Bomb Seeds Bomb Seeds & Bear 88s - Welly Boot Challenge

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I measured her before she's 2 foot from the top of the boot
Miss Afghanistan Daily :weed:
Not much to report today says Cannabis Times, the good lady are just having a lazy Sunday with a little trim and all LST points removed and re-done to keep the canopy in check.

Bloody hell, Tom. She’s grown quick hasn’t she?
I've grown this strain a few times now and shes possibly a 65-day strain so a super-fast turnaround of pure CBD kush goodness :smoking::d5:
I've grown this strain a few times now and shes possibly a 65-day strain so a super-fast turnaround of pure CBD kush goodness :smoking::d5:
That's definitely a contender for my next grow, I want to do a 1:1 and a pure CBD for oils but want to try and make it a less than 3 month turnaround
That's definitely a contender for my next grow, I want to do a 1:1 and a pure CBD for oils but want to try and make it a less than 3 month turnaround
she would be an ideal strain for that plus I've also done a couple of 1.1 ones in the past i think a short stuff amnesia cbd cross she was great and come back when someone got it tested at 10 pcent cbd and the same in thc