Indoor Can a magnesium deficiency kill a plant?

May 15, 2016
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Just wondering how long i have before my plant completely dies from lack of magnesium? Im about 2 weeks since light flip and one plant is missing mg and as a result phosphorus as well and because of that iron/zinc/copper as well. The plant won't take magnesium up it seems, how long will it survive for before it's completely finished? I vegged for 9 weeks, the plant is my biggest but feeding her is impossible as everything seems to be too much and yet not enough. Flushing hasn't done anything. Imjust wondering if it can make the next 6-8 weeks as is, or better to scrap it now and start over? i can't post pictures, but the mg deficiency/lockout has gotten worse and the yellowing between veins at the top is all brown now with leaf tips dried and pointing up. Yellowing has turned brown from tips to base. I sprayed with epsom salt now and added it to soil watering.
Are you testing the ph of your feed? That could be causing the lockout as ph affects the amount of mag and other nutrients ability to be absorbed. If your using led lights you will need extra cal mag on future grows and it would be advised to have the issues ironed out before you flip your lights to 12/12. As for how long the plant will stay alive with the current problems I cannot answer that question.

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Are you testing the ph of your feed? That could be causing the lockout as ph affects the amount of mag and other nutrients ability to be absorbed. If your using led lights you will need extra cal mag on future grows and it would be advised to have the issues ironed out before you flip your lights to 12/12. As for how long the plant will stay alive with the current problems I cannot answer that question.

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Ph is good. I never heard that for led's you need more cal-mag? Why specifically that and what do led's have to do with it? They are weaker than an hps light! As for waiting to flip..i couldn't as one of them was too big already and it would have outgrown its space. I may take her down as i don't think it can make it to end of flowering. The plant lost its smell at 2 weeks old and its flowering now, with absolutely no smell on it whatsoever. From what i read, once you have a deficiency, the leaves will never fix it seems vegging for 9 weeks was useless as the only part of the plant that may produce, is the top node of each cola lol. Will be going back to auto's next grow!!!
I guess no answers. Not much activity on this site anymore. Take care guys, happy growing!
I guess no answers. Not much activity on this site anymore. Take care guys, happy growing!
Led are not weaker, but put out a much wider spectrum of light, allowing the plant to use cal/mag more effectively. As stated above it sounds like a pH issue inhibiting uptake. You said yours was good, what is good? What is the pH in the root zone? Runoff test? Slurry test? More info is needed, nutes used & feed schedule, lighting and distance, and medium? Soil? Coco? Hydro? Without all the info, we have no way of giving you anything helpful.
If the plant uses more cal-mag, then it would be using more of everything else as well, the elements work in conjunction with each other..a stronger or more efficient light won't make a plant consume 1 or 2 trace elements higher than the rest. In any case i chopped it tonight before lights out, will put an auto to take the place of the sick one. Roots were healthy, ph was 6.1 in pro mix so right in the sweet zone. I think a nitrogen toxicity may have started killing it early on and by now it was only growing bigger, but not better. Eager to get back to auto's..this photo grow was a disaster..too long of a veg!
I throw in a tablespoon of dolomite lime for each gallon pot size used.
I throw in a tablespoon of dolomite lime for each gallon pot size used.
I did that as well, unfortunately i think that's what killed the plant in the end. It kept the ph too high during veg and by the time i realized what it was, it was too late. i won't be using lime or silica anymore in future grows..they drive the ph up too much.
I've had mag issues my last few plants. I'm under cobs... And under led and cobs the plants do have a higher use of cal and mag. More calcium than magnesium. But its referred to together because of the nute bottle name.. The iron/zinc/copper you mentioned, and a few others, are immobile. They are either in the soil or they arent.. And if they are, they don't move to places they are needed if there is a deficiency somewhere. Calcium and magnesium are both mobile.. So the plant will take them up and use them when it needs them.. It also moves them from one location (soil/older leaves) to where its needed. If there isnt enough in the soil, it will pull it from the leaves. Once it's gone from the leaf it moves to the next leaf. lm only seeing mag def, not cal.. They are two totally separate things.. My ph is fine.. I added NGTG calcium to my feeds the last 2 weeks just in case, and have been spraying with episom salt for mag.. Turns out that I was locking out mag in the soil. The combo of unsued phosphorus (which is high in flower nutes) and calcium sitting in the soil locks out mag. Foliar spray definitely helped because it is not spreading any more and it bypasses the roots and is immediately available. As long as the spray is ph'd to like 6.8.. How much time you have before it dies depends on how fast its spreading and how many healthy leaves you have left. Pics would definitely help a ton as well.
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Yeah, that's what the issue with mine was as well..too much nitrogen and more so phosphorus caused issues with other elements. I don't use cal mag..and like you say, if you're missing magnesium, or if it's locked out, calcium will not help magnesium absorption. Also, calcium is not a mobile element, not sure where you got that info from, it is immobile. Being immobile or mobile doesn't dictate how the plants take them up from the soil, that has to do with how the elements move within the plant itself. You also lost me when you said 'because its immobile, its either in the soil or not?' That's the case with all elements, they are either in the soil or not, no other place to be:) Led's, depending, might allow a plant to grow better, but it most certainly doesn't cause a plant to consume just two extra elements more abundantly. If it needs more calcium and magnesium, its because it's also using more phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. In any case, thanks for the replies, but it seems it's gone off topic and the info is not very accurate. plant has been scrapped and onto the next grow. happy growing everyone, take care!
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