Sweet Seeds Can I get redemption with the devil cream?!?!


I really like that you're looking out for me @Hansbricks :) I was very weary myself but so far I'm impressed with them, I've had one for just over a week in my photo tent, swapped it for a Mars hydro reflector that pulls 380w at the wall and in less than a day I saw a difference in the plants. It puts out a bigger footprint and seems to be growing faster than the mars was(granted I had some temp swings and that mars is cheap and shouldn't even be compared to a 1200 dollar light, only time will tell). I now have another hung in a veg tent that will be my auto tent soon. I only got 2 pro max 600's which are 125w draw=600hps, they have 250w model that they compare to a 1000w, also I paid nothing close to retail on my units. There website is set up horribly and that's a shame, they really should tidy it up and get their own info on their site correct! I saw the lights at a convention over a year ago , so I took my time before buying and was sick of no info so I grabbed a couple . I hope I can prove you wrong because I don't think I'll be getting my money back nor will I try unless the light truly fails on it's promise.
Well I hope it works out for you bro, glad to hear you didn't pay the full retail price at least. I'll remain very skeptical about this light though until I see proof otherwise. Based on what I know about LEDs the facts just don't add up with this one... But make sure you do a detailed journal of this grow and hopefully for your sake you can prove me wrong. ;)
Sorry for no updates yet, things are crawling along, just picked up the pace in the past few days. 3 are close to the same size with one just ahead of the others. There's one that looks has some rough looking bottom leaves and has been the smallest from the beginning. I gave them a light feed on day ten but hasn't dried since then and I think that's holding me back, next time with these big pots I'll put some water in the tray and some on top and let it work it's way to the middle. It's been over ten days and they still have a little weight to them... I think tomorrow they will be ready for more but after this long should I give them more food or just water? Going slow and looks like they could handle a feeding, but I'm not sure if that's the smart thing. Also if the humidity was raised I'm sure they would have took off a bit more from the start, I wasn't watching that close enough. Here's a lazy shot of the 4 looking very small in the 4 gallon squares today at day 20 :/
Hi fella!
it seems like you are not watering your plants correctly.
Are you saturating your media now and then letting it get fairly dry before watering again?
I can see you are using very few water..
Hope this helps you!
Yeah the problem is it's taking too long to dry out after the first feeding I have them on day ten or so.
I placed number four under the promax 600 because I had one spot open up and number 4 looked the best. Just about to the end of it's first day cycle of the new led instead of the t5 and I would say I see serious progression compared to last night and the others that remain in the t5 tent.
So @Sweet Seeds Jay I watered them in when I put the seeds in and kept misting the top till they popped, then at day 10 they were ready for there first feeding, since then they haven't received any more water or feeding. Should they get fed again because it's been awhile or should I stay on schedule?

Already planing on how to make next run better:/ feeling like this go is a flop.
So @Sweet Seeds Jay I watered them in when I put the seeds in and kept misting the top till they popped, then at day 10 they were ready for there first feeding, since then they haven't received any more water or feeding. Should they get fed again because it's been awhile or should I stay on schedule?

Already planing on how to make next run better:/ feeling like this go is a flop.

My friend, do NOT give up. If there alive, let them keep going. This grow will only be a "flop" if you choose not to learn and apply your new knowledge to the next grow. Instead of flop, let's use the term, educational. And one more thing, if my boy hansbrix will take the time to learn you something about sweetseeds, I'd listen very very closely. He is Imo the face of sweet seeds. Maybe he will say im stretching it a bit, but trust me, Hans knows sweet seeds strains inside and out and is a very well respected grower here.
Hope for the best with your grow, and please do your best to make them as good as possible considering the slow start.
We all were beginners, we all started somewere. My first couple grows never even seen buds lol. Keep it up buddy and I will also be here for you if you need help growth wise, as far as sweet seeds questions, Jay or Hans is your dudes.
Good luck bro. Interested to see your thoughts on the new light
Hey Shugers, sorry to see you're having a bit of a rough go with these... I'm not the best at diagnosing problems but I'd agree the slow growth could be a watering issue as Jay pointed out. If you're having to wait over 10 days for the pots to dry out that's definitely too long, autos don't seem to like overly damp soil. It's better to water smaller amounts more frequently. Did you water yours initially until run-off? With the big pots you don't want to completely soak them at the start because then they will take to long to dry out. With my 15L pots I water about 1L each the day before planting, which usually gives me 5-6 days before needing to water again. Also what kind of soil are you using? If your soil is too hot it could also cause this stunted growth, autos are much more sensitive than photos... If your feeding liquid nutes most people just use a light seedling mix or something like pro-mix with little or no nutrients added. Anyway, hopefully you can figure out what the problem is... As growbeast said, as long as you can still learn something from this grow and improve for next time then it's not a complete failure.
I agree with hands, hey and I like to add that I honestly a have never once applied veg nutes to autos, ever once. I use to throw all autos in straight ffof and would give them there first dose of nutes about 4 weeks in. And I grow monsters bro, huge monsters. All documented.
Hey guys I fully agree about the water, I gave them way to much first couple times. I watered yesterday(with half as much water and already looking better. Hoping I can get some faster growth before they flower. I'm using promix hp and gave a light feeding at day 10. I'm just used to bigger plants into these pots, not starting from seed. Still excited to see them grow and get some fine smoke from them:) I have no more auto seeds after this so any suggestions?