New Grower Budsons First Dank Den - Pineapple Express & White Widow!

Just realised my girls have grow a crazy amount since last update, i need to find a way to upload some photos, i took my phone for a swim the other day.. you can work out the rest from there haha, i might have a spare one i could use for photos, ill get some up in the next few hours :niceshot:
Day 27 Photo Update

So not much going on as you can see in the last 4-5 days we've had some nice growth, i moved lights up by a extra 5cm then normal, just trying to get a little stretch not much though, LSTed the stem on the PE has a nice bend it her now, now only slightly taller then the WW :thumbs: happy days! here be some photos for y'all :)
groupie.jpg WW1.jpg WW2.jpg

PEtop.jpg PE2.jpg
female.jpg PElst.jpg
Just done a nice little LST session out in the sun shine, the side branches should shoot up now and try work on getting me an even canopy, ive been putting them outside recently, for the last few daylight hours usually for like the last 3-4 hours before dark period, Could you say this is a benefit? or it really isnt going to effect performance?


- - - Updated - - -

Just done a nice little LST session out in the sun shine, the side branches should shoot up now and try work on getting me an even canopy, ive been putting them outside recently, for the last few daylight hours usually for like the last 3-4 hours before dark period, Could you say this is a benefit? or it really isnt going to effect performance?

well F#@King kjsebgt74308qhbqtggyg79e tv74yt4857583214923r8 3-r43r45#$^^%$tv456t4 3vt!!!!!

sorry just letting my anger out, i had a full update done up with a bunch of photos over the last 3 weeks and it all just deleted its self and the "load latest content" option loaded my last post -.- the anger i have right now is unreal.. time for a :bong:

Anyway ill just post photos for now i guess.. and ill come back tonight and do ANOTHER detailed write up on whats been happening on my side of the world, the photos wont be named like i normally do but ill try get them from oldest to newest so im at day 51 today the plant with the most buds is the PE and the WW doesnt have as much, like i said ill do a full detailed write up tonight or tomorrow and explain whats been up.. have a good day guys!

PS, there will be a photo of some leaf dis-colour from the WW its lime green in the center of the leaf then goes darker green towards the outter leaf.. is this a sign of nitrogen deficiency? thats just my guess.. if not should i be worried about this and can someone tell me what it actually means would be great

day 38ish?
WWside.jpg WWside (2).jpgPEtop.jpgPEside.jpggroupie.jpgcolour.jpg

Day 49

I'll be back with more photos and jazz later!!
Hey Budson, it is always difficult to diagnose when those ladies are under LED. From what I can see the WW has no N deficiency. In that first pic, day 38 she is a little heavy with N and the tips are staring to claw down(first sign of too much N) and you have a little tip burn from overfeeding just slightly. That last pic on day 38 looks like some slight Potassium deficiency, ever so slight but it normally starts at the tips of your fan leaves' serrated edges and works it's way back into the leaf. If you see some brown splotches in that leaf begin to showing up your ph is out of range or you need to incorporate a little more K into her diet. That could be from a little too much N as well. Basically once you are in flowering you want to lower your N to almost nothing because the plant isn't really looking for N any longer, she is trying to Bud son! So keep an eye on her. Other than that you are doing a wonderful job bro! "kudos" Keep up the great work!
They are coming along great mate that lighter and darker of the leafs mate i wouldn't worrie about that it happened to both of mine mate lol keep up the good work budson. ps you are ment to upload your photos before you delete them pmsl :Sharing One: