Indoor can u trim fan leaves???


Jul 27, 2012
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. Lately as my plants been growing they're getting to close together. My "think differents" are really bushy and ones larger than the rest. The plant in the top left corner is a sour diesel. Some leaves are covering bud sights and touching the sides of the tent. If I cant trim them any tips on maximizing my grow space??
when they are still small like that then i would recommend that you tuck rather than trim the leaves. However I think you are going to struggle to grow all four of those plants in that space. What size are your pots, tent etc? The TD WILL GROW HUGE guaranteed lol,
Is it a good idea?
Well that's debatable, but you might have to with that many plants in that space.
They are going to overgrow it fairly soon
As far as tips on how to prune, I try to prune so the plant looks 'balanced', in this case though you might have to prune back the branches colliding from the plants beside it. I wouldn't prune too much though as sometimes when plants are close, their branches will help support each other. If it was my grow, I would wait a while before doing anything, and then it would be just be pinching off a few leaves here & there.

i made as much space as i could between them because i really dont wanna trim any. out of the four plants 3 of them show what i believe to be slight cal-mag deficiency. while one plant shows much more serious signs of it. if i do trim should i cut the leaves that have been yellowing/spotting first or just let those die off?? ( i know its off topic to the thread but i just thought id mention im buying this cal-mag to hopefully help my deficiencies, so you know im not jus letting that problem continue)

its been 26 days since they broke the surface hope to much damage hasnt happened already. thanks thai buddha man ill wait as u suggested before doing any trimming :peace:
There are exceptions like the last week before harvest, but overall I think if a leaf is healthy & green, it should stay. :2cents:

I find If you remove a fan leaf too early the bud will be smaller than its leafed counterparts.

Though time consuming, I have had good results with leaf weaving. Instead of removing the offending leaf, I will tuck it down along the stem or branch, exposing the bud sites below. Over the course of the next few days, leaves will usually require tucking again.