twenty20 Bob takes Twenty20 on a BioTabs tour inside the Greenhouse - Growing Ogreberry King Band

I've checked all my plants inside the greenhouse and then it must be a coincidence, but none of them have more them five fingered fan leaves. Oh well :shrug:
On the other hand. My Ogreberry's are on their fifth node and so I removed them with my fingernails in an attempt to FIM them. Not that it has ever succeeded with me, but I you don't try you don't win...
Ogreberry King Band - day 21
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Ogreberry King Band - day 21
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Ogreberry King Band - day 21
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Ogreberry King Band - day 21
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The first and second side shoots will be removed once the plant starts accelerating on all shoots. This will probably happen within a couple of days as playing around with plant hormones is a straight forward business.
Ogreberry King Band - day 21
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The fan leaves of those nodes will remain intact as those are the solar panels...
Ogreberry King Band - day 21
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Don't like the stem near the soil. It's less wide then a couple centimeters above it. Could be that I left the soil to wet for to long and we have a future case of foot rot...Not happy at all! We'll see what happens :goodluck: Let's not be a doom thinker :deadhorse:
Ogreberry King Band - day 21
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Bob :toke:
What is the difference between cut and fim ? as an end result ?
I had the same problem with my OG kush survivor, the stem being thinner than usual - right now my plant is developing one main cola because I felt I shouldn't touch her much...
What is the difference between cut and fim ? as an end result ?
I had the same problem with my OG kush survivor, the stem being thinner than usual - right now my plant is developing one main cola because I felt I shouldn't touch her much...
The difference between cut and fim is that with a cut you end up with two main shoots. When you fim correctly you end up with three or four main shoots...
The small stem near the soil could be a sign that foot rot has set in. Just something to keep an eye on. If you see the stem thicken up and that part always stays the same, you have a problem...
The difference between cut and fim is that with a cut you end up with two main shoots. When you fim correctly you end up with three or four main shoots...
The small stem near the soil could be a sign that foot rot has set in. Just something to keep an eye on. If you see the stem thicken up and that part always stays the same, you have a problem...
Thank you for the explanation :)
I may try FIM next time - is this more risky than topping ?
Hey friends :toke:

Don't think the FIMming had much succes, but all three have showed their sex which is right on schedule!! :woohoo1:
Ogreberry King Band - day 25

I've had a good look around and didn't find no sacs, so I guess I didn't stress them enough...yet :fire:
Ogreberry King Band - day 25

Maybe on this plant the FIM worked, but that remains to be seen when the shoots emerge...
Ogreberry King Band - day 25

The lady in her own pot isn't much bigger then the conjoined twins are, so I guess these are all three growing at the same passe which is a good and stable quality in a cultivar. :thumbsup:
Ogreberry King Band - day 25

Here the FIM deffinitly didn't work. Oh well, when you try to F#(k up and you can't :haha::rofl:
Ogreberry King Band - day 25


Bob :toke:
Only a top grower can "top"(or FIM) with their fingers. Like an old Kung-Fu master.
And I'm merely a grasshopper :shrug:
Luckily the girls have responded well to the topping. I guess I was just in time when doing so as they are starting to get into flower.
They look healthy and there are no nanners on any of my girls to be found...Tried kicking the pot last night, but that didn't do diddly squat :rofl:
Ogreberry King Band - day 29

Miss Solo...Just got a sprinkling with the waterwand this morning as yesterday was a rainy and grey day and so they didn't drink as much...
She's beginning to stretch a bit more then the twins, but not by much. Curious if this cultivar will stay low to the ground, making it an excellent candidate to try inside the tent.
Ogreberry King Band - day 29

Nice white stubby pistils emerging everywhere :thumbsup:
Ogreberry King Band - day 29

The reaction on my FIM attempt...Oh well :coffee2::haha:
Ogreberry King Band - day 29

Miss Solo again...Ain't she perty!! :kiss:
Ogreberry King Band - day 29

Ogreberry King Band - day 29

Ogreberry King Band - day 29

Standing beside an extremely large Afghan x Northern Lights cross from SSSC showing the difference in height :thumbsup:
This SSSC lady definitely isn't for my tent. She would stick to the roof of my 160cm / 62inch high tent, lol :haha:
Ogreberry King Band - day 29


Bob :toke:
Hey Friends :cheers:

:welcome:I've been on a hiatus for a couple of days, but today I've got some nice pictures for you all :toke:
Ogreberry King Band - day 34 (Thursday)

Everywhere I can see clusters of pistils forming. @Mañ'O'Green, would you call this Early Flower? If so, I'll update my post on the necessary threads :toke:
Ogreberry King Band - day 34 (Thursday)

I checked everywhere, but I can't seem to find any male parts on any of the three ladies...Sorry guys, but I think high heat isn't a factor for these girls...As you can see they look lovely. And all I'm doing is giving these girls plain water with, from today on, an occasional brewed Tee from BioTabs...Yum :baked:
Ogreberry King Band - day 34 (Thursday)

Doesn't she look lovely in the evening sun? She drinks her pot empty in about 30 hours, but I gave her the Tee this morning. So I had to water a bit on top this evening so to make sure the watercontent in the pot stays high enough as not to create nutrient burn from the high amounts of nutrients in the Tee. It's been so hot this week the plants just drink more water. A full grown plant usually gets a watering every day, the smaller ones every other day. But with the high heat I visit at 6 o'clock in the morning to water the big ones and in the evening to water them all...hmmm, go figure :gassy1:
Ogreberry King Band - day 34 (Thursday)

Perfect leaves, nice color and no nute burn...The soil life does know what it's doing. :coffee:
Ogreberry King Band - day 34 (Thursday)

Early early flower...maybe...:shrug:
Ogreberry King Band - day 34 (Thursday)


Bob :toke:
Early Flower
Hey friends :cheers:

Since the aphid debacle yesterday I was quite anxious to get to the greenhouse this morning... Would the plants be alright after the treatment? Did it get rid of them? Lot's of questions ran through my head last night, I can tell you that...
Ogreberry King Band - day 38

As I gave them their daily check for balls I also did a scrutinous check for aphids, but couldn't find any... :thumbsup:
Ogreberry King Band - day 38

All three ladies are full on in flower now...
Ogreberry King Band - day 38

...Pushing out pistil after pistil...
Ogreberry King Band - day 38

Ogreberry King Band - day 38


Bob :toke:
Hey Friends :cheers:

These three ladies are loving it in the greenhouse. No signs of balls to be found :woohoo1:
Ogreberry King Band - day 39

And as you can see from the leaves...The do show signs of heat stress...
Ogreberry King Band - day 39

Some nice pistil poppin' going on... :thumbsup:
Ogreberry King Band - day 39

Another example of definite signs of heat stress
Ogreberry King Band - day 39

But still, nice colors on them and the flowers look perty :d5:
Ogreberry King Band - day 39

Ogreberry King Band - day 39


Bob :toke: