Bugs and Discoloured Leaves

Dr. Babnik

Virtus ex Alto
Apr 2, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Six Shooter, Black Stone, Stone Dragon, Moroccan and home made hash

Doc is having an anxiety attack!

What has infested my garden? I thought it was calcium precipitates, but it is not. I can see a few bugs on the back side of leaves. They are elongated and yellowish, semi transparent. No signs of webs, just these feast on my leaves.


Should I spray with Zyklon B so the healthy plants dont get infected? I have food grade pecticide.
Hey Dr,

They look anything like the pic below ? If so are thrip larvae, also looks like thrip damage to me.

:amazon: thrips indeed Dr. B'! I like products that have spinosad in them, or Azamax... both are very good at wasting these vermin! Both are not instant killers though, they sicken them first, putting them off feed, them they croak out shortly after,... spinosad is a neurotoxin derived from an obscure bacterium... Azamax is made from neem oil... multiple treatments will be in order, and using both as a 1-2 punch will be even better! Thrips are very mobile, adults can fly, so what you kill now may not be the end of them,... larvae undergo a sort of pupation in the soil, but don't feed at this time,.. diatomaceous earth as a surface layer will cut that shit out as a generation breaker! :pimphand: And from the looks of the damage, you have a significant infestation going, so be sure to clean up in there very well, give them no places to hide...:evil1: