Brother Mendel's Selections Midwest Widow Q4 2021 Grow-and-Show!

@WildBill that's what I like about the jr that they are a bit faster than the regulars, but I still want to see what I can do with a regular size.

I'm very pleased with this strain and also woth the jr on its 3rd cycle (alot of people said can't be done its too small but my jr is full of life, so I might keep going the no till route on it)
Looking at The remains of my Haze roots, tells me that it would be very possible to make several runs before needing to re-pot it. I'm gonna toy with rotating my two EBs. One growing canna and one growing cover crop on the off cycle. Off cycle cover crop can break down all the roots and have all that goodness ready for when you grow your next one. I know people say they will replant right beside the freshly chopped, letting a cover crop grow, but I think letting it go sorta fallow and letting all your helper do the work, it lessens the energy the plant uses to search for nute and they are already available to the plant with little effort.
I think normally small girls would do quite well in a Jr. If two Jrs would fit in my little Mars 2.3x2.3 tent I'd do it. I would have to upgrade my light though. The one in the now just has a too small footprint for good high intensity light. I have to check the PAR every time I move the Haze clone in there . I rotate her based on the bag's tag a little note taped with the daily position. :eyebrows: :biggrin:
@WildBill I'm constantly running plants lol and have no space to have a second eb just chilling :rofl:.. it would definitely be better to grow a cover crop and let the roots be eaten n stuff but unfortunately not at this time maybe when I move out of here I can play around with that..
@WildBill I'm constantly running plants lol and have no space to have a second eb just chilling :rofl:.. it would definitely be better to grow a cover crop and let the roots be eaten n stuff but unfortunately not at this time maybe when I move out of here I can play around with that..
I'm gonna run this EB and do the cover crop thing in my big closet where I have my stuff brewing. I may go ahead and pot up the other and start a cover crop and worms in it. I can see how well it will do in there. I can put my Mars SP3000 over it just turned down.. Just keep the cover crop trimmed down. Gotta find some hairy vetch. Dunno if the place I used to buy it is still in business and I can't remember if they sell in small amounts. Never bought less than 10lbs at a time. LOL!
It would be an interesting experiment!
UPDATE- Midwest widow girls are at day 21. Feeding 1.5gpg MC. Other than the leaf tips close to soil they are doing good. Will probably start stretching here soon. May top this afternoon when lights come back on. Lights at 90% at top of tent. Temp steady at 75deg F and 55%humidity.
Day 24 and she keeps on overdrive :headbang: :bow: :jointman: :woohoo1: this is by the fastest and overall great form I've had in this eb jr shit in all my grows I would say. I can imagine when she stretches its gonna have some good size to her.

Some great laterals on her!
DAY 28
Tent temp: 80 PAR: 320
Brother Mendel's Midwest Widow

Lady is growing wonderfully! She is still getting fed Per Gallon: 3gMC, 1g EpsomSalt, 1ml Cal/Mag, 2ml Hydroguard.
Feed comes out at pH5.8....and I have still been diluting ppm down to 450. I put up a little "net situation" yesterday afternoon, and by
this morning she was already growing out of it! Ohhhhh is the tent starting to smell nice :biggrin:

