Looking good everyone! I’ll throw a quick update into the ring as well.
My Cherry Bomb continues to fill out and has started to stretch a bit vertically too. So far it has been super easy growing, though this is always where I go back and forth between whether I should stay with the lighter feeds or dial it up a notch. I’m seeing some very slight tip burn but it’s minor.
Hey Now,
Have an update. These gals have been pretty much growing them selves. I still cannot get enough time to keep my garden as I would like, but I am healing and will be able to do more down there soon.
Here we are at 32 days, two good feedings and otherwise just water and light set at 18/6.
Hmm...first sign of an issue. Yesterday was day 27 and did a light feed of Megacrop at 2g/gal. Then I took a quick look after work today and am seeing this on several leaves around the bottom. Man it came on quick, no signs of it yesterday.
Nothing showing on the Blue Dog on the right.
Any thoughts?
Hello all fellow bombers, quelle suprise I have been cutting and bending the f**k out of these ladies....and I think they love it haha...they have been growing back at a fantastic rate and I think that changing the way I feed them has really helped...they are juuuuust about far enough away from each other now, which means I am gonna let them grow straight up now, with just minor adjustments here and there....and I will still clip any shading leaves and I will prolly do the third week of bloom strip down on these...seeing as they bounce back so fast....hope you all are having top grows too......
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