browning/dying first set of leaves from inside-out

might be the flourish could be a little to hot for them babys.
Hugo - Thanks man, am writing this down as I type this its hard.. but i am!:wiz:"spaghnum peat moss and mix them in about 50% peat, 30% perlite and 20% vermiculite."

but *ouch* the pain of hearing "scrap it and start over" I'll see what it does still sitting on the side lines

Will start germing another seed or 2
I would bet that is what the problem is. You see when you start out with ferts/nutes in the soil... every time you water you are feeding them/releasing the nutes. That is why they are stunted. Hugo gave you a good formula for a great start! With autos, in the beginning, less is more. Definitely get yourself some Myco. That will help tremendously. You can add some into your soil mixture and when you plant and transplant as well.

I think that will give you a better go at it next run for sure! :smokebuds:
Thanks WVR, got a type of myco in mind? seems there's a few.
sorry if I sounded a bit harsh... :-/

Nah man, you just crushed my WHOLE F'n SPIRIT FOR WEED:firedevil: Dats messed up Bro!

It's all good, I'm pretty sure theres one or 2 people looking this over thinking "I told that fool the same thing months ago" :bong: I just don't understand all this ferts/nutes and tablespoons of this stuff. If I can just get that 3 peice plan working I might just make something grow

Needed an excuse to drive to sneak off to the local gardening store.. so after I grabbed some brunnings peat moss (hopefully okay type) I took my vape over to mates house and we toked:smokebuds:and toked:smokebuds: but hopfully next effort will be something more substacial. :peace:

EDIT: WVR - didn't get the Myco, forgot, was stoned in a crowded shop lol.. will i be alright without for now?
:) eheh! Just think that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger :thumbs:

When are you going back to the gardening store? The best time to use it is when planting and transplanting. Take a look at post #182 in my thread to see how to use the myco in the transplants. It's really easy!

If you're going to buy the myco it's a shame you don't get the seaweed and the humics at least! consider it an investment.

If you want brands try these ones:

- myco -> Piranha by Advanced Nutrients
- seaweed -> Alg-a-Mic by BioBizz
- humics -> H2 by Advanced Nutrients

Wishing a green outcome

EDIT: and don't forget the pH meter :)