Cancer patient. Combining opioids and canna

Yeah man,have to look at all avenues really.My few cancer patients had similar things happen. Hell one poor guy wanted to not hurt soo bad I had to give him a small scale (the following morning)to weight out herb for decarbing for an instant fix right off until we got situated in a few days with he looked online and weighted out two bottle cap fulls. which according to him and his wife equaled 1 gram of herbs.Well,needless to say for a novice cannauser ,it was WAAAY too much.he was flat out tripping almost.LMAO! I told him if he did that nothing is wrong with him.He wanted to go to the hospital but he didnt and he was fine.LOL that was my first patient foray into the canna treatment world.LOL it was interesting. Yeah they tend to get STUPID and highly BIASED against cannabis usually.They shut down of get that tunnel vision mindset into so called modern medicine. and they cant get away from it. Its pretty ignorant.Most doctors I have delt with usually see I aint stupid of am for it goes either way quickly.I aint got time to fuck around with stupid.I dont suffer it well usually.I think many if not ALL of us would do something similar if we were in that situation.Hope your friend get a speedy recovery.and gets to enjoy the cannabis flowers really soon.
Unfortunately this is a real thing for some cannabis users (and opioid users, which I never knew until the other day). The paranoia I mean. Definitely recommend something with high CBD & low to no THC, as that can still work for pain but it isn't crazymaking. Doesn't sound like he's 'enjoying' the cannabis much if he's anxious & paranoid anyway, so he'd probably do well to tone down the THC. CBD is actually an anti-psychotic by itself.

I use various opioids (kratom mostly now) with cannabis & the weed definitely sparks feelings of unease these days. So I stick to high-CBD strains like the one I'm growing now (Industrial Plant CBD Auto) which is much less scary.