DIY can you make an air pot???

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ive looked at airpots and seen what they can do and i am very impressed with some of the yeilds i saw. their unique design is their secret to sucsess and i would like to know is there a way to produce these yourself ???/
The short answer is yes. Will it be as uniform and durable, maybe? but is it worth the effort? I don't know. You can make a smart pot pretty easy with some landscaping fabric and a sewing machine.
no kidding really? talking about the black barriear material used before you throw stone? casue ive seen enough of that and if it means getting my hands on some of that i just might. i got the sewing machine so lets hear it hahaha if you got the plan i got the time to sit here and listen:smokebuds:
You could do it yeah, but as said will it be as good as a real airpot?

Obviously it'd be a lot easier to just buy a big airpot, but modding isn't ever really about ease, so if you manage this project I'd be interested to see some snaps of your handywork as I once thought up something similar, but never got around to it :peace:
Iv'e seen a few guys take a pot and drill holes in it,or use a soldering gun and melt holes in it.The only thing is that you night get a lot of water coming out the holes when you water.I have a air pot and the design keeps water run off to a minimum.
airpots dont just have holes in them, so drilling holes in the pot isnt going to create a airpot....more of a....drilled hole pot. im sure youtube has videos on diy airpots, also im sure there is a thread on anotehr forum that has lots of info about making your own. il see if I can find it. if I can il add the link in here
I agree mcgregor, Im just trying one on a auto white widow just to see what happens.They are kind of expensive and won't be logical especialy for large grows.I grew ww before in reg pots and I will see compare the two and if ther is a substancial differance I only grow five pots at A time sothe cost wont be to bad.
For regular fems they simply cannot be beaten by any other regular pot in my opinion. But, I have a theory about them not being ideal for autos because of the battering that the roots get in airpots. This is great for vegging photos because they just keep rebuilding and growing and you then get stupendous top growth as a result, but autos don't have that time-luxury to keep sustaining constant root growth in veg.

Or.. I could just be a twat when it comes to underfeeding them or something as airpots do make the plants require more nutes.. but so far I've not had anywhere nears as much success *with autos* in airpots as I have with round/square ones.

I've got a couple in 1ltr airpots right now to see if the time/rootmass balances out in a smaller pot but if it isn't that I'd love to know why I don't do so well mixing autos with airpots. :confused:
I never thought about that the roots don't have enough time to fully get the benifit of the air pot,but it does sound logical.Iwill see how it does for me and let us know what you find out on your root developement in the smaller pots.

Here is what I come up with. Drilled holes lined with landscapers cloth. This is just a proto type. Wicking hybrid DWC.