Indoor Candy Kush Scrog

Looking great dread, nice to see you started the tucking! Don't worry too much about a snapped stem, it will happen occasionally in a scrog. It wasn't until my 4th attempt I managed to get through the whole grow without a snapped main stem :grin:. As noods said, they're easier to train when they're dry so if possible do the major tucking just before watering and never directly after watering. Another thing I tried is to pre-bend them, so before pulling the main shoot under, tie it down to the top of the screen to straighten out the 90 degree bend and leave it like that for a few hours then pull it all the way under. That way you're not bending more than 90 degrees at a time. I found that helpful in avoiding snapped stems.
You're probably right about a rigid screen as opposed to a net. I often find myself pulling on the net to make it easier to get the plant under.
I'm sure it will be fine bro, worst case she takes a few days to get over the stress. So you think the bamboo not such a good idea?

Thanks bro, i haven't quite made my mind up on the bamboo... I've had some pretty good advice that I'm going to take on board and hopefully make it a lot easier! It's easy to say 'nets are easier', but then i havent used nets before and I'm sure i would find a whole new set of problems! I think the rigidity of the bamboo's going to pay off in the long run, maybe next time I'll give it a go with a net to see the difference...

Sorry to hear that. Healing Karma on the way! :karma Cloud: :vibes:

A small tip: They're much more bendy and flexy when they're all droopy and thirsty. :thumbs:
:Sharing One:

Thank you so much for the tip Noods dude, for some reason i had the opposite in mind and thought they were bendier when fully hydrated.... guess that's why they snapped! The snapped limb is looking much better now, a couple of leaves died but there is new growth coming from the tip so i think shes alright... how long would you recommend leaving her to heal before i try tucking her again?


What's good bro, sorry to read about the troubles, I really don't have anything important to say, I've just been doin some rounds and wanted to let my presence known.
Question for you: when you bend the branches and or tuck do you pinch the stem first? I haven't scrogged yet(in the coming grows for sure) but did some lst and hst and I would pinch the stem all around(in a circle), I could feel the membrane being broken down inside without any severe damage and "knock on wood" I haven't broken one yet.
I think you'll be fine though, I've seen some people do some damage and it might slow em down a lil but they all recovered just fine, just watch for any infection around that area for the next week or so.

Growing Karma comin your way..

Free! How's it going bro? No i have to say i have never tried that technique... supercropping i think it's called? I haven't read much about it either as I've assumed high stress training isn't the best for autos.... i would love for my opinion to be changed though as crushing stems would certainly make it easier to weave them.... but if you're using it on autos and not noticing any stunting or slowing then i might have to school myself on it! Thanks for stopping by free, always good to hear from you regardless of how important it is!

Damn bro, hate to hear that. She'll heal up and give you some dank buds, no doubt.
:karma Cloud::vibes:

Thanks bandit, she's looking much better! It's real messy in there at the moment, stems and leaves going everywhere! Everytime i go for a look i can feel the anxiety rising because its not all neat and orderly.... but then i chill and take a look at one of DB's (and others) and i think "that field of bud is the tidyest neatest looking grow EVER!" Have you starded thinning out underneath your canopy yet? Peace brother!

Looking really good Dread. Haven't been around much recently, they're coming on a treat. Don't stress the breakage, they're strong plants and will bounce back in no time!

Thanks Gman, She doesn't seem to have missed a beat to be fair! Couple of dead leaves but thats not even a problem! Thanks for the kind words brother!

Looking great dread, nice to see you started the tucking! Don't worry too much about a snapped stem, it will happen occasionally in a scrog. It wasn't until my 4th attempt I managed to get through the whole grow without a snapped main stem :grin:. As noods said, they're easier to train when they're dry so if possible do the major tucking just before watering and never directly after watering. Another thing I tried is to pre-bend them, so before pulling the main shoot under, tie it down to the top of the screen to straighten out the 90 degree bend and leave it like that for a few hours then pull it all the way under. That way you're not bending more than 90 degrees at a time. I found that helpful in avoiding snapped stems.
You're probably right about a rigid screen as opposed to a net. I often find myself pulling on the net to make it easier to get the plant under.

Thanks for the advice DB, I was actually doing the opposite and bending just after feeding, so i definately see where i was going wrong! And great idea with the 2 part tuck, Ive implimented it from now... train them now and then tuck when they are thirsty and i reckon I'll be grand! When you do snap a stem, how much recovery time do you give them before you try to tuck them again? I think next time I'll try a net out (i bought one about halfway through building the bamboo one after a bit of doubt set in haha!) Thanks for your help dude, im often referring to your journals and i love your setup! long would you recommend leaving her to heal before i try tucking her again?
:dunno:I can't answer that with any real knowledge gained from experience, but I didn't want to ignore your question. The extent of my Cannabis Stress Training is limited to just pulling side branches down for more Bud Room and circulation. I've never done any Gymnastics like you guys do. I'm sure you'll get the answer to that question quick with the cool growers you got peekin in your tent!

She doesn't seem to have missed a beat to be fair!
:gthumb:Glad to hear that! :Sharing One:
Wzup, Dread?! Nah, bro, I haven't started thinning out any under bush just yet. To be honest, I don't know if I will do to much, if any at all. I'm still on the fence when it comes to thinning/pruning/trimming autos, because I've read so much how it takes so much time for them to recover, and they may go into shock, and all that. If I do any, it will be minimal. The bud sites are really racing towards the canopy of the net, and I am gonna love seeing the field of buds in a few weeks! How's the recovery going? She doing aaiight? Also, Roark2.0 is pretty knowledgeable about all things SCROG, so if you have questions that we can't answer, hit him up!
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Hey Dread, I can't tell ya if it stunted it or not, yields were more than the two I didn't do that to but I'm sure like anything it took extra time to heal, but but I never gave them a heavy crush, I mildly would go around an area gently softening it up till it would bend and then I'd let it go, but I seem to have gotten away with things that normally shouldn't be done and this could be one of those cases. So to anyone ever reading anything I put you should prob triple research it first...
Thanks for the advice DB, I was actually doing the opposite and bending just after feeding, so i definately see where i was going wrong! And great idea with the 2 part tuck, Ive implimented it from now... train them now and then tuck when they are thirsty and i reckon I'll be grand! When you do snap a stem, how much recovery time do you give them before you try to tuck them again? I think next time I'll try a net out (i bought one about halfway through building the bamboo one after a bit of doubt set in haha!) Thanks for your help dude, im often referring to your journals and i love your setup!

Glad I could be of help. I also learned not to tuck after watering the hard way. How long it takes to recover depends on how far through the crack goes. Sometimes if it's not too bad the shoot will keep growing and then you will have to continue the tucking, otherwise it will grow too far above the screen and be difficult to get under again. In that case I usually make a splint with a toothpick and masking tape. Then I tie a string just below where it snapped and tie it down to the pot, like when you do LST. That will keep the main stem bent and there is much less pressure on the break and you can continue tucking like usual.
Wzup, Dread?! Nah, bro, I haven't started thinning out any under bush just yet. To be honest, I don't know if I will do to much, if any at all. I'm still on the fence when it comes to thinning/pruning/trimming autos, because I've read so much how it takes so much time for them to recover, and they may go into shock, and all that. If I do any, it will be minimal. The bud sites are really racing towards the canopy of the net, and I am gonna love seeing the field of buds in a few weeks! How's the recovery going? She doing aaiight? Also, Roark2.0 is pretty knowledgeable about all things SCROG, so if you have questions that we can't answer, hit him up!

Yeah she's looking good bro, doesn't seem to have slowed at all! Yeah I remember seeing one of roarks grows ages ago and I've been tryingto remember who it was, so thank you for the hook up! You managed to snap any stems yet bandit?

Hey Dread, I can't tell ya if it stunted it or not, yields were more than the two I didn't do that to but I'm sure like anything it took extra time to heal, but but I never gave them a heavy crush, I mildly would go around an area gently softening it up till it would bend and then I'd let it go, but I seem to have gotten away with things that normally shouldn't be done and this could be one of those cases. So to anyone ever reading anything I put you should prob triple research it first...

Well i love the logic dude, i think I'll experiment with one and see what happens!

Glad I could be of help. I also learned not to tuck after watering the hard way. How long it takes to recover depends on how far through the crack goes. Sometimes if it's not too bad the shoot will keep growing and then you will have to continue the tucking, otherwise it will grow too far above the screen and be difficult to get under again. In that case I usually make a splint with a toothpick and masking tape. Then I tie a string just below where it snapped and tie it down to the pot, like when you do LST. That will keep the main stem bent and there is much less pressure on the break and you can continue tucking like usual.

Thanks bro, thats actually what ive done funnily enough! The break is through most of the stem, I'm really surprised it hasn't died tbh, but i have splinted it up and tied above the break to the frame so HOPEFULLY when i try to bend it again there wont be any pressure on the split.. i dont want to leave it too long as i dont want it to get untrainable, but this grow is more about learning and getting my confidence up rather than record-breaking yields! Worst case scenario it snaps off but i doubt that will dramatically affect yield... plenty more tops coming up every day! Thanks for all your help bro

And thanks for the answer Noods, it's the first time I've broken one, the LST was much less dangerous! I'm justgoing to check in on her a few times a day and play it by ear
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DAY 22 - WEEK 4

plenty of tucking going on now! The snapped stems are still alive so must mean they are healing.... i hope! Im trying to spread the canopy into some sort of order but it can be a bit hard to tell whats going on with branches and leaves all over the place, it's starting to fall into place now though. No sign of pre flowers or anything yet so hopefully a lot of stretching to go!

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Oh bugger, I'll take another shot later bro, thanks for the heads up!