Broscience! What is it? Why should you care?

Most of us grow an average of 4 plants at a time, what else do we have but “testimony that something is true, false, related, or unrelated based on isolated examples of someone's personal experience.” 💁🏼‍♂️
Most of us grow an average of 4 plants at a time, what else do we have but “testimony that something is true, false, related, or unrelated based on isolated examples of someone's personal experience.” 💁🏼‍♂️
And related to small sample size and "isolated examples" of individual grows, each with many variables, with "bro science" or other non-rigorously studied growing recommendations it's essentially impossible to tell what is consistently right, fact, group-derived knowledge, etc. vs. what's deceptive (seems right but isn't) or is flat-out wrong