Wow, so many people spotted to help that I couldn't get happier! I've readed all the contents you've posted including the huge page bout lights and photosynthesis (very explanatory!)
I have to admit tough that I had some sort of denial with the T5's... Don't ask me why, but I was totally sceptical with them but I decided to put their Specs in the paper and I were actually VERY surprised!
First I had chosen CFL's, as I commented on the first page but aparently the T5 are much better, for both vegetative or blooming color temperature bulbs!
Considering what your advices for color temperature, I should stick to the good old 2700k (3000k for T5's) for blooming and 6500k for vegetative...
Check it out... This is the CLASH OF THE BULBS!
for "blue" spectre (6500k) we have
Philips Twister High Lumen: 65W, 4000lm, 66lm/W and a lifetime of 8000 hours.
Philips HO TL5 /865 : 54W, 4250lm, 89lm/W and a life time of 24000 hours. (it seems that the t5 massacres the cfl... easy like this!)
for the "red" spectre (2700k and 3000k) we have
Philips Twister: 42W, 2800lm, 66lm/W and a life time of 8000 hours.
Philips HO TL5 /830: 54W, 4450lm, 93 lm/W and a life time of 24000 hours. (again a massacre, long life, low consumption of energy and way higher lumen output!)
In the overall the T5 lasts way longer (3x)... I will be reformulating the design of my growing wardrobe and I'll be using ONLY T5's. In my case its not gonna be a problem, but for other people the T5's size might be a drawback... cos these bulbs are actually quite "long"!
I wonder how many lamps I should put tough... I think I shall train my strains good to make them flat horizontally and use as many lamps as possible, flat on the top.... But I really do not know, I accept suggestions!
By now I will be searching here on AFN and also on other forums, to check out how do the other t5 users set it up!
I just would like to thank you all who were kind and gave a part of your time to come to this thread and write me advices, information... cos we all know that not everyone has time to GIVE like this... for free.
So thank you very much, for helping me!