Cal/Mag leaf color?

yesterday i watered with less than half strength cal/mag and top dressed at half strength 50/50 grow and bloom.
this morning they doubled in size and look fantastic.
who knows
i dont think the top dressing will do anything for a week or so.
it's tuff growing in this method as it's not that popular and it requires specific transposing of methods . what kind of cal=mag? can I wager a guess? it's possible it helped to lower the ph.. I've got 3 kinds and they all give back a different ph reading. Soil organic growers tend to forget about ph but I'm sure that'll get living coco growers into trouble eventually. I ph my compost tea which some say theres no need or it hurts the beneficials which makes no sense to me considering, dwc growers are adding benes under a bunch of names. glad it's stabilizing and best wishes on a successful grow
it's tuff growing in this method as it's not that popular and it requires specific transposing of methods . what kind of cal=mag? can I wager a guess? it's possible it helped to lower the ph.. I've got 3 kinds and they all give back a different ph reading. Soil organic growers tend to forget about ph but I'm sure that'll get living coco growers into trouble eventually. I ph my compost tea which some say theres no need or it hurts the beneficials which makes no sense to me considering, dwc growers are adding benes under a bunch of names. glad it's stabilizing and best wishes on a successful grow
It's not organic. Botanicare
I ph everything in my similar set-up to exactly 6.5 at this stage, could be fluctuation. are you using organic cal-mag? ya they look ok overall. I like that you gave a half feed I'd do the same and give it a full top dress in 2 weeks at 50/50 grow and bloom trying to avoid any deficiency when it switches gears, maybe feeling out 1/4 strength organic calmag consistently for starters until it tells me otherwise..
non-organic i am guessing. botainicare cal/mag/iron
thats one of the ones I have and it doesn't ph down. just glad it's working out.
:toke: - minor symptoms, not definitive and not uncommon either,... BTW, absolutely not thrips either - :doh:
Your custom blend needs pH monitoring, in-pot... What you put in doesn't reflect what the actual pH is in there, too many influencing factors,....
Dr. Earth feeds are fine, but keep in mind they are organic, slower release, and need to breakdown to become available.... they have some inoculant in them, but I'd still recommend getting additional inoculants, plus Si, enzymes, and humic-fulvic... All these will help facilitate this, and cycle nutes faster and better.... Recharge is a good value for inoculant (has kelp, humic- fulvics and molasses powder too)... greenleaf nutes has the best deal on enzymes, better still they area dry product,... BioAg makes very good stuff, Ful-Humix powder 100g is cheap and will last for years (dosages are tiny because of concentration)..
A soil pH probe is a must IMO, so much depends on keeping the pH in check... Accurate 8 (Control Wizard) makes a good unit, not expensive... mine has served well for years now- :thumbsup:
:toke: - minor symptoms, not definitive and not uncommon either,... BTW, absolutely not thrips either - :doh:
Your custom blend needs pH monitoring, in-pot... What you put in doesn't reflect what the actual pH is in there, too many influencing factors,....
Dr. Earth feeds are fine, but keep in mind they are organic, slower release, and need to breakdown to become available.... they have some inoculant in them, but I'd still recommend getting additional inoculants, plus Si, enzymes, and humic-fulvic... All these will help facilitate this, and cycle nutes faster and better.... Recharge is a good value for inoculant (has kelp, humic- fulvics and molasses powder too)... greenleaf nutes has the best deal on enzymes, better still they area dry product,... BioAg makes very good stuff, Ful-Humix powder 100g is cheap and will last for years (dosages are tiny because of concentration)..
A soil pH probe is a must IMO, so much depends on keeping the pH in check... Accurate 8 (Control Wizard) makes a good unit, not expensive... mine has served well for years now- :thumbsup:
i like the idea of recharge. i'll have to check out the other stuff you mentioned. i have a soil probe but i dont feel like it works well. i should probably get a ph pen.
thanks for all the advice!