Bomb Seeds Bomb Seeds Cherry Bomb And Berry Bomb Auto Seeds Grow

I’m in too [emoji1303] Best of luck with the [emoji523][emoji378]


Thanks!:bighug: Happy Growing!

Thanks buddy

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]

Thank you bro hope you enjoy the ride!

Thank you Bro

hey @Chuck207, ill follow in here and give whatever input i can. As i said in the PM they were looking a little stretchy, but they seem to have settled down now. Do you have an oscillating fan in the tent? You should get an air current to gently move across young plants to help encourage the stems to produce more of the harder "trunk" like cells that support the plant.

Thank you, i just saw them on lunch and they look great, yes there's a oscillating monkey fan blowing across the top and on them slightly, and theres another fan adjacent pointing down from mid-top tent
Given distilled water today! Will get Transplanted tomorrow, roots are starting to poke!
Those have thickened up nicely. Good Job. Are they the berry in the first picture and the Cherry in the second?
Sorry, haha beeen busy , Got Bullied outta work so i do have the girls on track now
BerryBomb is in 5 gal 1st pic
Cherry Bomb is in 3 gal second pic this was yesterday they look better rn
Sorry, haha beeen busy , Got Bullied outta work so i do have the girls on track now
BerryBomb is in 5 gal 1st pic
Cherry Bomb is in 3 gal second pic this was yesterday they look better rn

Looking good Chuck [emoji1303]

Cherry Bomb First and Berry Bomb Second, There Ph's got fixed mid yesterday not sure, but they are good now so it'll be smooth sailing! Roots are now in water and they will start blowin up now[emoji114]