twenty20 Bob takes Twenty20 on a BioTabs tour inside the Greenhouse - Growing Ogreberry King Band

  • Hey guys :toke:

    what did you think...Of course i forgot the seeds yesterday... But, I did plant them today...

    When I'm done with work I'll be transfering the pouches into the greenhouse. On the left are two sprouts and on the right is one.


    Bob :toke:
  • Hey friends :toke:

    Don't think the FIMming had much succes, but all three have showed their sex which is right on schedule!! :woohoo1:
    Ogreberry King Band - day 25

    I've had a good look around and didn't find no sacs, so I guess I didn't stress them enough...yet :fire:
    Ogreberry King Band - day 25

    Maybe on this plant the FIM worked, but that remains to be seen when the shoots emerge...
    Ogreberry King Band - day 25

    The lady in her own pot isn't much bigger then the conjoined twins are, so I guess these are all three growing at the same passe which is a good and stable quality in a cultivar. :thumbsup:
    Ogreberry King Band - day 25

    Here the FIM deffinitly didn't work. Oh well, when you try to F#(k up and you can't :haha::rofl:
    Ogreberry King Band - day 25


    Bob :toke:
    Early Flower
  • Hey friends :cheers:

    Since the aphid debacle yesterday I was quite anxious to get to the greenhouse this morning... Would the plants be alright after the treatment? Did it get rid of them? Lot's of questions ran through my head last night, I can tell you that...
    Ogreberry King Band - day 38

    As I gave them their daily check for balls I also did a scrutinous check for aphids, but couldn't find any... :thumbsup:
    Ogreberry King Band - day 38

    All three ladies are full on in flower now...
    Ogreberry King Band - day 38

    ...Pushing out pistil after pistil...
    Ogreberry King Band - day 38

    Ogreberry King Band - day 38


    Bob :toke:
    Mid Flower
  • Hey growers :toke:

    I've got a fine update for ya'll...Tempering the amount of PK booster I'm giving is paying of. Thanks @Twenty20 Adam for that!!
    Ogreberry King Band - day 56

    Wednesday late in the evening after the sun went under I sprayed the whole greenhouse with some Spinosad as the aphids were getting the upper hand...
    Ogreberry King Band - day 56

    Two weeks before that I sprayed some pyrethrum around, but now that everything is so late in season I chose to spray the Spinosad. This only works when wet and has to make contact with the aphids themselves.
    Ogreberry King Band - day 56

    I have a large 15L backpack style sprayer with a lever to pump while you carry it. And mixed up a full can. I sprayed the entire greenhouse from top to bottom and went underneath all the leaves until everything was soaking wet. Even the buds weren't spared and branches were hanging because of the weight of the water added.
    Ogreberry King Band - day 56

    Today I went inside the greenhouse curious how the plants responded to their treatment and was pleasantly surprised to see the plants relishing the fact that all those pesky aphids were dried up dead and sticking to the undersides of large fanleaves.
    Ogreberry King Band - day 56

    These young ladies though didn't show much proof of being attacked as most aphids were on the SSSC sister next to them.
    Ogreberry King Band - day 56

    Guess they don't like high nitrogen leaves :shrug:
    Ogreberry King Band - day 56


    Bob :toke:
    Late Flower
  • Hey Friends :toke:

    Time for another update from within the greenhouse...
    These three ladies have the entire greenhouse for themselves...Except for the tomatoes in the background of course, but these are the last canna ladies for the outside season.

    These are the twins which are remarkably smaller then the solo girl on the right. The stems are thinner, but I think the total amount of both girls will be similar to that of the solo girl. After four days their pot was feeling light again, so I watered it with the lans. They are drinking remarkably less then in their heyday.
    Ogreberry King Band - day 69

    This is the solo girl and even though she's showing more signs of deficiencies she's expanded more and her buds are more matured...Her pot was still feeling heavy, so I didn't water this one. I think I've been overwatering these girls ever since they went into flower and that's why they are showing such deficiencies.
    Ogreberry King Band - day 69

    This is a bud from one of the twins...Looking very frosty indeed :thumbsup:
    Ogreberry King Band - day 69

    And the rest is all from the solo girl...
    Ogreberry King Band - day 69

    You see what I mean? Just that tad bit frostier then the buds from the twins.
    Ogreberry King Band - day 69

    They sure do smell nice. The wet dog smell is gone now and the berry smell is very much there. Starting to get very curious about flavor and high of course :biggrin:
    Ogreberry King Band - day 69


    Bob :toke:
  • Hey Friends :toke:

    Thought it was time to take me some trichome shots from these Ogreberry's I have growing in my greenhouse :hump:
    I was amazed at how far they all looked...:yoinks:
    Ogreberry King Band - day 77

    So much ambers all over...Didn't expect this so soon, but the ambers don't look shriveled. So that's a good thing
    Ogreberry King Band - day 77

    Ogreberry King Band - day 77

    Ogreberry King Band - day 77

    Ogreberry King Band - day 77

    Ogreberry King Band - day 77

    Ogreberry King Band - day 77

    So I decided it was time for me to cut them down...But first..the last pictures from the greenhouse for this season. :crying:
    Ogreberry King Band - day 77

    Say goodbye my pretties...:crying:
    Ogreberry King Band - day 77

    These buds are packed with trichomes all over...:thumbsup:
    Ogreberry King Band - day 77

    ...And the smell...The smell is amazing!!! Definitely something worth growing
    Ogreberry King Band - day 77

    Found one bud which had some white mold in it as it had a crusty dried up leaf hanging out of it. And when I opened the bud I saw some on the inside. Didin't find any more, but you know the old saying, "where there's smoke there's fire..." :shrug:
    Ogreberry King Band - day 77

    And one final hanging-of-the-plants-upside-down-picture :toke:
    I'll be back in about a week or so, depending on the temperature and if it rains or not the coming days...:shrug:
    Oh, and sorry for the editing of the picture, but there was so much plants I had to choose...Showing all the plants or showing less... I chose the first, but edited out what was in the closet behind it.
    Ogreberry King Band - day 77


    Bob :toke: