Can you over do the germination???

Aug 9, 2019
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Sup people.. So I germinated my seeds in a papertowl and whne I checked them this moring they sprouted and have the first set of leafs but they wer yellowing (the leafs)... The rest is white... Ive since planted them and just left the leafs see the light.... Should they be okay... Did I over do the germination??
How long was the taproom? The reason there are yellow is due to lack of light exposure in the paper towel and not much photosynthesis taking place. How is it looking now, send a picture.
Hello! Yes, you can technically over do the germination. It usually happens when you leave the seeds in water for too long. Seeds can get water logged. But once the seed shows a tap root, it should be fine. The seedling are yellow/white because the haven't gotten light yet. The green color is created through light and photosynthesis. They should be fine once you plant them and give them light.
How long was the taproom? The reason there are yellow is due to lack of light exposure in the paper towel and not much photosynthesis taking place. How is it looking now, send a picture.
Hey Thanks for the input.. I haven't got a pic but I've planted them so the next few days will tell
Hello! Yes, you can technically over do the germination. It usually happens when you leave the seeds in water for too long. Seeds can get water logged. But once the seed shows a tap root, it should be fine. The seedling are yellow/white because the haven't gotten light yet. The green color is created through light and photosynthesis. They should be fine once you plant them and give them light.
I was thinking that's why it was yellowing because of having no light... Ive planted them so hopefully in the next few days I'll know if they will make it