Harvest & Curing blue cheese, how much longer?

how long do ye reckon?

  • 1-2 weeks

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  • 2-3 weeks

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  • more than 3 weeks

    Votes: 4 100.0%

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Sep 26, 2017
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Currently Smoking
some kush a friend grew
So ive a blue cheese going, day 65, my magnifier hasnt arrived yet but she's showing a lot of brown pistils. Hasnt quite fattened out enough yet, so ill give her more time, I prefer a calming stone anyway so I dont mind waiting.
My question is how much longer do ye reckon?

The flowers below the tops vvvvv

Any input would be greatly appreciated
Those are fairly immature buds forming with mostly white pistils. Several weeks is my guess, however checking trichomes is the best method for green lighting harvest.
Yep 3-4 weeks.
Then look at trichomes. You want cloudy - that means plant is fully riped.
Excellent! I thought the brown pistils were a sign I was runnin outta time! Ill keep em going and hopefully my magnifier shows up soon.
Cheers lads :bighug:
hi hashead. i have just cracked two blue cheese seeds today. i would be real kean to see some more photos as these girls finish. They look good and starting to frost. Just a little more..........time [emoji354]. i’m in day 65 with two Autoberry’s waiting waiting waiting [emoji853]

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hi hashead. i have just cracked two blue cheese seeds today. i would be real kean to see some more photos as these girls finish. They look good and starting to frost. Just a little more..........time
. i’m in day 65 with two Autoberry’s waiting waiting waiting

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Those are some nice looking nugs man! Ive a journal going on for the BC if ya wanna have a look, be warned tho, theres been plenty of mistakes along the way lol
Those are some nice looking nugs man! Ive a journal going on for the BC if ya wanna have a look, be warned tho, theres been plenty of mistakes along the way lol

hey @hashead, how did you go with those blue cheese? any pics?

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