Indoor Candy Kush Scrog

Before I found this forum, most things I read about autos said don't train them because of the quick life span. Perhaps you could get away some light LST but that's about it. The few journals I could find that included some form of light LST seemed to add quality and quantity to the end result. So in the back of mind I've always thought that some sort of scrog MUST be beneficial for auto growing. I just could never find any auto/scrog journals until I found this forum and in particular this thread. This has flipped my whole view.
Congrats Dread! That's a sweet haul :D
I must try scrog before too long. Lst has worked well for me so far, but your results have got me eager to try something different.
Congrats my brother! That is def a nice pile o bud ya gotts there! Looks like you will be leaving santa a nice treat this year!:) if he doesn't make it to my place I'll tell my kid its a limey dreads fault! Lmao jk bro.....anyway hope your move goes smoothly and get back to us with that xmas smoke report!
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Harvest time! Finding it quite difficult to post at the moment as ive spiderwebbed my phone screen but ill do my best! Im very pleasantly surprised with how much I managed to get, one bud bigger than my hand! Anyway, heres the pics. That pile looked f**king sweet!

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I didnt get a wet weight, but im looking forward to having a sample (which im saving for a christmas eve treat) so at the moment ive got them drying im paper bags inside the tent with just extraction running for air flow.. so I need to get a few more mason jars haha! Then its just a case of taking everything down and into boxes ready to move. So step one complete! I'll do a grow-analysis when im in less danger of cut thumb from broken glass... take it easy afn! Lots of love x

Reppin' the Scrog Squad like a BOSS! My man, Dread!! Nice haul, bro! I start my 2 week flush tomorrow! Can't wait to whip out the blades! CHOP! CHOP!

Before I found this forum, most things I read about autos said don't train them because of the quick life span. Perhaps you could get away some light LST but that's about it. The few journals I could find that included some form of light LST seemed to add quality and quantity to the end result. So in the back of mind I've always thought that some sort of scrog MUST be beneficial for auto growing. I just could never find any auto/scrog journals until I found this forum and in particular this thread. This has flipped my whole view.

There's plenty of scrogged autos floating around AFN, bro! I got one about to wrap up, Roark2.0 has some examples... Scrog your autos, bro. You'll be happy you did!

Autoflowering Cannabis has been doing a fair share of that lately :)

Preach on, brutha! PREACH!

Congrats Dread! That's a sweet haul :D
I must try scrog before too long. Lst has worked well for me so far, but your results have got me eager to try something different.

The Scrog Squad has room for more, G! Wzup?!
Thats a nice pile o buds you got there dread!!!!!!! :drool: Congrats on a fine harvest bro :)

Way to go my friend. A very informative thread and a well decent harvest too. You worked hard for this and you so deserve to have a high old Crimble Eve. I will be looking out for your smoke report as I have two Candy Kush on the go as we speak. Just babies at the mo.

Well done!

:slap: Great pull on the Scrog there! You guys are doing great work proving that autos can be successfully scrogged to great outcomes :)))