Dutch Passion Bob takes Dutch Passion on a BioTabs tour inside the Greenhouse - Growing Auto SFV OG, Auto MAC #1 & Auto Oh My Gusher on BioTabs

Day 31 - BioTabs time!!
  • Hey Friends :toke:

    Today was the day I plugged the BioTabs into the soil. I know, quite late in the grow, but what's done is done...
    Let's begin...20 Tabs and 10gr Bactrex is needed for this run...
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    Like I said...each 7gallon pot got three BioTabs and the 10gallon pot got four.
    Below is the approximate location where the tabs got pushed into the soil...
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    Tried to take a picture of me pushing the tab into the soil, but this turned out this way...:shrug:
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    Each pot got it's tabs pushed into the soil...
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    Next up it's time for the Bactrex...I added five teaspoons to 5L water and mixed it up...
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    ...This ended up like so...
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    Each plant got a liberal dose of the Bactrex mix...
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    ...I even mixed up a second batch.
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    Bob :toke:
    Day 33
  • Hey Friends :cheers:

    The ladies are doing great and have completely overcome their transplant.
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    The Auto Mac #1 is the smallest of the three, but have a look at those colors... :thumbsup:
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    Growth is spectacular as this picture shows. From every nook and cranny new leaves are sprouting. And in the top node the first flowers are noticeable.
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    The same is happening everywhere on the plant...
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    Next up is the Auto SFV OG. Out of the three Dutch Passion ladies she is the furthest qua flowering.
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    I love this phase in growth, where everything accelerates so fast that the plant can barely keep up...The slow process of turning 'becoming' leaves into flowers, creating some sort of traffice jam at the end of the nodes.
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    See what I mean? :cool1:
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    Last, but not least the Auto Oh My Gusher. The largest of the three and the one I'm hoping for will be some kick-ass weed.
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    She's showing some burnt tips, but I feel this is over now. It has to be the reaction to the immense difference between LED and SUN light...
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    Well...That's it again for me. See you guys again very soon. And :thanks: for reading this far :cool1:


    Day 36
  • Hey guys :toke:

    Another update from within the greenhouse...We're having very good weather where I'm at. So the ladies are absolutely growing like hell and expanding every day. The heat only seems to bother the Auto Oh My Gusher as she's having some leaves that are having some crinkles and burnt ends...The Auto SFV OG and Auto Mac #1 are absolutely loving it. :thumbsup:
    Last night I applied another treatment with the Boom Boom Spray after sundown. I mixed up 2L water with 10ml of the concentrate and shook the sprayer while walking to the greenhouse.
    But, let's begin with some shots from our Auto Mac #1. At 36 days old she's barely into preflower, but that's ok. She looks lovely none the less. :coffee:
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    I haven't topped this year and oh boy are there some differences in growth pattern between the ladies.
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    This Mac will produce some very nice buds all over.
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    Next up is the Auto SFV OG. Not the largest of the three, but she's nicely sliding into flowering... As you can see, she's preparing for one hell of a main cola, just like we expect from that nice OG parentage ♥
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    The first bunches of pistils are emerging from within the buds.
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    Gotta love the amount of light a plant receives inside the greenhouse. Even the lowest buds are prevailing and on par with the upper ones. :woohoo1:
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    And last bu(d)t not least, the Auto Oh My Gusher. My favorite of the three for now and the one I'm rooting for the most. 🤞
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    While her sister inside the 3.5L pot is already flowering nicely, this one is still isn't showing many pistils.
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    Upon closer inspection, I can see some pistils emerging from within the tops. So she's transgressing into flowering just like her Auto Mac #1 sister.
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    Thanks for reading this far, which means you're as much interested into this stuff as I am, so have one on me :cheers::pass:
    I'll see you guys with the next update! :joy: :thanks:


    Bob :toke:
    Day 40
  • Damn son! Thats hot! :rofl:

    Did you measure that somewhere in the shade? Guess what the temperature is in the full sun at mid day... definitely a solid fire baptism for them these past weeks!:fire:
    Yup, sensor beneath the table. Temperature today is 36°C and Humidity is at 25% lol, all time low!! But I'm not complaining...
    The ladies are definitely struggling with these high temperatures, but it's ok. Survival of the fittest bro. 🐯

    The Auto Oh My Gusher seems to prefer the more controlled environment of a growtent as the high temperatures are playing havock on her...
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    She's twisting and turning...
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    The lower you go on the plant the nicer everything looks. World upside down on this one ;)
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    Next, we have the Auto SFV OG and this one doesn't mind the heat so much. She's currently pumping out pistils like there's no tomorrow...
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    Very healthy lady, and fresh pistils everywhere. I did raise the amount of water I'm giving these ladies, from 1.5L/day to 2.25L/day. As I felt the soil was a bit on the dry side. And my only job is not to kill the soil life, so not to much water so no one drowns and not to little so anyone shrivels and dies...
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    First signs of frost...Yup, that's a good sign :thumbsup:
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    ...Lovely isn't it? ♥
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    And last but not least, Auto Mac #1. This one absolutely loves the heat inside the greenhouse and is still growing like a mf'er!! This is one plant and is potted in the fabric pot in front of this picture. The plant is just expanding like hell and while she is very large because of the 7gallon soil the roots are thriving in, she still looks amazingly bushy...
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    She's starting to go into flower. So I'll be starting a PK Booster Compost tea in the near future. With these high temperatures the amount of Orgatrex I'll be adding will be a bit higher as the bacteria will eat all the carbs by the end of day one if I don't...Not to worry, the extra carbs added with the Orgatrex will give you so much more bacteria to put into the soil 👌
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    Well, that's it folks. :smokeout:


    Bob :toke:
    Day 43
  • Hey AFN fam :bighug:

    First off, I apologize for the bad quality pictures, but the timing wasn't there. Sun was just under and then the phone will do it's best to compensate...blablabla... Half an hour earlier and the quality would have been there...:shrug:

    Anyway, let's begin with our Auto Mac #1, this lady is made for the greenhouse! She can withstand copious amounts of heat as long as you keep her feet wet of course :thumbsup: Give her a large enough pot and she'll fill out nicely. The biggest (not highest) plant underneath the poly :woohoo1:
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    She's fully into flower and not a pistil on her mind she's gonna stop :cooldance:
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    The main cola will be something special, but she's going to be taking her time for it... ⏳
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    Next up, another lady who doesn't care where she's put. As you can see she's full on into flowering and building up one hell of a main cola. The Nitrogen issues have been amended by adding three tablespoons of Silicium Flash to the Bactrex/Orgatrex mix I was giving.
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    This one is really calling out for some tea you guys... 🫖
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    Going to spray them one last time with the Boom Boom Spray after I watered them with the diluted tea. The plan is to do this tomorrow evening just after sundown. About the time today, which is bad for pictures, but right for anything else that requires effort 💤
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    I'm sorry @Antonio_DutchPassion,
    but the only shaded spot in the greenhouse will put this enormous plant, and she is just the highest in the greenhouse, in plain sight for the neighbors to find out. So she'll have to do with the spot she's begotten. We already know she's not in favor for high heat, but we can conclude out of this that you've got a strong cultivar in your hands with this one. Not one banana to be found on this one. Ok, she's not looking a 100%, but I'm still very fond of this girl ♥
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    If the flavor agrees I'll have another go at her inside the tent, think she'll do much better in there :hump:
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    Anywho...She's began her flowering cycle and will probably get a kick in tha bud after the treatment with the Boom Boom Spray :kitty:
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    See you guys very soon :smokeout:


    Bob :toke:
    Day 46 - Early Flower
  • im tagging along Bob and the Sun can be a very cruel mistress but you seem to have it all in hand
    You're more then welcome buddy! :pass:

    The Auto Mac #1 is really doing great! This cultivar hasn't given me any issues what so ever. Just plain water and yesterday her first dosage of tea. Even the leaves that got pecked on by the chickens aren't quite visible between al the other leaves.
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    If you want a bushy cultivar which can take abuse like a heroin hooker this is the one for you. :naughtystep:
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    Fully in flower and not giving up on producing those darn beautiful pistils.
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    And this is all over the entire plant...
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    Next up, we have the Auto SFV OG. This one is nicely on her way to produce an amazing cola for me. Quite a lot of lowers, which I'm inclined to remove in the coming days. What's your opinion @Antonio_DutchPassion? There's still light enough hitting those lowers and food enough in the soil, but I question if that energy isn't better spent on the upper part of the plant?
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    That main cola looks juice ain't it :hump:
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    And so do those side shoots. I'll try to take a couple of shots from that lower stuff by next update 🤞
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    Everything is starting to get that nice layer of frost...Winter is coming!! :biggrin:
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    And last but not least...Auto Oh My Gusher. Despite the hardship she's had to endure, I'm still very curious about what she'll deliver...
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    She's gone into full pistil producing mode and not ready to stop any day soon, I'm sure of it. The treatment with the Boom Boom Spray really gave this one a kick in tha bud.
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    And while she's still showing signs of heat stress, the rest of the variables are A-ok :thumbsup:
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    Healthy looking colors on her and that, while only giving her plain dechlorinated water. Oh, talking about water. The last two weeks the level inside the IBC has barely dropped, but still took about 5min. to fill up to the brim. If I had to guess, I'd say approx. 100L had been used up by the plants. That's not bad at all with water prices doubling over here!!
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    And with this line, we've come to the end of this post you guys...Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it and I'll see you next time 👋


    Bob :toke:

    @420autoflower @Antonio_DutchPassion @BigB6 @Crow River @Dankerson @DCLXVI @DetroitDarren @don't @Eggboy @Growtogrow @HAWKMAN @hecno @JP1 @Minime2020 @N/A-Greengo @NoFrillsNoBills @NORB YIPPLS @Redeye @Rick @Sawney_bean @snerval @stan_mephisto @St. Tom @TrichomeAssassin @Vapo @Weedman30 @Weedname @Zaaboot
    Day 48
  • Regarding the lowers on the Auto SFV OG, please leave them be.
    Then I won't touch them, but I can't promise I'll be as nice to her in a month or so ✂️:naughtystep:
    Meanwhile everything is whoopty doo inside the greenhouse. :cooldance:
    Hydrating the soil is done automatically and all I need to do is enjoy my time spent gazing at these perties. :pop:

    Auto Mac #1 is showing signs of overfeeding...Burnt tips and dark leaves, but is still looking kicker!!
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    The amount of pistils produced is just amazing!!
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    Looking at those bracts, which are the remnants of the first flowers by whom I could see the sex, and knowing that all those calyx's underneath them fresh pistils need to expand as much, I know I'm looking at a bright future you guys :woohoo1:
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    A bit of tipburn is ok right @Mañ'O'Green? :cheers:
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    Next up is the Auto SFV OG and boy-o-boy is she a smelly girl! I accidentally bumped into her and was instantly transported into a pine forest after a fresh downpour :thumbsup:
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    Of all the DP girls, this one is looking the furthest. Even though her "life expectancy" is about 75-85 days.
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    Nice dark color and surfing on the edge of overfeeding, but hey...the bennies give what the plants ask, right :hump:
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    Even the lowest parts of this lady is looking nice and frosty! :headbang:
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    To close the ranks I've got my Auto Oh My Gusher to show off. :dancer:
    This girl hasn't been the easiest to play with and is quite picky when it comes to extreme temperatures, which can and will happen inside a greenhouse.
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    But she came through the wormhole in one piece and is flowering none the less.
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    All big things have small beginnings, right? :thumbsup:
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    She's a big plant and full with these kind of budsites. Give her time and she'll do alright ♥
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    Well...That's it for today you guys!! See you again next time. :joy:


    Bob :toke:
    Day 50
  • Hey growers :toke:

    A sunny day today!! Not to hot as well, so these ladies are loving it in the greenhouse. :d5:
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    The Auto Mac #1 is fifty days old today and she's chugging along nicely.
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    Pistils poppin' everywhere you look :thumbsup:
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    Next up, we have the Auto San Fernando Valley OG...This lady is really showing off everything she has.
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    Being the furthest along of all three Dutch Passion girls, some of her calyx's are already beginning to swell up...
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    Lovely isn't she? :hump:
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    And finally we have the biggest girl in the greenhouse...She's been stretching none stop ever since the hot weather has subsided...
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    Slowly she's transgressing into flower.
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    Being a bit on the late side @Antonio_DutchPassion said, this has most likely been caused by being transplanted into the 7gallon pots...Which would indicate that there's something inside the roots that's causing the plants to transgress into flowering...
    That being said, I'm happy that these girls got to enjoy a longer vegging period. The larger the plant ánd root mass, the bigger the flowers will be. And since we're not growing leaves, this is a good thing!! :cool1:
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    Bob :toke:
    Day 52
  • Hey AFN Fam :bighug:

    The weather has slowed down it's pase and temperatures inside the greenhouse are a confortable 32°C / 90°F. The ladies are really enjoying this :thumbsup:
    One thing though and that is, that the pot's aren't as dry as they are used to. So I decided not to water them today. Hopefully I won't regret this tomorrow when I come back from work...

    Anyhoo...Let's get this Dutch Passion bonanza on the road!! Chooohooo!!!!

    Auto Oh My Gusher at 52 days...She's grown to be the tallest girl in the greenhouse. So given the opportunity she will stretch to be about 1m60 if I must guess...so yeah...She's a big gurl 🍉
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    All my ladies have, in one way or another, gone through some extended vegetative growth. Going from the 3.5L pots to the 7gallon fabric pots surely did something to the roots which made the plants wanna expand even more. We can safely say that plants grown in small containers will finish a lot sooner then plants grown in larger containers or even outside in the garden soil...
    And so this lady is no exception.
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    After 52 days we can say she's definitely in flower, but she's only at the start of her run. And therefor she'll be in the greenhouse a wee bit longer than I had expected... Not to worry, beside the leakage issue, my automated system runs perfectly. I've got another 15 + 2 solenoids on my workbench, so when they are build, I can automate 30 pots inside the greenhouse, which is more pots then I currently have. :thumbsup:
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    So many budsites...and they're all filling in at a slow pace, like she knows she's on Bob's time :rofl::coffee2::haha:
    All bright and fresh pistils and in their midst's the occasional bract which is almost exploding. In the old and moneyless days these bracts where a real welcomed gift from the ladies and you got to know them a little before the actual date...
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    Right next to her, Auto SFV OG is running in first place of team Dutch Passion. She's very much cleared the 'Mid Flower' tag, but I would rather wait until this weekend before I call it for the whole team. The OMG above will probably not reach her midpoint by next weekend, but hey...it is what it is...:shrug:
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    Inside that massive cola the calyx's are starting to expand like a mf'er...:shooty:
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    The sweet smell this gurl emits is giving me goosebumps you guys :yay:
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    Hey Antonio,

    You guys did an amazing job transferring that frost from the SFV OG into your Auto version. :d5:
    If she taste's as good as she looks!!??!! Hat's off my friend :toke:
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    Yesterday was the hottest day, but luckily some things come to an end...Today was an amazing 10°C cooler outside, which shined through onto the plants... They're having some sort of holiday right now, coming from the desert like temperatures of the last couple of weeks...
    This also means the pots weren't completely where I would like them to rewater and I don't want to mess things up. So I'm keeping my :goodluck: and hope I don't get a hard-attack when I return tomorrow.
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    Even these lower budsites are frosting up nicely...I think this gurl will be a great candidate for making some bubblehash with...Either way, she has nice and white buds and these doe remind me of the Auto White Widow I've already grown a couple of times. So I'm really curious to find out how she tastes :smoker1:
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    Lastly we have our leafy monster of a bush...
    Yup, this Auto Mac #1 is one lady and one lady alone. Instead of growing into the air, this one is expanding from the bottom up...
    Looking at her leaves, this lady shows a well fed plant, happy in the spot where she stands.
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    This shows in the amount of budsites which are already starting to get golfball size.
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    She is a leafy gurl and indoors I would have schwazzed the hell out of her, so much so that the neck hair on Antonio's back would stand up :drunks:
    But inside the greenhouse I have ample space and more light then I could ever give them indoors. So, since leaves are the solar panels of our beloved plant, I'm going to let them be where they can do the most good...on the plant!!
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    This will most likely give me plenty of work when harvest come, but then again...I'll have plenty of trim to pass through the bubblebags. :mrgreen:
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    Yup, you've made it this far...I was in a writing mood, so unless you scrolled through, thank you for reading! Otherwise thank you for scrolling :jointman:


    Bob :toke:
    Day 55
  • Hey AFN Fam :bighug:

    Today was a cloudy and partially rainy day. Which is perfect for me to work inside the greenhouse.
    Because of the lesser weather we're having I've not been in the possibility to feed them some of the brewed tea.
    The soil is ever still wet under those plates. :shrug:So, I've added another dose of Orgatrex to keep the bennies in the tea happy.

    Someone else who's very happy is my Auto Mac #1...She looks awesome and even though some of the older leaves are starting to turn, I'm not worried at all. There is more then enough energy stored inside the plant to get her over the finish line :thumbsup:
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    The calyx's are starting to swell up and the pistils...well those won't be long before they start to turn color...
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    She is a leafy gurl and inside the tent I would definitely have defoliated her multiple times, but in the greenhouse a plant can't have to many leaves. The more leaves, the more energy a plant can consume and store for later use. 🍎
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    Bottom side of the plant...Lovely frosty flowers :drool:
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    Nice branch, no? :hump:
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    Next up, we have our Auto SFV OG...This gurl's main cola is the fattest I've grown to date! Gonna try to take something as a comparison next time...
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    All super nice frosty white buds....Lovely Indica lady!! ♥♥♥
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    The main cola is truly something special...I needed to make a close-up for you guys...So frosty flowers on this lady...
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    These two hang just below the main cola...:coffee2::haha:
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    And last but not least, we have our Auto Oh My Gusher. This lady is still full on in flower...She looks unstoppable...
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    All young fresh pistils...I have a feeling she will take quite a while to get over the finish line. At the very least another month...
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    Which is just fine. The automated watering system will take over and keep everyone happy :thumbsup::coffee:
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    Yup, I can see this branch grow completely closed with bud if this keeps going on like this 👌
    And with this picture, we've come to an end with today's post. Hope you enjoyed it and like to hear back from you guys. Tips, comments...all is welcome :thumbsup:
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    Bob :toke: