Calcium def or pH flux or both?

I was thinking about your question of feeding heavily, @Waira. I don't think I am necessarily overfeeding, though it seems to be the case, perhaps.
I use 3g smart pots. I theorize, water evaporation would be greater than plastic pots. Is it possible, this would cause more salt build up?
Also, to support this theory, this is my second run with this smart pot. I did wash it with soap and hot water but, maybe not good enough to rid fabric of all previous salts.

Just a thought.

I've used smart pots forever never actually washed them....just saying. Never thought about it. That's terrible now that I think on it.
:smoking:roger that on the soft water! My point with the meter calibration is that vinegar is the wrong pH to be using for this and it's not always the same pH bottle to bottle,... reading the same pH between those samples doesn't mean it's calibrated... best standards are 7.0 and 4.0,.. these solutions are inexpensive... maybe your local shop would be willing to do it for you too, worth asking at least! Between the low mineral content water, feeds no more Ca-Mg going in, the medium is very likely too acidic, locking out or at least restricting the Ca uptake,... adding more Ca alone may not help, until the pH in there is raised up to mid-low 6's,... flushing is your best option now, and test the run off as you do it... maybe with some luck, the meter is accurate enough to at least give you a clue,... in the last pour, include 1/4 strength nutes to replace some of what was lost from flushing,....
:smoking:roger that on the soft water! My point with the meter calibration is that vinegar is the wrong pH to be using for this and it's not always the same pH bottle to bottle,... reading the same pH between those samples doesn't mean it's calibrated... best standards are 7.0 and 4.0,.. these solutions are inexpensive... maybe your local shop would be willing to do it for you too, worth asking at least! Between the low mineral content water, feeds no more Ca-Mg going in, the medium is very likely too acidic, locking out or at least restricting the Ca uptake,... adding more Ca alone may not help, until the pH in there is raised up to mid-low 6's,... flushing is your best option now, and test the run off as you do it... maybe with some luck, the meter is accurate enough to at least give you a clue,... in the last pour, include 1/4 strength nutes to replace some of what was lost from flushing,....

I am flushing now. I will report back when, and if any changes occur.

Thank you so much for your timely advice, @Heavily Medicated & @Waira
@Waira & @Heavily Medicated I think it may be sorted out. She was flushed, followed with 1/4 strength feed, on Friday. By Sunday I wasn't sure if she was in the clear yet.
Sunday afternoon I went out and got some distilled water, which I gave her, 1/2 strength. She seems to be much better now. New calyxes are bursting and buds are forming nicely.

I can't be positive if it was the flush, distilled water, or a combination of both. I will continue with distilled, gradually introducing tap water.

Thank you so much for your time and advice.
Yeatster buddy, no problem, glad to help! I'd say since acidity was likely an issue, along with Ca defc., use your tap which has some buffering minerals (CaCO3) with the distilled, which is the same as RO in terms of low ppm's and no buffering,... Make sure to dechlorinate the tap water,...
Yeatster buddy, no problem, glad to help! I'd say since acidity was likely an issue, along with Ca defc., use your tap which has some buffering minerals (CaCO3) with the distilled, which is the same as RO in terms of low ppm's and no buffering,... Make sure to dechlorinate the tap water,...

Thank you sir. I did forget to mention, I recorded the ph.
Pre flush low 5's
mid high 5's
and final 6.3

I have a rubbermade bin with an air stone, on constantly, I use for water storage.
Yeatster, so glad you got things worked out. With those low 5's, you can be certain things were being tied up down below.
:thumbsup: better! Oh-- about the smart pots, unless they're absolutely crusty with mineral salts, it's not an issue,.. but a serious rinsing is wise between grows regardless...
...can you get more Ca-Mg? I recommend an all Ca/Mg carbonate one, like GO CaMg+... check the labels for this, some brands use nitrate salts instead of carbonates,... Ths carbonates in them will help with further buffering, but managing your water and feed pH inputs is critical... feeds are acidic by nature, as are some supplements,...
... roger that on the tap water,.. do you know what the ppm's of it is? and pH?
:thumbsup: better! Oh-- about the smart pots, unless they're absolutely crusty with mineral salts, it's not an issue,.. but a serious rinsing is wise between grows regardless...
...can you get more Ca-Mg? I recommend an all Ca/Mg carbonate one, like GO CaMg+... check the labels for this, some brands use nitrate salts instead of carbonates,... Ths carbonates in them will help with further buffering, but managing your water and feed pH inputs is critical... feeds are acidic by nature, as are some supplements,...
... roger that on the tap water,.. do you know what the ppm's of it is? and pH?

I got another bottle of GO CaMg+.
Should be good with smart pots...Kewl
Can't be positive about the ppms of water...if it is considered soft water, would that relate to a lower ppm?
Otherwise, I would have to get info from town hall.
The pH is 7.6ish
...sounds like nice tap water mate- :thumbsup: far better than super hard water, that shit is a bummer across the board! Basically, it's the CaCO3 mineral content that's meant by water hardness-- how much dissolved rock is in there, measured in ppm's by a TDS meter,... EC is another measure, in fact, TDS/ppm is an extrapolation from EC, but TDS/ppm is not international standardized... EC is... I run my water at about 150ppm, blending more or less RO with tap to get me there.....