Old Reviews Butane-Operated Customized Vaporist Pipe: The Power of Fire!...

Butane. To be Rejected or Not?

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Dec 15, 2012
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Salutations everybody,

Well get prepared for a long story! :pop: In fact the reader may want to launch some music play 1st!


Initially my flirt with butane flames for cannabic vaporisation officially started on March 18, 2013:


(My 1st Modded VG Classic Maple Vaporizer)

Actually i attempted my very first try the year before but i just couldn't handle it so i gave it away, it was a cancelled evaluation essentially.

The snapshot above illustrates how i intended to manage with a (2nd) pipe's hot tip on my lips, eventually this flexible PVC tubular extension also provided convenient line-of-sight control while operating my butane lighter, because the flame must never touch anything and it should always look/feel stable during inhalation - or stop/abort without delay if it's not!!

Many months later this tubular item turned out to prove essential to further testing, though using a blue "torch" flame this time... Because after a while it became evident that a cleaner burning reaction would be a desirable asset, in multiple situations i shall add: it's that versatile, but the user must be careful not to over-heat and smoke wood!


It's been a slow & long learning curve, here's how it looked in the begining:


The presence of tight teflon straws in the lungs path caused a serious "bottleneck" situation in this scenario, my final solution eliminated any internal interfaces to favour this primitive though effective fix instead:

Just reshape the handle to implement some Plastic-on-Wood mating system!

It works great as i still use my flexible extension on a daily basis, that same one exactly. :thumbsup: Except i've displaced my cotton ball and associated metal screen closer to the bowl, with the cotton ball almost touching wood while i've taken benefit of the "Pinhole" plug to install a 3rd post-vaping stainless steel screen down under; the 2 other screens insert an air layer right below my cannabic bowl. As for the sphere it represents an addition of 1 or 2 more screens to the lungs path ideally.


The pattented concept by VaporGenie combines an SiC foam pellet with butane fire. This is what's most essential about this customization scenario, the basics are sound but potential customers may require adjustments as i did myself:

Briefly put a genuine SiC core must be split into twin parts, one must be 4 mm thick and the rest should range near 3 mm thick or so. The thicker SiC disc serves as a "Front-Puck" while i tagged its complementary part a "Top-of-Bowl" one... This metal item below separates such twin SiC pucks in order to re-align a pipe's "range of application" on a somewhat modest lungs capacity, so to speak, since i can't use VG's genuine layout but i'm still enthousiast about my fully customized adaptation!


The "UFO" shaped component has a convex shape implying its 17 channels ain't all the same length and consequently there's more heat transfer as local thermal mass increases i figure: this would correspond to a lenticular "Shielding" effect but i believe protection against burns is brief because the metal mass saturates with energy quickly:

That looks like aluminium, if so that's an excellent heat conductor. Though only provides poor storage capacity by itself if i'm not mistaking...

Since i had a hint that it might help to add even more thermal mass, it seemed most appropriate to wrap the UFO artifact inside a brass screen which promotes heat storage/rendition while it physically supports it with elastic resilience - and a Top-of-Bowl SiC puck in between to be exact:

(N.B.: The hollow tube facilitated my photo session only.)

Also, please be advised that 2 mm is the absolute minimum IMO, the reader should try 3 mm before he considers some further grinding! When done with the reconfiguration it will appear similar to this picture:

It's interesting to mention i've experimented with moving the cannabic bowl up into my sphere's base, it was fun and promissing but not really practical so i'm now back to normal - almost. The real key is control over grid-height inside the metal bowl on my wood handle, the middle one lying at the bottom is no trouble, it's setting the double-loop ring in accordance to the target position of my bowl's bottom-screen which requires more manual dexterity. Yet it can be done, it's simply a matter of adjustment the owner needs to perform by himself anyway. A millimeter makes a noticeable difference there i'd say, don't despair and stick to what works once done! Ah, and don't compress/pack the load too much.

Lets not forget that screens granularity and stickyness also affect a pipe's behaviour very significantly after a few days of frequent use. It's equally important to integrate frequent re-blending of a bowl once in a while, to refresh the perceptions of aroma/taste.


Clean butane burning offers me satisfaction and lungs relief when compared to electric-dry machines, i'm lucky sensitive persons still get the option to rely on self-humidification or even auto-conditioning... and that's what i obtain reliably with my modded VG pipe - but i also require a decent pair of butane lighters and a filtered-butane can to match.

Ultimately the burning process generates energy + water vapor + carbonic gas, essentially. IMO that sorts of "potentiates" hot dry air by turning it into a Hot Stream of Gasses which i theorize has the power to leach/extract/transport my noble goodies away quicker/deeper - E.G. more efficiently! Which eventually minimizes the risk of accidental roastings IMO...


In any case my table unit doesn't survive the comparison anymore, there's no point; it's the modded VG pipe for me or nothing!

By the way, water is good but this was too much condensation for 1 person:


Lets avoid replicating this behaviour under normal circumstances as only successive/intensive use should cause so much accumulations - and possibly not just the water. So when this phenomenon appears i suggest the pipe must cool off pronto!



Now, searching around i found 1 quote that may happen to evoke the "potentiation" phenomena i seem to be observing:

...got myself a "Daisy vaporizer" from triihouse, to ease on lungs.

It's not clear how exactly but i sense the Daisy does for Tokaite what it's providing me.

And then i read him further and find this challenging invitation:

...a killer....anyone has one?

To which i'd have to reply i don't own a TriiHouse Daisy but i do appreciate some of its beauty in terms of concept and hence i'm renewing the teaser call! Anybody with related/similar perspectives??


Well i mean, things have improved in a spectacular manner since i've performed my last modding of the VG pipe; i don't even fear toking with nothing to drink on the table anymore, because my sensitivity symptoms diminished substancially as a result of Inlet Self-Moisturization, or just Auto-conditioning (if one prefers)...


It's a similar outcome in the end i guess.

Potentiation of hot dry air works fine and maybe it's because in a joint/cigarette something not dissimilar occurs as well: vegetal matter burns at the tip while a paper tube collects burning-hot gasses resulting from combustion, etc. Then this process provides a suitable "agent" to release & transport our precious molecules away... M'well whatever remains and then this blends with yucky smoke (e.g. combustion waste)!!

But the thing is it's not hot air alone on which smokers and VG pipe users altogether have depended for their respective habits i conclude. It seems to me ex-smokers may want to consider such butane-related thoughts when shopping around for a smoke-substitution vape!

My 2 cents...


And speaking of expenses, i think i'll want to get my hands on the NimbinVap if i ever see an opportunity:

The sooner the better, too bad i don't e-Commerce! Or i might as well wish to consider a TriiHouse, or both!... If only they could find some comforting manner to protect various exposed glass surfaces so it might have a real chance to survive long-term exposure to any customer...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

While i'm starting to get the hang of it i'll post this, no doubt there will be additions to share later once i've acquired a more precise perspective. Right now it's still like an experiment in learning-mode, or just some form of training maybe...

Actually i feel i'm pretty much done adjusting this prototype so it's quite about time i start building on it, hence my next stop shall either consist in personalizing a new pipe (from the gound up, voiding the waranty if i must!) mainly because i foresee i'll always want it nearby i guess! My alternate option would be to leave it there in it's "Plan-B" state - which was meant to be anyway.

Perhaps the time has come for "Plan-A" indeed but i'm not in any business here, it's still a creative hobby emerging from a fantasy!

("Plan-B", where "B" stands for "Butane")

That was last fall, i still depended on a yellow "candle" flame butane lighter, my Xicar, but although it served its purpose (for a whole year) it too eventually went deffective - as i begin to think they all do!... Anyway, the last recent months i've been using blue "jet" flames exclusively so it was sort of novel when i tried a BicTronic again, when it wasn't dark in my veranda.

It's funny how perspective/perceptions change/evolve as time eludes us; lets admit i was confident my unconcious body would help me adapt and i'll say it has, despite allergy-related complications it seems! So now that i've found a proper layout that feels so rewarding, especially in comparison to the episode(s) before, euh... I'd comment i've reached a point where new skills are a proper match for my final objective, although said goal was yet to get defined ~24 months ago...

I made a bet to put it short. So here's what this newly developped combination of modded VG pipe operator abilities and consumption method have rendered possible this afternoon. Here's the tools, essentially:

Having those illustrated right under my nose shall facilitate my task (as i begin to forget what i came here to write!)...


Ah yes, it's implemented very quickly using 2 different flexible extension tubes. The longer 1 simply consists in the addition of a shorter PVC tube with suitable mating terminations, in order to have the choice of separate or combined use (which provides 3 different path lengths overall)... 3 possible scenarios: a shorty, the regular and then that super stack i just mentioned. So we'll forget the mid-range extension for the moment being as i wanted to perceive sufficient contrast for a preliminary type of experience - and contrasted perception(s) i have obtained!


The sequence was this:


Using the super stack flexible PVC extension tube (...) suck reasonably hard on it, or at least in some energetic manner (e.g. visualize an IH driver in action!), while the spot gains focuss - and in terms of cannabic perceptions!... The trick is my front puck must display a center red-hot spot so quickly such heat gets next to no time to spread, essentially. Because it's going to be real quick and hence very brief, as at that rate the 1st sensations in the mouth won't be long to arrive... Ideally the operator must stay alert and try to anticipate the vaporisation point then MOVE HIS FLAME CATCHER AWAY FROM THE BLUE-JET FLAME when it seems about to reach the razor edge, since this was meant to pre-heat his bowl for what's next.


With the vegetal load starting to vape and/or about ready (with an "energized" core) lets start heating again but this time using a yellow flame instead! AFTER SWITCHING TO THE SHORTY EXTENSION TUBE... The sort of power level it calls for has felt quite appropriate relatively to taste and smell. Perhaps the lesser power density saves delicate molecules, etc. The toking is still very brief though a whole session performed in a relaxing situation will last as long as i find convenient, essentially. Because it's a consumption model where the inhalation window is limited to a few seconds only, which happens to fit my needs anyway as i don't have a particularily long breath; plus the implicit Auto-Conditioning feature is a most precious gift of providence to me! So the ex-smoker in me can't be more at peace: i've found my perfect substitute. Not that i needed one but this is so comforting considering the long-term chronology...


After a few good sessions the past-vaporisation screen grows sticky so a time comes when i have to sample an empty bowl. Usually with the middle tubing length, since that feels about right. That part tells me it would be great to experiment will all sorts of resins/oils, practically anything since combustion temperatures are even at reach easily with that pipe layout. In fact i figure even exotic extracts such as Salvia Divinorum would be be consumable in there (277 °C is required as i recall)! But you've got to have the lungs while i prefer smaller but more pleasant/frequent dry-flower cannabic tokes.


As far as i'm concerned the lungs are happy now. This model of consumption feels particularily time-compressed but in the manner of tobacco in a nostrill, it's reminescent of pepper so to speak (...) that's the thrilling spark between 2 silent moments enjoying the simple serenity of not loosing it as a result of irritated airways, as it used to occur before. Priceless relief!

This reminds me of cigarettes except without their load burning away constantly. Pleasant sensations - which is why i'm going back to perform further explorations as soon as possible! Wish me luck!... I sense i'm making progress...


Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Last edited:

More veranda fun testing going on!...


This time my SiC Front-Puck is alone in the main sphere cavity and it's ~4.5 mm thick but i'm thinking 3.5 ~ 4.2 would be more adequate in future evaluations.


The "Unidentified Filter Object" (UFO) Element was too large in diameter so i trimmed it down until it would enter the Screwing-Base Aperture and fit mechanically tight in there, although its covered by a Top-of-Bowl ~2 mm thick SiC Puck screen-wrapped in brass which would also help to hold it in place if necessary...


It was too far away from my cannabic bowl i guess, the difference after moving that UFO Element into the next cavity doesn't translate as a large distance and yet this prototyping platform now feels ready for the next step!!


Having multiple spheres at hand with different configurations it's now even more pleasant experimenting as i can swap them around between stirrings. For example here's how i get the most out of a single bowl...

Toking step #1

~4.5 mm Front-Puck in main Sphere cavity
~4 mm (trimmed at the base and also in circumference) UFO Element
~2 mm SiC Top-of-Bowl Puck wrapped in brass screen

Toking step #2

~3.2 mm Front-Puck in main Sphere cavity
~4 mm (trimmed at the base and also in circumference) UFO Element
~2 mm SiC Top-of-Bowl Puck wrapped in brass screen

Toking step #3

Genuine VG Classic (~7.5 mm) Front-Puck in main Sphere cavity
4 mm (trimmed at the base and also in circumference) UFO Element

Ritual goes like 1-2-3 and it often provides some "pepper" (bursting) effect: Pre-Heat, Vaporize, Flush. Using my thumb i first block the "PinHole" aperture as i torch my front puck, once i detect a change in the cannabic path i move the blue flame away (then turn it off) to continue performing my vaporist toke on stored heat only. When nearly two thirds of lungs capacity has been used it's time to lift my (PinHole) thumb in order to start flushing. Case solved.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

Still about a multiple Spheres kit.

Recent experiments suggest i've reached a point where length of the core path (including both Flame-Catcher and Monobloc lengths, + any layer of exposed wood inbetween) should attract more attention: it now seems there's more to the 3 initial variables to consider!

A Sphere's own "personality", when associated to a specific butane lighter, can be tweaked through what only feels like tiny variations on a theme. This duo below has similar dimensions and yet each Sphere corresponds to a different application range:


At 1st i prefer #2 for a fresh bowl using relatively medium-strong blue "jet" flames, then #1 fits better to finish it with a bit higher temperatures IMO.

In any case the dimensions of an Hybrid Core's 17-Holes Metal Disc are known precisely enough for the purpose of future IH related matters. The smaller disc measures 0.88 mm Thick x 12.4 mm Dia. and each of its 17 holes is #53 (1.5113 mm) as i recall.

Those would be useful resources to have at this point:

Materials Weight Calculator

[http://www.hibid.co.uk/metcalc/metcalc.html ]

Specific HeatCapacity Equation -- EndMemo Calculator
[http://www.endmemo.com/physics/specificheat.php ]
For example, my estimation amounts to a net weight of 0.6423 g for SS-304. So, if temperature must be raised by an arbitrary value of 225 °C at this stage then one can expect ~72 Joules will be required, while the heat injection time shall range near 3.6 seconds using 20 Watts of effective IH power. With a core and bowl both made of Curie-effect alloys i figure that's still within the 10 seconds limit in "Plan-A".

But this is still "Plan-B" as i don't have Curie-effect alloys handy anyway, which is why the illustrations below are only approximative at best:


This would be how i can describe butane lighter operation so far. Very little inhalation actually takes place during the "Pre-Heat" phase when a thermal charge is injected into the Hybrid Core as a preliminary requirement, inhalation takes place later with the flame removed.

The yellow rectangular part of this graphic represents moments when i apply my thumb on the main PinHole to boost airflow, this is when a temporarily stored thermal charge is partially depleeted to finally heat the cannabic bowl. As a result of this alternate "ritual" it's reasonable to assume that exposure to butane-related contaminants can be minimized, not to mention i've switched to cleaner blue flames.

Below this is a reconstitution showing idealized segments assembled together in order to express what a "perfect" toke looks like:


I think this particular "On"/"Off" part was for a somewhat faint butane lighter - it needed more succion force. Though i didn't pay sufficient attention to the relative amplitudes overall it does provide some approximate idea about how a toke goes in terms of time sequence... Starting from the point when an Hybrid Core is thermally "charged" i assume there are similarities between "Plan-B" and the ellusive "Plan-A", so that would be how a LavaWand capsule might work too i guess.

It's from an audio record with the microphone located near my auxiliary PinHole (on the base hosting a VG Ducklips MouthPiece), so i'd bet with the acquisition of more operator skills and a proper sensor to monitor opacity (instead of airflow noise) then i imagine the information details would improve a great deal.

Quite clearly this is a new ritual that no longer conforms to the original VaporGenie instructions nonetheless.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
More update...

Here's my Summer Solstice "duo" setup:

A session may start using the "DeLuxe" Sphere first, to fully appreciate aroma/taste, then after 3 ~ 4 tokes i stirr and switch Spheres (including mouthpiece configurations).

By the way, "10 + 16" means the Flame-Catcher was cut @ 10 mm long and the MonoBloc @ 16. The "wood" numbers stand for a Sphere's height, wood only.

Anyway this duo of Hybrid Cores now appears properly adjusted as a function of their respective AirFlows...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

Never before i felt so close to such deegree of aroma/taste appreciation with my other customized VG pipes, actually it appears this recent configuration beats all my previous ones in that elusive category:


( Alt. Img Source: http://oi64.tinypic.com/1zz1fes.jpg )

Of course i still couldn't refrain from testing yet another alternate configuration (ToBP = 2⅔ mm now, 2¾ was tried previously)...

An Hybrid Core configuration as the one provided below doesn't necessarily match different path characteristics corresponding to other models (e.g. handle layouts and their corresponding optimized Spheres ain't garanteed to inter-exchange reciprocally) but it sure can be expected to look similar deep inside, nonetheless:


( Alt. Img Source: http://oi66.tinypic.com/30uddu8.jpg )

Now here's some convenient airflow tweaking that helped switching from a 2-Spheres setup to a more affordable 2-Tubes one (or a 1-Tube kit featured with a stack of 2 MouthPieces where its top part is pulled as the session proceeds in order to perform instant adjustment); selection of a finer Bowl-Screen (MESH-100) combined to a suitable particle filter will also affect airflow significantly and hence Sphere matching, etc...

My Twin-MP layout works best for fresh/potent bowls and/or high-throttle butane lighters so i don't remove the DuckLips item until my 3rd toke or so, then i finish with a customized HA MP which got its airflow capacity augmented using a ¼" (dia.) drill bit, to allow insertion of a DuckLips one on top of it to be exact... The good news is that about 10 good tokes were extracted before it started tasting pop-corn - simply stirr every couple tokes!


( Alt. Img Source: http://oi66.tinypic.com/20stzjk.jpg )

That very same trick works fine on my Bronze Sherlock as well, aroma/taste wise and most specially when micro-Bursting. It must be a result of matching together aerial characteristics to some suitable degree.

Anyway that succession of handle-specific Hybrid Core iterations felt so rewarding i thought it would be appropriate just to share the recent findings:


( Alt. Img Source: http://oi65.tinypic.com/10sgh1f.jpg )

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Brief update

Still great aroma/taste appreciation, tweaked to account for weaker flames while also trying to keep the option to swap Spheres around:


( Alt. Img Source: http://oi66.tinypic.com/30uddu8.jpg )

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

...beats all my previous ones in that elusive category:


( Alt. Img Source: http://oi64.tinypic.com/1zz1fes.jpg )

Now lets see my best 2nd option (still in terms of aroma/taste appreciation):


( Alt. Img Source: http://oi66.tinypic.com/168vtkn.jpg )
It was tempting to re-evaluate the Neck Section of my Bronze Sherlock that was cut months ago to be replaced by flexible PVC Extension Tubing. Somehow i felt this modification probably attempted to fix something which wasn't broken before... In other words i got the impression AirFlow was accounted for early in that specific design and hence i suspect little more could be done to improve it except the addition of a reversible auxiliary (MP) PinHole right under its DuckLips MP - quite frankly such feature won't ever get more basic than that!


Talking of convenient simplicity here's a 3rd-party ("bong accessory") that makes maintenance real straightforward as well:


( Alt. Img Source: http://oi66.tinypic.com/ra7qc7.jpg )
Practically all of my 2016 experiments include this element as it appears to create some particles/tar trap with the Bowl-Screen above while clean-up usually involves brushing away some debris on the pipe itself once it has been ejected. When using hot oil to dissolve sticky dust that's a lot more convenient as it only requires a few drops in a fry pan, in comparison the handle-base would call for pure 94 % alcohol sprays and this can prove expensive unless resinous reclaims will justify it (conditional to the absence of tar-generating combustion incidents).


Now here's a thought on those incidents exactly:


( Alt. Img Source: http://oi67.tinypic.com/1zg5f8h.jpg )
I hope someday we can share "partitions" on-line that describe the sequence of events during a toke or session, to accelerate the acquisition of operator skills instead of relying on trial-and-error alone as this can turn frustrating if not difficult on the lungs... Until the customer has sufficient ability that is.

Lets mention that in my opinion the availability of 2 optical opacity sensors (A & B) shoud pave the way to extration of yet a 3rd channel reflecting velocity while the twin-PinHole layout on my "Classic" look aluminium handle can be terminated by a dual-function pressure/light sensor likely able to monitor cloud generation inside i figure, plus detection of ambiant light from the opposite side to detect thumb action...

On a customized VG Bronze Sherlock some hypothetical Sphere where the Main PinHole would have been relocated might as well include a middle glass ring right into its Hybrid Core (between Flame-Catcher and Monobloc) to capture photons from the flame during Pre-Heat cycles, while such PinHole would maximize "conservation" by allowing fresh room-temperature air to enter at the top of a Bowl in order to practically shield it from core heat doing so, until it's ready for the next phase. Too bad i don't have LASER or Abrasive Jet cutting handy to perform a set of 3 holes on the Monobloc, to link both faces of its annular base at an angle, etc!


So there are a few promissing ideas awaiting for eventual "Plan-A" experiments! Euh...

Last but not least, i've already published a similar graphic illustration on my Google+/Google Photos pages but this one feels more realistic to me now:


( Alt. Img Source: http://oi66.tinypic.com/2cg06ir.jpg )
This ritual departs radically from the manufacturer's own instructions, it's suitable for a wide range of applications including aroma/taste missions and also dab-like cloud generation... The device reminds me of a musical instruments, it has a definite "organic" feel to it, not to mention its Release/Transport Agent being Super-Heated Water Vapor (and carbonic gas, etc.) that's not much different from receiving a "shotgun" (from a partner's lungs) - both man and pipe consume oxygen then exhale CO2, e.g. they share some aspects of breathing so to speak:


M'well, i believe that's a hint about what makes the difference between my solution as presented here and electic-dry torture machines seen elsewhere. Considering it would be vaporized i can imagine that adapting the technique in a vaporist context should allow even more savings than to mindlessly destroy half the goodies simply to heat the other half (e.g. smoking), without the toxic legacy inherited from the 19th century Commonwealth...


Good day, have fun!! :peace:

Quick udate. First here's some simple-to-make tool that saves significant time & effort on the long run:


( Alt. Img Source: http://oi64.tinypic.com/1zxa2rs.jpg )

And this is how i can describe the Bowl of my LavaWand scenario so far:


( Alt. Img Source: http://oi65.tinypic.com/33neuwx.jpg )

Clearance between the Apertures of a pair of Monobloc Screw-Bases is ~1.2 mm once plugged in, expected Bowl shape is Lenticular (instead of a perfect cylinder) as a result of the recessed ToB Brass Screens defining each side of such load space. This shape combined to the front Brass Screen should result in more even heating of my cannabic substrate, ideally...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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