NEWS California Cardholder's Check In

Hey Eek, It's not that I don't approve of what you guys are doing here, I do. It is just that I am new here and don't think I need to tell anybody anything here yet because you have some great growers here and great info. Once people get to know me I'll throw my 2 cents in. Right now I love learning all I can about autos. Did I mention that this a great site? Love it....Peace
Hey Eek, It's not that I don't approve of what you guys are doing here, I do. It is just that I am new here and don't think I need to tell anybody anything here yet because you have some great growers here and great info. Once people get to know me I'll throw my 2 cents in. Right now I love learning all I can about autos. Did I mention that this a great site? Love it....Peace

Welcome Rick. From the sounds of it you have been around the block a time or two. Glad to have old skool genetics in our stock ;)

Enjoy the site and I am sure you will have plenty of time to lend a helping hand when you feel more comfortable. You have made good company 'cause Eek and Root are two of my favorites and go above and beyond on this forum and IRL.

Once again, welcome.
Thanks for the welcome A4. Yea Eek and Root have been better than great, right there with info when I asked. Some of the best people I've met in the last 20 yrs. have been on the medical side of the biz., good hearted people. The best site I've seen and only one I decided to join. Not a bunch of childish bs here.
Legal CA patient here...............

Hello All!...been on this site for a while now!......absolutely love it!.....been legal now since 08.Actually got my first rec from my family doctor in Washington state...moved here in 09 and have kept it current since.Currently we live in the Antelope Valley which is in the most northwest tip of the mojave desert. Been growing for many years and many different styles, indoor ,outdoor,soil,hydro etc....I jumped in the auto game in 09 when the Easyryder from the Joint Doctor became stabilized......was doing auto's exclusively until about 3 weeks ago when I decided to go back to photo's. Will be starting a journal here soon on my new strain....Ganja Farmer OG fem from Loud Seeds.........just wanted to give a shout out to the CA med growers and patients!.....Love the site.......:cool: and everyone I have had the privilege to interact with on this site....from newbies to Veterens!.....the best Cannabis site on the web!:grin: :kusht: Phillow
Hello Phillow,

Glad to have ya here in the CA thread.

Hopefully this section will grow as it is a new area.
I am a California card holder. My grow room is ready but my seed order got stopped from Amsterdam and confiscated.

Is there any source in this state for good auto seeds. I want to grow both high CBD plants and also some high THC plants. The CBD really helps my wife and I am using the high THC oil as a cancer preventative.

I am a California card holder. My grow room is ready but my seed order got stopped from Amsterdam and confiscated.

Is there any source in this state for good auto seeds. I want to grow both high CBD plants and also some high THC plants. The CBD really helps my wife and I am using the high THC oil as a cancer preventative.


Sorry I missed you on this one SHRED, have you looked at the Sohum seeds. I know I have ordered from them before. They don't have any auto's unfortunatly.. You just got to send a copy of your recommendation via smart phone or computer.

Bye the way, having seeds intercepted is a rarity I think. I have never had anything confiscate.

Glad to see a proactive member doing the right thing.
