Photoperiod Can anyone help


Week one of flower!
Dont worry too much about overcrowding, plants naturaly grow side by side, often touching each other! All my grows always end up a jungle, you just need to keep an eye on r.h and a good spray of neem oil halfway through flower will help you out a lot!! ✌

Yeah man I get you but the 5th plant is really not getting enough light I reckon it's just gonna produce popcorn and not nothing dense but if I get rid I reckon the 4 will get nice evan light and I will be able to get my humidity down much easier it's ashame really but I think I'm gonna give one of the jaffalatos to my pal as hes got a empty tent I think the girls will really benefit from it!!
Didn't i read earlier on that you have a dehumidifier? Crank it down 10 points if needed and add another fan to the mix.. can never be too careful.. I lost over 20 zips few years back..... a good functioning dehumidifier is a necessity in my tent..
Looking good though bro, should be a heavy harvest..
Didn't i read earlier on that you have a dehumidifier? Crank it down 10 points if needed and add another fan to the mix.. can never be too careful.. I lost over 20 zips few years back..... a good functioning dehumidifier is a necessity in my tent..
Looking good though bro, should be a heavy harvest..

I did have a dehumidifier but it's gone bust and I really haven't got the funds to buy a new one really as I need a new carbon! , the humidity is 75%/60% I can't get it down I done some slight trimming just to opened up the plant a little but another fan is gonna have to be a must beacsue the girls are really packing on the good stuff now man!, Yeah it's a bummer I lost my hole cola on my chemdawg on my last run I was crying! , Ahh thanks bro gonna just be real careful over the next few weeks!
Is the Cal mag OMRI listed because the Cal mag can actually kill your soil microbiology

No it is a synthetic yeah I understand it should all be organic but I had it lying around and I really ain't got the funds to buy another one I have used it a couple times it hasn't done my girls any real harm in the past I hope Ha Ha!!