Outdoor Bob takes Barneys Farm on a BioTabs tour inside the Greenhouse - Growing Strawberry Cheesecake Auto, Moby Dick Auto & Watermelon Zkittlez Auto

Hey growers :toke:

So after three days I went for a look and lo and behold!! :coffee:
The seeds have hatched with a 100% succes rate :thumbsup:

I'm not going to bore you guys with pictures of me sowing them, but you get the drift? no? Ok then, here you go :cheers:
Six pouches filled with enough soil to get them through their first weeks.

They're currently filling up on water as we speak. The tray they're stand in is tilted so the water stays where it can be absorbed and I don't have to fill the whole tray with to much water. Within a couple of hours I'll be placing them under the DIY cobs until they can go inside the tent or greenhouse, whichever gets ready first.


Bob :toke:
Hey guys,

A small update for ya. Today the missus and I have been hard at work with cleaning up the greenhouse. We got it done in under 5 hours and that was including two trips to the dumpyard. I closed off all openings and as I write this post there's a Sulphur pot burning inside the greenhouse. This will kill any pathogen and sanitize every nook and cranny inside the greenhouse. Now I just need to stay away from the inside and let the Sulphur do it's thing for a couple of days. :thumbsup:

For those of you interested in the chemistry... When you burn pure Sulphur it creates Sulphur dioxide. Which when it comes into contact with water will form sulfuric acid. Now comes the cool part. The Sulphur dioxide will penetrate every nook and cranny and settle there and kill any pests, bacteria or viruses. The next days humidity inside the greenhouse will condense onto that and form sulfuric acid. Which in turn will kill the remaining spores and eggs of any pests rendering the inside "sterile". Now I say sterile, but I actually mean clean because as soon as I open the door or windows a whole lot of those baddies will get access again. But the less there are of them the better it will be :hump:

Now, I don't have any pictures of the plants as I'm completely wrecked, but I can tell you that they didn't get underneath the COB lights as I said I would do. I figured the greenhouse would be done by the end of this weekend and then in a couple of days they could move there. Don't worry, we'll get there brothers and sisters :wiz:

Hey guys,

Small update on the Barneys Farm front...
I decided to place the seedlings beside the 'males' from my breeding project as they we're stretching a fair amount on my study's windowsill.
They can stand up on their own, so that's a good sign, but this is not how I prefer to treat my ladies. I'm thus sharing this with you to show that light is a very important factor when your serious in growing weed.

I hope to have my greenhouse ready by tomorrow or the day after, but I didn't want the seedlings to stretch any further as they are lengthy enough. Now I can still replant them deeper in their final pot, but they should be making more leaves now instead of searching for light....


Bob :toke:
I've got some more colorful pictures for you. Had to go there as my sensor jammed for the first time in 6 months or so...One reboot later and I can see what I felt in the lungroom... It's to hot in there!!!

I could try to raise humidity by slowing down the extractionfan, but that would only make it warmer still. What I really need to do is stop using this 150Watt Cob light and then temperatures will be in the 26-27°C / 78-80°F. I hope I can move the plants from here to the greenhouse soon. :woohoo1:
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Bob :toke:
Hey AFN fam :toke:

I've selected my three runner-ups for transfer into the greenhouse and into a bigger (7gallon) pot. As soon as my BioTabs supplies arrive I'm off :hothot:
But for now...the three winners :woohoo1::woohoo::woohoo1:
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Bob :toke:
another thread to follow along with bob you always have lots going on
Love those fabric nursery pots :biggrin:
I do to and they are dirt cheap. LINK :thumbsup:
Another advantage is that they are tall and because I didn't fill them completely I topped them off with some extra soil.
They don't seem so stretched anymore. Sorry for the bad lighting, but...COBS :shrug:
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Hopefully tonight will be their last night in the lung room. Yesterday I ran my heatbed/table for the first time, but it had a hard time keeping the temperature up to the requested setting, hopefully that was because the sand was still wet. So I'm following it tonight, but for the moment it looks ok :coffee:


Bob :toke:
As promised the first three plants that made the greenhouse are....Moby Dick Auto, Strawberry Cheesecake Auto and Watermelon Zkittlez Auto.
Today is day 6. I've also some put some tomatoes and peppers along side them to keep 'm company. Put about 2L of water inside the tray so no one get's thirsty during the night. And I'll check that level tomorrow morning.

As trays are expensive I found a cheap (read, free) solution to create me a couple of nice one's. They will be round because of where I'm going to cut them from, but beggars can't be choosers. I have several 200L/52gallon plastic barrels laying around which already should have been removed to the dump as I can't use them anymore. They are full of holes for input and output of water and an access hatch of and older project, but the bottom and the top of the barrels are intact. So I'm hoping on another cloudy day tomorrow and then I'll be good to get my jigsaw out and start cutting them off.


Bob :toke: