New Grower Buddha's mix plus plus a TD

The buddhas look huge bro they're gonna have some monster colas!!
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The buddhas look huge bro they're gonna have some monster colas!!

Jayar ..I'm so happy with Buddha seeds and there genetic s. This is my 2nd auto grow and I thought all autos were like lowryders and never got to big. These buddhas are very big and if you connect the buds together you can see I'll have foot long colas and about 9 per plant! I hope I break a record with there plants. I feel like I should get 1000 grams off all 12,plants just not all at once. Those baby dark devils look great! The buddhas have 45 more days or so. I hope they all fit!
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Pics 20140912_180306.jpg
Nice man gonna have to try these out soon. 1000 grams not too shabby :) Awesome hope you get it. :goodluck:
If i get 1000g you guys will be the first to know! Bayou If it hit that number Ill book a place in you know were and we will try to burn ALL of it! you in? :Sharing One:
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Here is a garden update. The think different is 55 or so.days old is a the fast pheno .. i cut out some to get more light inside the plant. If i grow td again ill use scrog because its just crazy bushy. I cut 26 grams off the inside and the bottom and shes still big and will get bigger. The buddha plants are nothing short of perfect. Cant wait to hit some buddha smoke.
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:drool:Man those buddhas!!!
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