Indoor Blueberry x Orange Assault f1


Ignore the mess...
But I got three more started just now. My ALF#5s didn't mind sharing a few handfuls of soil from the edge of their 25 (or 21. I don't remember) gallon tote.

My tent set up is as follows:
4'x4' tent
In the cups (what I'm presently using for two girls that are almost ready to harvest) is a mix of promix and coco coir
The pots they're going to go into contain the same, But also has a mushroom compost that was recommended by my former grow mentor, and present lawyer (got into minor trouble back in October, don't ask)
They're going under four autocobs I bought from BigSmo a few years ago, That are presently on an 18/6 light schedule.
I'll update again in a few days when they've popped up.