Bomb Seeds Bomb Seeds & Bear 88s - Welly Boot Challenge

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3 prizes for of 5 seeds for the winners
+ an extra prize for the most crazy/beautiful boot!

Rules: You must grow a cannabis plant in a welly boot ^_^
Welly Size: It's a FUN competition, just be honest.
Start date: Now
End Date: FEBRUARY 28th 2021
Officially Sponsored & Endorsed by Dan @ Bomb Seeds

Winners will be selected by (A Member Poll at the end )

Good Luck .. & Have Fun


ok so here it goes everyone, for weeks/months now i have been looking at loads of different types of grow styles and i find the solo cup grows amazing, i also seen a converse shoe grow, pretty cool looking, seen grows in pringles tubs too, you can basically grow in any type of container as long as it can hold the medium you can grow a plant in it.

so i thought a wellie boot would be a good thing for a grow to be done in but have yet to see one on the internet.

i dont know if im posting this in the right place but i would really love to see someone do it and a few have said they will so i thought id start a thread about it.

!!!!!!!THE CHALLENGE !!!!!

well im not quite sure how to start a challenge but im still interested in getting people to do this type of grow so if anyone would like to help set up a good thread regarding a wellie boot grow then please comment and let me know.

@St. Tom @JSH1973


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I'm in but it would pr have to be in the beginning of the new year as my tent will be busy until then (I hope very much) :smoking:
I am consi a 70/70/160 tent though as a drying tent though so I guess it could get started off earlier in that.
What would be a good small growing plant be for something like that?
Imagine the epic video and photo collage that could be made with wellie boot grows from all around the world, if we could get a little sponsorship from somewhere in return for the videos and pictures and maybe diaries about the plants/grows...
This really could take shape :smoking:
The solo cup and pop bottle have been done, now time for the wellie and the other names it goes by. That certainly would be interesting for the sponsors to see their plants grown in a wellie - bit more root space than the bottle and solo cup, old wellies will relive again as pots lol
Imagine the epic video and photo collage that could be made with wellie boot grows from all around the world, if we could get a little sponsorship from somewhere in return for the videos and pictures and maybe diaries about the plants/grows...
This really could take shape :smoking:
I just want to see one done now lol, all talk and no wellies
I just want to see one done now lol, all talk and no wellies
well I've decided I'm going to start one there only a kids size 1 welly and I'm going to run a dinafem CBD kush in one so watch this space folks as shes in the root riot plug now and more pics to come of the boot I'm going to drill her soon for drainage
well I've decided I'm going to start one there only a kids size 1 welly and I'm going to run a dinafem CBD kush in one so watch this space folks as shes in the root riot plug now and more pics to come of the boot I'm going to drill her soon for drainage
that's amazing @St. Tom I have 6 photos on the germ now be ready tomorrow for planting, I was gona grow them in solo cup size tubs, but guess wot I'm gona dedicate the 1 white widow seed to a wellie grow,, good man tom