Build a Soil Grow System Modifications for Autos


Oooohhh Yeeeahhh....Can do!
Aug 18, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Hi all,
First time posting with AFN, and I'm also a new grower with only 2 grows under my belt, both with photoperiods. The first grow was in an amended FFOF soil that didn't turn out too well (the final product smelt like dill, and I'm about to harvest my second grow that was in Build a Soil LOS v.3 Oly mix. This grow has turned out better, but I still ran into yellowing and it growing seeds, probably because of me stressing it in some way. I'm logging everything and learning a bunch along the way.

I'm growing a single plant in a 2x2 tent with a HLG QB135 v2 LED, 6" AC Infinity fan, Phresh carbon filter, currently using 7 gallon Geopots. After further research, I think my grow setup makes me a perfect candidate to try autoflowers.

I'm currently following (a little loosely) the Build a Soil systems for growing that can be found here -

As you will notice on the spreadsheet on the bottom of that page, the columns are broken into timings of a photoperiod. How would I modify this for an auto? Would I just sort of eyeball the progress and adjust when I start seeing the plant naturally go through it's growth stages?

Also, would I need to modify anything else on this plan that would not be correct/unnecessary for an autoflower? This is a hobby grow, so I'm looking for great quality buds, and I don't mind investing time. The only thing I don't want, which I learned from my first grow, is that I don't have the room to store a lot of amendments, so that's why I went with ready-to-go BAS on the second grow.

Thanks in advance!
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I'd consider a liquid product like MycoChum as a potential solution. You are probably seeing it run out of N and K. I can't say for sure without images and knowing what's in their soil. That's typically the first macronutrient deficiencies I see in our soils if it runs out. But with an Auto in a 7 gallon pot, you should be able to go "water only" in my opinion.
Hi all,
First time posting with AFN, and I'm also a new grower with only 2 grows under my belt, both with photoperiods. The first grow was in an amended FFOF soil that didn't turn out too well (the final product smelt like dill, and I'm about to harvest my second grow that was in Build a Soil LOS v.3 Oly mix. This grow has turned out better, but I still ran into yellowing and it growing seeds, probably because of me stressing it in some way. I'm logging everything and learning a bunch along the way.

I'm growing a single plant in a 2x2 tent with a HLG QB135 v2 LED, 6" AC Infinity fan, Phresh carbon filter, currently using 7 gallon Geopots. After further research, I think my grow setup makes me a perfect candidate to try autoflowers.

I'm currently following (a little loosely) the Build a Soil systems for growing that can be found here -

As you will notice on the spreadsheet on the bottom of that page, the columns are broken into timings of a photoperiod. How would I modify this for an auto? Would I just sort of eyeball the progress and adjust when I start seeing the plant naturally go through it's growth stages?

Also, would I need to modify anything else on this plan that would not be correct/unnecessary for an autoflower? This is a hobby grow, so I'm looking for great quality buds, and I don't mind investing time. The only thing I don't want, which I learned from my first grow, is that I don't have the room to store a lot of amendments, so that's why I went with ready-to-go BAS on the second grow.

Thanks in advance!

hey @Mr.MeeSeeks and :welcome: to afn! :toke: wow, 7 gal potz in a 2x2 is gonna get a wee bit crowded me thinkz, lol :biggrin: and well, u don't need a spreadsheet with an auto, lol...the girlz will tell u everything u need to know, good or'z all about listening ;)

ppp & :goodluck:

:420: :bong:
Thanks for the replies. I’ve noticed it seems a lot of people grow autos in either 5 or 3 gallon pots. I have some 5 gallon pots handy I can use.

My only concern with watching the plants is I may not respond in time without causing some major issues. My plan is to get ahead of any deficiencies by making sure the soil is rich and alive. Due to the short lifespan of autos, I feel they may be less forgiving if I screw something up. I could very well be overthinking it.

It would be nice to be able to grow the dank with a nice soil so I only need to use water. I’m open to suggestions. I may just need to scrap the spreadsheet and start over with a different mindset now that I’m switching to autos. I don’t mind simple if simple works well.

Thanks again!
Thanks for the replies. I’ve noticed it seems a lot of people grow autos in either 5 or 3 gallon pots. I have some 5 gallon pots handy I can use.

My only concern with watching the plants is I may not respond in time without causing some major issues. My plan is to get ahead of any deficiencies by making sure the soil is rich and alive. Due to the short lifespan of autos, I feel they may be less forgiving if I screw something up. I could very well be overthinking it.

It would be nice to be able to grow the dank with a nice soil so I only need to use water. I’m open to suggestions. I may just need to scrap the spreadsheet and start over with a different mindset now that I’m switching to autos. I don’t mind simple if simple works well.

Thanks again!

well, let'z see...yup, simple workz well, lol :biggrin: just remember -> "the road to hell is paved with good intentionz", haha :coffee: me had the same exact outlook, as far as the whole "water only" thing, but am currently smack in the middle of a total mid-growth crisis as a rezult instead, lol :rofl: me got a nute pkg comin, but it may still be too late for one o' me girlz, dunno yet :shrug: see, here'z the thing, cannabis is an extremely nute-hungry plant, and autoz even more so...whatever'z in the soil might get em by til preflower or so, but by then, a) they've uzed up everything in the soil, and b) the plant'z needz at that time change completely up anyway, so...jus sayin... ;) all in all tho, fear not, cuz the good ol' ruderalis genez in autoz make em tuff lil bitchez, and well, ya basically gotta take a flamethrower to em to actually kill em, pretty sure anybody here will back that up :thumbsup: and, jus fer good meazure, while true that a lotta peepz grow in 3 or 5 gal potz, there'z just as many growin in 1 or 2 gal potz ;) i'm in 2 gal now, but will be goin with 1 gal next grow, cuz well, they just G R O W way more than u think they will in the beginning, haha :smokeit: ppp
Another vote for 5 gallon pots.

I have 2x2.5x5, HLG100v2, and the 4” AC infinity. So a pretty similar setup.

3 5gallon pots can max out the space depending on the strains. Currently have 2 CBD Cracks and 1 Solomatic.

It’s my first all tent grow and I had move 1 plant out because one of the CBD Cracks was a monster.

Going with a water only approach using biotabs.

This is about 6 weeks in.


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Hi all,
First time posting with AFN, and I'm also a new grower with only 2 grows under my belt, both with photoperiods. The first grow was in an amended FFOF soil that didn't turn out too well (the final product smelt like dill, and I'm about to harvest my second grow that was in Build a Soil LOS v.3 Oly mix. This grow has turned out better, but I still ran into yellowing and it growing seeds, probably because of me stressing it in some way. I'm logging everything and learning a bunch along the way.

I'm growing a single plant in a 2x2 tent with a HLG QB135 v2 LED, 6" AC Infinity fan, Phresh carbon filter, currently using 7 gallon Geopots. After further research, I think my grow setup makes me a perfect candidate to try autoflowers.

I'm currently following (a little loosely) the Build a Soil systems for growing that can be found here -

As you will notice on the spreadsheet on the bottom of that page, the columns are broken into timings of a photoperiod. How would I modify this for an auto? Would I just sort of eyeball the progress and adjust when I start seeing the plant naturally go through it's growth stages?

Also, would I need to modify anything else on this plan that would not be correct/unnecessary for an autoflower? This is a hobby grow, so I'm looking for great quality buds, and I don't mind investing time. The only thing I don't want, which I learned from my first grow, is that I don't have the room to store a lot of amendments, so that's why I went with ready-to-go BAS on the second grow.

Thanks in advance!
I've been using peat, perlite, lime and Burpees organic mixed in with good success. To many to count, just water and watch em grow. I've been recycling the same soil for a few years.
Thanks again for all the replies. I have some time before I can setup my next grow using autos, so this has given me a lot of ideas and more to research.

Thanks again, all!!