Good topic NRK! Foliar spraying is a very good method to learn, for feeding, treating defc.'s, and pest control... Foliar feeding is a common practice across agriculture; done generally at lower dosage conc. that you would for soil feeding,... the beauty behind it is that it gets things very quickly into the plant, which is why it's so great for treating many defc.'s (not all-- K is not recommended for some reason).... for more immobile nutes, like Fe, Mn, Zn, Ca, etc., it's perfect for getting stuff right to the spots where it's needed most... while in liquid form, goodies get access via the stomata, the gas/moisture exchange portals found over the entire leaf surface top and especially bottom,... If there's trouble with the soil/res' solution/roots, foliar can bypass this and help feed the plant during the crisis and recovery,... Now, to make it vastly more effective, you need to use a water spreader/wetting agent, like Blue discussed... the principle behind this stuff is that it takes the surface tension out of the water or whatever solution that you're spraying with, so that it coats and sticks more evenly, instead of just beading up... more surface area covered=more absorbed! Also, when treating for pests, it helps penetrate the vermin's natural water repellancy, allowing the stuff to access their bodies better

Another use is for helping overly dry mediums like coco or soils regain their absorbancy,... particles tend to bind tightly sometimes, and so the water may just find narrow paths of least resistance and make for uneven wetting,... with a wetting agent the water will penetrate and moisten more evenly...
There's several brands out there for this, some "organic", usually yucca extract-- something you'll see commonly in ingredients of fert, supp's, etc.; other from synthetic formulations,... your dish detergent is loaded with surfactants, but it's also loaded with harsh detergents, so if in a pinch, use something milder,... uhhh,... Nutrilife SM-90, Coco wet, Earth Juice Assist, Humboldt Nutr. Sticky,.. forget AN's Wet Betty, a total rip-off in price for such a product!

...quiz Friday!!