New Grower Can i harvest?

Just using a pocket loupe i picked up from fleabay for £10 i can see the tricomes just need to learn what to look for.
Here this will help

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Man that looks nice. I just popped 2 skywalker's. What kind of smells does she give off?
Thanks man, shes smells abit fruity with abit of citrus pungent! Smells dope.. shes drying out so im sure (hope) she gets more of a smell to her.. woke up this morning and the room shes in stank!
looks good from here.
its good to have a fan in the room somewhere not blowing directly on them but more circulating the air.
Ive cut a small hole at the bottom stuck a desk fan in there about 4" big, would be absolutly devastated if she rots now :( temps are at 20c humidity about 45%
You should still inspect the bud at this stage for later comparison. It's a learning thing.
When I use a cardboard box I didn't find the need for a fan. Just the opposite. Open the box for 15 min a day. IMO a fan will speed dry your bud effecting taste.
As long as your RH stays in that range you will be fine. I don't know the numbers for RH a quick search on humidor should show some good diy with RH numbers
You should still inspect the bud at this stage for later comparison. It's a learning thing.
When I use a cardboard box I didn't find the need for a fan. Just the opposite. Open the box for 15 min a day. IMO a fan will speed dry your bud effecting taste.
D you test the RH of your box?
I noticed without the fan the humidity climbs to about 55-60%. Its not a powerful fan in the slightest, just trying to battle the humidity, i have a dehumidifier thing in there now but doesnt help much.
You should still inspect the bud at this stage for later comparison. It's a learning thing.
When I use a cardboard box I didn't find the need for a fan. Just the opposite. Open the box for 15 min a day. IMO a fan will speed dry your bud effecting taste.
As long as your RH stays in that range you will be fine. I don't know the numbers for RH a quick search on humidor should show some good diy with RH numbers
Thats the box atm