New Grower Bum wine help

Apr 18, 2021
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First time grower here! Need some help with this Bum Wine plant.

Problem: yellowing older growth slowly creeping up the plant

Medium/grow method: Ffof with Natures living soil amendment in bottom 3rd of 3 gallon fabric pot

Feed: and supplements used: Top dressed with Build a flower top dress kit on day 36.

water source: well water is ph 6.8, adjusted to 6.5 with ph down

Strain/age: Bum Wine auto/ day 40

light used: mars hydro ts1000

Climate: high 80f, low 73f

is this nitrogen deficiency? I had planned on top dressing earlier but the delivery was delayed. On hand I have....
fish emulsion 5.1.1
build a flower top dress
cal mag bloom city
dr earth flower girl 3.9.4
dr earth liquid tomat\veg fert 3.2.2
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possible lockout. Check out my Grow with NLS. The good news is I was able to get to the finish line.
First time grower here! Need some help with this Bum Wine plant.

Problem: yellowing older growth slowly creeping up the plant

Medium/grow method: Ffof with Natures living soil amendment in bottom 3rd of 3 gallon fabric pot

Feed: and supplements used: Top dressed with Build a flower top dress kit on day 36.

water source: well water is ph 6.8, adjusted to 6.5 with ph down

Strain/age: Bum Wine auto/ day 40

light used: mars hydro ts1000

Climate: high 80f, low 73f

is this nitrogen deficiency? I had planned on top dressing earlier but the delivery was delayed. On hand I have....
fish emulsion 5.1.1
build a flower top dress
cal mag bloom city
dr earth flower girl 3.9.4
dr earth liquid tomat\veg fert 3.2.2
View attachment 1308953View attachment 1308954View attachment 1308955

how many days since you top dressed?
@Edisonst :welcome:Welcome to AFN :welcome:. We have had a rash of growers having troubles with the NLS Natures Living Soil amendment. That looks like a Nitrogen deficiency but what is causing it? Too little N or too much K. I am not a fan of layering soil. Roots just do not grow in a layer! FFOF is hot for autos and the troubles with NLS remain un-diagnosed. If it is too much potassium it will be nearly impossible to get out. If it is truely a N deficiency then you can add a little and see how it goes but it could make things worse if it is the potassium? This is a tough call, worm castings or bat guano or nothing and just keep watering?

Been there, done that with NLS. I'm going to follow you on this one. Stick with it.
So I watered (2ltrs) with a light feeding of Dr earth liquid I had on hand. I tested the runoff at 6.5 ph and the ppm was 400. Is that low? I thought it would be higher with the previous top dressing and the hot soil.
2.5 days. The issue was there before the top dressing.
It will take 7-10 days minimum to see the results of the top dress if you keep it hydrated properly. I think you could also make a tea with it according to Build a soils instructions if you want to go for broke and make a firm decision as to how you want to attack the issue. Ive had NLS poop out on me with bigger plants and smaller containers in the past.
Ultimately your call.
So I watered (2ltrs) with a light feeding of Dr earth liquid I had on hand. I tested the runoff at 6.5 ph and the ppm was 400. Is that low? I thought it would be higher with the previous top dressing and the hot soil.
Sometimes its best to pour another bit of water after the initial bit that has had a chance to hydrate everything and test that run off.. the initial runoff can go straight through and not reflect the actual situation going on in the soil.. Ocean forest alone should have a ppm of 1000+ without anything added to it in my experience. Sounds like maybe your soil is a bit pooped out unless the ppm reading was inaccurate
This morning she was very perky but the yellowing still seems to spread. I'm going to just water and watch her. The unaffected growth seems healthy to me but obviously I am no expert. Should I just monitor ph and ppm at this point? Anything I should look ot for or check?