, roll mixture into little balls and dip them into the sesame seeds.

Bhang Recipe
Flavors of India by Shanta Nimbark Sacharoff.

2 cups water
1 ounce marijuana (fresh leaves and flowers of a female plant preferred)
4 cups warm milk
2 tablespoons blanched and chopped almonds
1/8 teaspoon garam masala [a mixture of cloves, cinnamon, and cardamon]
1/4 teaspoon powdered ginger
1/2 to 1 teaspoon rosewater
1 cup sugar
Bring the water to a rapid boil and pour into a clean teapot. Remove any seeds or twigs from the marijuana, add it to the teapot and cover. Let this brew for about 7 minutes. Now strain the water and marijuana through a piece of muslin cloth, collect the water and save. Take the leaves and flowers and squeeze between your hands to extract any liquid that remains. Add this to the water. Place the leaves and flowers in a mortar and add 2 teaspoons warm milk. Slowly but firmly grind the milk and leaves together. Gather up the marijuana and squeeze out as much milk as you can. Top

Repeat this process until you have used about 1/2 cup of milk (about 4 to 5 times). Collect all the milk that has been extracted and place in a bowl. By this time the marijuana will have turned into a pulpy mass. Add the chopped almonds and some more warm milk. Grind this in the mortar until a fine paste is formed. Squeeze this paste and collect the extract as before. Repeat a few more times until all that is left are some fibers and nut meal. Discard the residue. Combine all the liquids that have been collected, including the water the marijuana was brewed in. Add to this the garam masala, dried ginger and rosewater. Add the sugar and remaining milk. Chill, serve, and enjoy.

It seems a bit labor intensive, but then it is meant as an offering to Shiva.

1 lb. hot red pepper linguine
1 1/2 lb. white mushrooms
2 green peppers, cut up
1/8 lb. fine bud or leaf of ganja
1 1/2 stick butter
1/2 pint of half-and-half cream
4 cloves chopped garlic
1 cup chopped fresh basil (or 2 tsp. dry basil)

Take the ganja and heat it in butter over moderate flame. Cook the butter in a double-boiler pot, making sure you heat it for at least 20 minutes, making sure not to burn the butter. Strain out the leaf and set the butter aside. Cook your linguine, but not too long. Pour your
butter into another pan and add pepper, garlic and mushrooms, and sauté them a couple of minutes. Then drain the linguine and add to
the sauté mixture. Pour in the cream and let it slowly reduce. The cream slowly thickens over a low flame. When it boils off the bottom of the pan, you are ready to eat.


1 1/2 cups shrimp
1 cup white vinegar
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup fresh basil (finely chopped)
1/3 oz. fine ganja leaves
1 stick butter or margarine
2 tsp thyme
2 tsp oregano
3 large baking potatoes
1 cup flour
1 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tsp paprika
1 yellow onion (finely chopped)
3 cloves of garlic (finely chopped)
4 tsp good olive oil

Leave shrimp in shells and marinate them for two hours in the white vinegar mixed with basil, thyme and oregano. Meanwhile, melt the butter or margarine in a double boiler and add the ganja. Heat for 20 minutes, making sure not to burn the butter. Quarter the potatoes into thick wedges. Place flour, pepper and paprika into a paper bag. Wet the potato wedges with water and toss them in the flour and spices until they're coated. Fry the potatoes until golden brown and set aside. Then sauté the onion and garlic in the olive oil and toss in the shrimp for a couple of minutes, until they're tender. Dip the shrimp in a dish of warm puna butter and you sail with Santa RA.

1 loaf whole-wheat bread
1 cup sliced avocado
1 lb farmer's cheese (a white, mild cheese)
2 tsp. ground hemp seed
1 tsp. basil
1 stick margarine or butter

To prepare Chef RA's Puna Butter, melt the butter or margarine in a double boiler and add the ganja, cooking over a moderate flame for 20 minutes. (Don't burn the butter!) Strain out the plant matter and set aside. For the toastie, place slices of cheese, then avocado, on a piece of bread. Sprinkle with hemp seeds and basil. For extra variety, add tomato slices and sprouts or sun-dried tomatoes, and garlic.
Top with another slice of bread. Then drop a tablespoon of Puna Butter into a frying pan and grill the toastie on both sides, using low heat. Grill with as much butter as you can without burning the bread, covering the pan to melt the cheese. Get TOASTED, baby!
Cannabutter #1

Ingredients: 1 lb (450 g) butter
1 oz (28 g)good ganja or hash or 2 oz (57 g) leaves

Method: Melt the butter slowly in the pan. Grind down your ganja to a fine powder and sift out any stalky bits. Gently add to the melted butter and stir in well. It will turn dark green if you're using grass.
Keep on a low heat for up to a half an hour without letting it burn, giving it plenty of stirring.
Then pour through a fine strainer squeezing all the butter into a jug. You can use the mush in a drink or simply compost it. Pour your Cannabutter into jars and seal them tightly for storage in the fridge. If you cover the hardened butter with a little water, this will help it keep a little longer.

Cannabutter #2

Melt 0.5 kg of butter or ghee in a saucepan. Add several ounces of finely sifted marijuna. Simmer and stir for a few minutes until the butter takes on a greenish color of the grass.
Pour the butter through a fine stainer. Press the mash firmly to squeeze out as much butter as possible. A little heat may be applied beneath the mash to help the butter flow better.
Do not discard the leafy material. Simmer it in (hot) milk or vodka and sweeten with honey to make a tasty and effective beverage.
For extra potency the process may be repeated by heating more marijuana in the same butter. Otherwise do as above.
To store cannabutter may be frozen or kept for a long time in the refrigerator by pouring water over it.
A simpler and more potent cannabutter can be done by using hashish or hash oil instead of marijuana. Heat and stir until all the hash or oil dissolves in the butter. As much hash or oil may be used as desired as it will dissolve very easily.

Cannabutter #3

Fill a large pot 1/3 the way with crushed and crumbled bud and leaf. Fill the pot 3/4 way with a mixture of 1 part butter and 4 more parts water. Boil for 30 minutes stirring frequently.
Remove as much debris from the bottom as possible. Allow the liquids to cool to room temperature,then refrigerate. The butter will harden on the top and can be removed. Be gentle to keif layer. Discard the water.
If a stronger product is desired the process can be repeated with fresh water and grass.
Canna Cabana Lollipops


First off read all the way thr0ugh first

Items needed
2 cups granulated sugar
2/3 cup light corn syrup
3/4 cup water
cookies sheets
1/8th cannabutter for the cookie sheets
flavoring,,,i use peppermint,,,lime,,, orange,,,cherry whatever floats your boat
candy thermometer
pint of rum 150 proof
25-30 lollipops sticks
4 grams keif

First lets make the tincture,,,,add around 1 ounce rum to a deep saucepan ,,,add keif and start to heat,,,heat it slowly as you don't want it to get to hot around 175 will do nicely,,,you will get more heat later,,,,after you have mixed and cooked the keif for around 4to 6 minutes remove from heat and let stand to cool,,once cool pour in glass jar,,you should only have about 1/8th left and it will evaporate later,,,now place somewhere to cool,,, Rinse pan and fill with water and heat it back up///used to keep spoon clean,,,,

Next combine your ingredients in saucepan,,,,,everything except the tincture and the flavoring,,,,set aside

next butter your cookie sheet and place in fridge,,,,,

Now heat and mix till you get to around 270, mix it very well,,once it is mixed and you cant feel the sugar turn the heat off and add the flavoring,,,be careful as the steam will burn ya,,,,you will notice that by now the temps are around 290,,,when it cools back to 250 add the tincture in and mix,,,,,the rum will be gone by now,,,if not all gone it just give a little kick,,,,moonshine in place of rum works great...

Now working very fast take a tablespoon and dip out the mix onto the cookie sheet or into your molds,,,you need to be fast as the spoon gunk's up dip it into the hot water,,,flatten out the candy and add sticks,,,if the mix starts to get hard place the pan into the hot water of the other pan,,,i should have taken pictures but i was alone and had to work fast,,,,
MY absolute fav....



This is my updated large batch recipe and is pretty simple. It makes for some tasty meds.

It is very important to make your butter XXX potent so one or two does the trick. People will be amazed! Just be sure to eat them on a totally empty stomach for full effect!

this recipe produces 128 caramels aprox 1"x1"x0.5" and 20-30g each

Amount Measure Ingredient --
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
3 cup sugar
3 cup dark corn syrup
3 cup well strained cannabuter
3 can sweetened condensed milk
3 teaspoon vanilla
2 teaspoon almond extract
3 teaspoons salt

Lightly butter a 18"x12"x1" pan and set aside.

Melt butter in a 4 quart sauce pan add corn syrup and sugar. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly.

Boil slowly for 4 minutes stirring lightly and occasionally. After 4 min remove from the heat and stir in condensed milk.

Reduce heat to medium-low and cook until candy thermometer reads 245 (USE A CANDY THERMOMETER), stirring constantly. Once you hit 245*F Remove from the heat and stir in vanilla and almond extracts.

Pour into previously prepared pan. Cool. Remove from pan and cut into 1 inch squares. Wrap individually in waxed paper; twist ends.

CAUTION!!! It is strongly advised that you wear eye protection, long sleeves and gloves. This stuff is like napalm and has caused me many 2nd degree burns.

A few notes on butter preperation. Potency and clarity are very important for good caramels.

I typically use weed that I have made bubble hash from. Since it's been stripped of a lot of it's cannabinoids I tripple run my butter. This process is simple. You load the crock pot with butter and weed and cook it 24 hours. You strain the butter, discard the cooked weed and add more weed to the crock pot with the once run butter. Do this three times. On the third batch I like to add and hash trash and unprocessed weed i have to up the THC to CBD/CBN ratio.

Little particles of plant mater have the tendency to burn in the production of caramels. This is why it's very important to thoroughly strain and wash your butter. The procedure I use is to pour melted butter into 2liter soda bottles with about a cup of water at the bottom and allow to solidify at room temp. The fin particles settle out at the bottom and can be sliced off after total solidification.

next I "Wash" the butter by placing in a large stock pot with at least a gallon of water. I bring to a boil for 10 min while whisking. This increases contact between the butter and water allowing for water soluble contaminants like chlorophyll to transfer out of the butter and into the water. I let the butter go solid in the stock pot and remove. You will see a lot of sludge and more fine particles at the bottom of the pot.

Last step is to remelt the butter and cast into 1 cup blocks or cylinders if you use plastic cups like me.

These processes may seem excessive but the results will truly amaze and stupefy your friends. Especially the ones that always say "I never get high off edibles".
Revised butter... siimple...

1. Take 2 oz shake or bud...add 2 lbs butter...2 quarts water... simmer for 2-3 hrs
2. Cool and strain out weed, place in fridge. Butter will solidify, then remove water...
3. place butter back into pot/crock pot with 2 quarts fresh water simmer 1/2 hour... repeat step 2...

Your washing your butter clean of the "weed" smell and flavor...by washing it... doesnt effect potency. Just tastes excellent.

use 3oz for delusional cooking...
Patty Pot Peanut Butter Canny Cookies

All right. No excuses now. Here’s a recipe that’s so easy, so cheap, and so potent that you have to try it.This recipe is simple but there are some tricks.

Trick One: Make your cannabutter with unsalted (sweet) butter. Remember, low and slow for that emerald green butter. Check out “Better Bud Butter” for cannabutter preparation tips. Our cannabutter is derived from California Orange from the Western Sierra slopes. Obviously, our butter mentor was named Patty. Either that or we just love alliteration.

Trick Two: Cannabutter does not bake the same way as dairy butter. The melting point and other physical characteristics are different. You can use all cannabutter or use a 75/25 mix of cannabutter and sweet dairy butter. If you dilute the cannabutter you obviously will have less potent cookies. Instead of diluting try adding a bit of Crisco and/or extra peanut butter.

Trick Three: Depending on just how your cannabutter was made, the cookies will cook differently. Remember to check your cookies every couple of minutes after the initial nine minutes. Canny cookies generally cook in about 2/3 thirds of the time as normal. Baking temperatures should be lower.

¾ cup Black Out Bud Butter (room temperature)
¾ cup cane sugar
1 ¼ cup dark brown sugar
2 eggs
20 oz creamy peanut butter (Nancy only uses Jif)
2 tablespoons vanilla extract (oh, use the good stuff)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda (fresh-not the one open in the fridge)
3 to 3 ½ cups of sifted flour

Preheat your oven to 300 degrees and grease up or butter a nonstick cookie sheet (I like the PAM no stick spray of canola oil)

In a large bowl beat the butter until soft (or use a double boiler). Add both sugars and mix until smooth. Mix in the egg and vanilla extract. We use a bowl and large rubber spatula for this. Avoid electric mixers as you may end up with paste instead of cookie dough (Nancy Wife is expert with mixers and can get away with it). A range of flour is given as sometimes you just have to eyeball the amount and use just enough flour to keep the dough from being runny. Sift together all of the dry ingredients and then mix into the butter/egg mixture. Add peanut butter to taste. We use about 20 ounces.

Important Tip: Refrigerate the dough for at least three hours.

Roll the dough into rounded teaspoon sized balls and arrange on the cookie sheet. Press down on each ball with a fork making a crisscross pattern. Bake for 9-12 minutes until light brown. The American Peanut Butter Cookie Association (APBCA) informs me that cookies without the traditional crisscross do not count.

Optional: Add some chocolate bits to the dough when ready or place on the tops of the cookie.

Warning! Depending upon the potency of your cannabutter, these little cookies can be very strong. Do not eat them like you would a bag of Chip Ahoys. One is great. Two is wonderful. Any consumption over two is strictly recreational not medical. Remember cannabis medicine is only illegal for those who enjoy it.

Recommended beverage: Got milk?
Just finished reading this thread, we need to find another way to organize it, awesome thread but I bet it's overwhelming for some users. We should start making these and have users post photos of their goods. :p
A Cooking section with Sugar Free, non sugar free, vegan/vegetarian, sections maybe? Step by step w/pics. I will do my Sugar Free Pecan Pie, tell me where to post it, if you want to see it?

I don't think we need to add more sections, but I'm always anti section I feel it creates less discussion haha. I was thinking perhaps tags and organization that's consistent for each recipe through out the recipe. The sugar free, vegetarian sections I say we could just note the recipe with a tag, i.e: [SF] or [VEG]

so a thread title or post title would be "Eek & Root Pecan Pie [SF]" does that make sense? What I want to organize is how there's "tips" all over the place and there's no real organization to the recipes. I think Cres just wanted to get them out there, I'll revise one or two to a format and ask cres to review it and see if it's something you and I can take over.. edibles are awesome!
So here's what I had for an idea.. I replaced all the raw ingredients with what they would be about if you used what you find at the grocery store. I replaced the "handful" measurements with true measurements, a 1/4 cup is a little less than a handful to me. I used the experience I have in actually cooking to adjust the recipe a bit but didn't change the concept.

Haschich Fudge [SNACK]

1/4 TSP Black Pepper
3 TSP Ground Nutmeg
2 TSP Cinnamon
1 TSP Coriander
1/4 Cup Stoned Dates
1/4 Cup Dried Figs
1/4 cup Shelled Almonds
1/4 Cup Peanuts
3 Cup Sugar
2 Sticks of Butter
1/3 Cup Buttermilk
21-28g cannabis buds, destemmed, finely ground

1 teaspoon vanilla (use extract, not imitation unless necessary)


Wooden Spoon
Measuring Cup
Electric Mixer
Candy Thermometer
Sharp Knife
Small Bowl
Medium Bowl
Brownie Pan / Fudge Dish

Measuring Spoons


Take Black Pepper, Ground Nutmeg, Cinnamon and Coriander and mix together in small bowl.
Once they're mixed thoroughly mix in with the 3 cups of Sugar and set this bowl aside.
Chop Stoned Dates, Dried Figs, Shelled Almonds and Peanuts with sharp knife, cut into small pieces, not fine but small pieces, about the size of an M&M or smaller.


Place both sticks of butter in the saucepan and turn the burner on about half way. Once butter is melted add 1/3 cup of buttermilk and the sugar and spice mix. Stir until well mixed. Add cannabis and stir again until well mixed.
Now place your candy thermometer in the mixture and turn raise the temperature of the mixture to 252 degrees (this is a little more than half, about "MED HI" on some stoves.
Once candy thermometer reaches 252 degrees, remove saucepan from the burner and stir in your fruits and nuts. Use an electric mixer and mix on high for 5-7 minutes. Place mixture in
brownie pan or fudge dish. Ideally you want the fudge to be 1.5 - 2 inches thick. Let fudge cool for about 2-4 hours.


Cut fudge into 2x2 cubes with hopefully between 1.5 - 2 inch thickness. Two servings is adequate, adjust based on cannabis concentration.


Lasts about a week in the fridge, indefinitely in the freezer.