
It's all about the Trichomes
Apr 18, 2018
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Heres my suckerpunch by autoseeds. She grown in canna coco coir with advanced nutrients ph perfect sensi grow and bloom. Under a roleadro 400w cob led.

Ill be updating its progress frequently.

Heres my suckerpunch by autoseeds. She grown in canna coco coir with advanced nutrients ph perfect sensi grow and bloom. Under a roleadro 400w cob led.

Ill be updating its progress frequently. View attachment 970348View attachment 970349View attachment 970350
I tried lst but one worked and one stretched, so one will get some funky super cropping. Nice looking girls though and look like there's going to be loads of resin.

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I get a little carried away with the LST somtimes but it always pays off come harvest time. And my plants rarely stretch bc I dedicate a light to each plant and they get more light than they can use. I grew another suckerpunch in soil and had a phosphorus deficiency that I mistook for cal mag deficiency and lost alot of time correcting it. But even still it came out looking good wich shows me just how hearty and strong this strain is rarely does a auto come out of somthing like that and look as good as this one did.. So im very anxious to see how this one does in the coco so far shes growing like a dream. Heres the soil one that I had a issue with.
I get a little carried away with the LST somtimes but it always pays off come harvest time. And my plants rarely stretch bc I dedicate a light to each plant and they get more light than they can use. I grew another suckerpunch in soil and had a phosphorus deficiency that I mistook for cal mag deficiency and lost alot of time correcting it. But even still it came out looking good wich shows me just how hearty and strong this strain is rarely does a auto come out of somthing like that and look as good as this one did.. So im very anxious to see how this one does in the coco so far shes growing like a dream. Heres the soil one that I had a issue with.
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Nice[emoji481][emoji482][emoji482] tying them down and making them grow up is the best thing do that with super cropping and the right light spectrum you can't go wrong[emoji482]

I dont do alot of super croping bc some plants dont respond as good as others to it. But when it works it makes a big difference. I see alot of people on here saying to top your plants and all this other stuff. And them techniques are better suited for photoperoid plants.
Hell I forgot you were growing an auto. But the tying down will definitely help you with lager yields.
Some examples of plants that I've grown using tying down methods and purple plant is one of my Autos I've grown Devil cream from sweet seeds.
I'm not a super Auto fan they don't have large enough yields for me.
I'm all about quality and quantity Quality first and foremost absolutely. And then quantity secondly.
I can deal with everything else in between.[emoji482]

Wow thats some nice looking outdoor. Its hard to grow good outdoor where I am bc of the colder weather and altitude. I grow autos bc I can have plants at multiple stages of growth all on the same light cycle and in the same grow space. And as far as yield I make out better with autos. The amount I get with how little time it takes to grow them equals more weight. The only thing is theres much less margin for error with autos. These new autos are nothing like the autos from years ago. I focus on quality first as well and as always looking for the best of both worlds and with autoseeds strains they seem to have the best balence of yield and potency.