Sweet Seeds Boogies Black Cream

  • Thread starter Thread starter Boogieman
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I am subbed up for this one! I don't believe I have ever seen one go purple that damn quick. That is amazing.
I am about to buy some of their seeds, now it is just a matter of which ones to buy.
Hey boogie loving your taste buds on the strains youve picked to grow any other strains you have coming up next.... I want to buy some new beans any recommendations?
This will be my first Sweet Seeds grow..
and your going to enjoy oh yh :booya:,i be along for the ride :smokebuds:,iv got space for one more bean,and im hitching to get another black cream a run,but im holding the space for an other sweet bean when they come, look forward to seeing your update :smokebuds::peace: Kudo
Hey boogie loving your taste buds on the strains youve picked to grow any other strains you have coming up next.... I want to buy some new beans any recommendations?
Hey Oat..I'm not sure about which one will be next..but in the meantime I'll be focusing on this Black Cream trying to do it justice..:D I recommend 'em all..haha..:peace:
Nice to have you riding shotgun Kudo..stylez rasta smoke
oh yh i be doing a double barrel shotgun ride tonight stylez rasta smokeiv got ted over dam good bro.jpgPeace Kudo.jpg