Can someone explain the 100+ day harvesting for Auto's

100+ days still beats 5-6 months., You will always be able to use the weight production argument. Most of us start out growing for the weed, but before you know it, your growing for the fun of just growing it. And then there's those other packs of seeds sitting on the shelf, and you cant wait to finish your grow, so you can grow some more. It's a vicious cycle my friend. Maybe you cant get addicted to pot, but you can sure as hell get addicted to growing the stuff.
Where do you find seeds that grow one pound of dry weight?
@Jean-O 's Root Beer Float

100+ days still beats 5-6 months., You will always be able to use the weight production argument. Most of us start out growing for the weed, but before you know it, your growing for the fun of just growing it. And then there's those other packs of seeds sitting on the shelf, and you cant wait to finish your grow, so you can grow some more. It's a vicious cycle my friend. Maybe you cant get addicted to pot, but you can sure as hell get addicted to growing the stuff.
Man if i can’t relate :bump:
The purpose to me for even growing autos is the shorter time and exceptional yield on some of them.

The plant itself clearly change their feeding at the end when harvesting.

Why on gods green earth are people waiting 100, 120 days. Photos finish between 60 and 90 days in flower.
What exactly are you waiting for? Some don't get much amber in the late stage

If Ii had to wait that long on an auto then why would I grow autos? Ridiculous high end genetics for photos, why waste that kind of time when you could have just did Photos
Someone explain this insanity to me
Typically, autos are counted from the day the seed is placed into media, and photos are counted from flip. So 100 days for an auto is actually around 80 or less days flowering time. I find that frequently, my photos spend four months seed to harvest, sometimes up to six. This is because they're waiting their turn in the tent, but still....

Autos can be grown outdoors seed to harvest in a much shorter summer than photos, at least where nighttime temperatures are high enough that they don't get stunted. Autos can be stuck in any corner of a tent on any light schedule. Photos are far less flexible because they respond to the light schedule. My granddaughter grows autos because she doesn't have a tent and doesn't want to think about the light schedule.

That said, given the finicky nature of autos, there's not much else to recommend them. I grow them anyway because I can stick them anywhere and because it's just a hobby of mine. But most of the time I have a lot of photos and a few autos as fallback.