Breeding with CMD from Gnome

Yup.....but you get this one under your belt and you'll have more idea of numbers that you will get.... :pass: ...all part of the learning process.

As you get used to numbers it is simple to part pollenate a plant...and have virgin bud for smoke........Plus seed....but for this one....just See what you get.
@Mossy these two plants have finally been chopped and harvested and oh boy were they seeded. It was such a tedious task with how much there was but I finally got it done. Definitely going to be doing partial pollination the next round. I harvested about 600 from the taller #2 plant and almost 1200 from the shorter #1 plant which feels very unnecessary for my purpose. However I am very impressed with the dry sift I got, so I’m comforted knowing I have enough medicine that works well for me and enough seeds to never lose it. :pass:
Just got back from a weeks vacation and ran the rest of the material from plant #1 through the dry sieve. The most noticeable similarity between the two phenos is the resin. It’s very granular and gritty, like fine sand. Not greasy at all, which led to a decent amount of dry sift. I collected a decent amount of stalks and plant material with it but I personally don’t mind as I’m usually adding it to bowls and joints.


This will be the final post for this run, I’ll continue to document my journey in this thread as I continue to work on this project. Up next I’ll be doing a seed to harvest thread, as I’m running low on sensi, then I’ll get my F6 selection started right after. Thanks for looking!! :wiz:

CDLC x CMD girls getting hit up by the love dust of three super stinky stud males. Late night sessions when the place is left all to me are the only time I endulge in such carnal affairs... A few stray seeds will be made, hopefully not too many... It's just me smoking it so I'll make hash if the pollination was a bit heavy handed. This is the second selction of this cross I am testing from the three best moms last round, three dads where used last time and the differences where profound. How many dads do you all try and use for small selection pools? Using one dad has ended many projects for me so three is my number now, at least in very small spaces...


CDLC x CMD is getting closer just a couple weeks left, most smell amazing like welches grape juice served in a brand new tennis ball cut in half, with a gassy oil like heaviness at the end. Two girls with low odor just general sweetness that will not get selected for further work unless they really show off when smoked also showed up to the party. Seed stayed mainly on the three branches and I won't mind finding a few strays in the flower meant for smoke unless they make it to my bowl and put on a show and smell for me. This should allow me several different moms by three different dads to work on more selection from, so far this cross seems a successful endeavor as each of the three original CDLC were all good but slightly different enough to provide a wide spread with 3 male Coal Miner's Daughters used, probably 2/3 to 1/2 of the daughters I have grown already are as good as or better smoke wise and 3/4 to almost 100% out yeilded their mom based on 10x10x12 pot double potted from a 4x4x6 they were started in. So if you got CMD seed start hitting your favorite ladies right away if you don't mind working with regular sex representation. I will stay busy and sticky playing with these lines until I leave this wacky world... the scissor hash is very nice this round already...
@Curranabis ..... :pass: .....If you crossed CMD to Itself.......gave yourself a decent little Test could Probably pull Black Dragon 95% Pure outta what you already have.........:dragon2:

CMD is only ALF#5... Black Dragon is Should be a reasonably easy Pick Up coz it is still Floating on the surface.....:pass:

I wish I had a family tree for the Gnomes line up.
I have been skipping over some and growing out of order. I grew Blackstrap and the newer Witcher's creek before growing Moth Man.
So, Mothman= blackstrap + CMD. Witcher's Creek = Mothman + Bobby's Widow (Swirled?) I started my one and only Witcher's and 4 CMD's that I made. Hoping for a nice healthy male CMD to pollinate it with. Also a few Blackstrap to make a Mothman. I doubt I'll get close to Gnomes Mothman unless I'm incredibly lucky.
In any case, this has been fun. Thanks again for this forum.
these two plants have finally been chopped and harvested and oh boy were they seeded.

:biggrin: Yeah.......a personal breeder never needs to pollenate a full plant......:pighug:..but hey...we Live and Learn huh....?

Black bag it next time......cannabis condoms.......:condom:....

You are never going to be short of a seed...for a few years.........:biggrin:..

so I’m comforted knowing I have enough medicine that works well for me and enough seeds to never lose it. :pass:

Always a Silver lining........:headbang:...Think of the money you saved.....

Up next I’ll be doing a seed to harvest thread

10 Days from harvest they are normally ready to germ........:headbang:
Late night sessions when the place is left all to me are the only time I endulge in such carnal affairs...

You do have to be Careful...........they really do Stink when they are getting jiggy.........:headbang:

How many dads do you all try and use for small selection pools? Using one dad has ended many projects for me so three is my number now, at least in very small spaces...

3's haven't started hybriding..or excluding 3 males would still give you all the options available........

CDLC x CMD is getting closer just a couple weeks left, most smell amazing

The Nose Knows........:headbang:...Follow tailor a cross in that is Right for you........

I Believe...humans like all other animals ...have the Instinctive ability to self-medicate.....and your Nose will lead you to it ........if you Trust it....

I wish I had a family tree for the Gnomes line up.

Keep tagging @FullDuplex in everytime you post..... :biggrin:..he might notice one day.....

He is an avid might tempt him enough....:pass: