OLD REVIEWS Buddha seeds magnum

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Thanks for the smoke report, did you measure the height of each plant?,
Now that it has cured right up, How do you rate it up against a good photoperiod if you can thank you
Now that it has cured right up, How do you rate it up against a good photoperiod if you can thank you

I would put alot of autos up against photos any day!! This is one of em. Magnum is a great up beat, get sh*t done sati high!!! Grow her out mate, she wont disappoint!!
You must have gotten a completely different pheno than mine I did about a year ago.. What I have left smells of straight orange/onion peels and is one of the heaviest smokes in my chest of 30+ strains bro. It is almost 100% indica strain.. I literally get complaints from friends because its so heavy.. Straight couchlock... Nice report brother :Sharing One:
My next grow will be an indi Dom, which I am still trying to decide what it will be, but my next sati dom will be Magnum. You got me sold, Briman
Hey, I swear on all things true and good, Magnum is good smoke but garbage genetics, I ordered my brother 50 magnum autos from Attitude Seeds and over a third where Males, they say to put them outdoors, My Brother has been growing Ganja for 25 years and he was so bummed out, he doesn't have a lot of money, when I wrote Buddah Seeds, they did not reply, in the end the ratio was 2 to 1, for every 2 bad ones there was a good one, also Mold was an issue, the nodes turned brown and then rotted the rest, outta 50 seeds, only salvaged 20 oz, used the pollen to seed another one and lots of shit magnum seeds, I can't believe they can advertise whatever they want and then take 700 dollars for crap, will never ever speak highly of them ever, next time I am away I will get some pics. SERIOUS THOUGH BUYERS BEWARE>
The 6 out of ten I had one was a male messed with a couple of plants i did not want messed with. I am glad I bought 10 and not five. The smoke is cheesy to me nice high