New Grower Can I make tincture with trim?

Feb 6, 2013
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I recently harvested 2 out of 3plants on my first grow.. I'd say I have a ounce of sugar leaves and small buds that I put in the freezer.

I was wondering if I could make some tincture out of it..I don't want to go buy bubble bags though to turn into kief

I was gunna buy a pint of everclear,bake the trim for whatever that graph says at like 27min,
Then put into everclear then put in freezer or fridge if I don't have room.
I don't want to heat the alcohol but I do have a croc pot to concentrate it

Would this work?
I recently harvested 2 out of 3plants on my first grow.. I'd say I have a ounce of sugar leaves and small buds that I put in the freezer.

I was wondering if I could make some tincture out of it..I don't want to go buy bubble bags though to turn into kief

I was gunna buy a pint of everclear,bake the trim for whatever that graph says at like 27min,
Then put into everclear then put in freezer or fridge if I don't have room.
I don't want to heat the alcohol but I do have a croc pot to concentrate it

Would this work?
Hi, daddy :) Yes, you can use trim to make tincture. I do it all the time. Depending on the needed potency, I may add some good bud as well. I currently have an ounce of trim infusing into vegetable glycerine. I just keep it in a dark cabinet for a few months (slow method), and it ends up quite potent, and honey gold colored. I also use trim in QWISO extraction, using ISO rather than Everclear, but its the same end product. My rule of thumb is to use 2x the amount of trim in my tinctures, compared to using good bud. So, if I would use 1/2 oz of bud, I'd use an oz of trim.
Best to you!
Oh yea I forgot to add that I was wanting to use them buccal or sublingual..

But you use iso instead of everclear and it still turns out the same? Idk what the qwiso method is but I'll look it up,I imagine just use ec instead..

Should I dry the trim first? And I pulled out the decent buds from the trim and will count that as bud

I decided to go with tincture since I already have cannabutter and I don't want to make kief from the trim with bubble bags...
Can you test it out as well while it "cooks" for that 3-4 months ? So you know if it is done
Some folks don't like the ISOpropyl alcohol method. For me, I just couldn't take the leftover flavor in the everclear. I should clarify- the QWISO makes a sticky hash when processed and the alcohol has evaporated. If you use Everclear in the same method, it'll be a sticky hash-like product. If you simply infuse your trim/bud in a jar of Everclear- Tightly covered, so it doesn't evaporate- you'll have an alcohol tincture that has THC/CBD, but tastes like "grassy" grain alcohol. I made that once, but I just can't deal with the Everclear "flavor".. lol
I always dry, then freeze, my trim for use with tinctures and QWISO. The freezing makes the triches brittle, so they dilute into the tincture liquid more efficiently.
And, yes, I test my glycerine tinctures after the first month of sitting, and the differences over time can be pretty dramatic. My last tincture run, at one month was meh, two months was "getting there", and at month three it was BOOM! lolol
If you're wanting a buccal or sublingual tincture, I would highly recommend using vegetable glycerine- either the slow/room temp method (months..) or slow cooker method (A couple 6-8 hour "cooks" on low heat (around 180-190 degrees)) The glycerine is a sugar alcohol, and it tastes like sugar syrup. My 79 year old mom LIKES the flavor of it, and it has helped several health problems for her.
I`d just say...What you put in, you`ll get out mate. Your end product will usually represent the quality of ingredients that you added to the mix/recipe ...Again, just my "My 2 cents". :Sharing One:
Gonna quickly point out Glyerine tincture not good for Diabetics.

Alcohol Tincture not good for recovreing alcoholics.

Recovering Alcolics who are also diabetics should use oil based extraction ie cannabutter etc.

I have posted the above info elsewhere on the forum but will add it as a case in point when tinctures are mention so the health implications are noted.

Everclear is not available in Europe but "Spirytus Rektyfikowany" is. It is a 192 proof grain alcohol and can be ordered online.

Everclear & spiryrtus are both grain alcohols and are actually very high strength vodka's.

95% alcohol is the highest strength you can get as once it goes over 95% in the distilling phase it start to absorb water from the atmosphere and stabilizes at 95-96%.
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Hi daddy...

Everyone has given you good advice...I'll put in my "My 2 cents".

I would only use food grade solvents when making tinctures or edibles.

The trim will work, as will stems and leaves but less of a high than trim or buds.

Waximus, IMO the long slow cold way is the best way!
I use Diesel (like Everclear ) to infuse for tinctures.
There are 2 ways (I know of) to eliminate or greatly reduce the green chlorophyll.
1. Water cure - THC is not water solvable, but the chlorophyll and flavornoids are.
2. Infuse the material for no more than 3 minutes. Alcohol is quick and if you check the trichomes they look like wet hairs laying down.

Just put the plant material in alcohol for 3 min? Is that what you mean?
I watched a YouTube video who said to put it in the freezer to stop chlorophyll from leaching or is that the cold method and the hot....idk smh so many different way lol
I just want potent shit out of a pint or 16oz of alcohol or around there a dropper or two would be all I nedd

But arty yea I read your things about diabetics ,I didn't think it was on this site though so that's cool....and my dads a diabetic so good to know that