Outdoor Blue Amnesia XXL

Jun 1, 2015
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Hello guys and girls, this is my first post here so I hope I am not making some mistakes by posting my grow log here :) I've ordered 3 Dinafem Blue Amnesia XXL seeds, and they will arrive in 2 days. I am from Europe, pretty southern country, with long summer.

My plan is to pre-dig holes and fill them with nice soil that is used here for starting vegetables seedlings, at least 20 liters big holes. I won't mix my soil with anything becouse I need to be as stealthy as I can. Plants will most likely have 8 hours of direct sunlight, and 2-3 indirect. If all 3 of them sprout, I will FIM or Super-Top 2 of them, and one will be left to her nature to do all the work, so I can compare yield and stuff.

My main goal is to get some more sativa-like high, becouse indica high makes me analyze everything and get's me anxious.

For the beggining, I would like to ask what basic nutrients would you recommend for outdoor, from example from Hesi or Advanced Nutrients ( Sorry if this is advertising, not my intention)? I am on a pretty low budget so nothing extra expensive for now, just something for vegetation, and something for flowering. Also, any tips and trick on training (excluding LST), are more than welcome. From organic nutes I can find cow manure and chicken manure pretty easily.

To mention, this is not my first grow, though, it is my first auto grow. I've done one grow with bag seeds ending up with 3 out of 3 females, that yielded over 400grams of pretty nice buds, and they were planted somewhere in june.

P.S Sorry if my english is bad and my thread in wrong sub-forum.
Thank you :)
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Hello and welcome!
I'm also growing that strain but in northern europe, lets hope for a sunny summer!

When I grow outdoors in holes I usually just dig holes maybe a foot deep at the most and then mix the native soil with compost and peat mix I buy from the recycling company. I dont really fertilize that much, sometimes a bit of bonemeal and I also add lime, a bit mixed in the soil but I think its probably even better to just topdress with it. Cow manure is good also, I like to add that on top of the soil as well.
This works for me but the soil here is very fertile clay type soil. Maybe where you live its more sandy. But I think its a good idea to mix in some native soil in your mix to provide minerals to your plants.
Also putting green leaves on top of the soil works great, they will decompose and eventually become soil. This gives your soil a richer micro-life and the plants get better access to the nutrients in the soil. It also makes the soil temperature more even and makes the soil hold more moisture, both which are great things!
a warning, it may attract slugs!

Good luck with your grow, and hope we both get a nice harvest and that the smoke is satisfying!
I had in plan to go with 20 liter holes, filled with great soil. I grew once on that soil without preparation, mixing soil or anything, and my plant was over 170 cm high and gave over 150g dried bud. But I want to make sure now that everything is good, especially becouse a lot of roots from higher plants around are making way through that soil.

I would avoid placing anything green becouse cows crushed my last year's grow, they ate 1x blueberry auto and 3x early skunk feminised. Any tips on how to prevent that from happening this year? I guess dog's hair, urine and stuff like that. When my plant that survived grow was there, I sprayed her with mixture of garlic, onion and a lot of hot pepper.

Soil moisture is not a problem, becouse it's near river, and I had situation where my plant survived 3 weeks without watering, but she was already big and with big root when transplanted there.

I hope for both of us also, and I am going to be very sad if I don't pull at least 80-100g of a plant in this climate, and conditions that I have in plan to make.

Cheers :)
yes, go with what you know works. sounds like a great spot. I also grew three plants once in a spot like that, with unlimited access to water and they all got very big!

hmm, that sounds tricky man. I have also heard about using wool to prevent animals from getting close to your plants but that was deer and they are not as curious or big as a cow! The cows in my area are not afraid of dogs I know that for sure. If you come close to where they are they will walk up to you and stand in a half-circle staring. very friendly though, they will come up and sniff you and when they notice you are just a human they relax.
Yeah, they relax and they eat your plants :D A lot of people hunting boars here, so maybe i will try with pieces of their hair or sking with hair, idk. I just hope they won't get eaten by cows again :D
Seeds arrived today, with 1x American Pie from Pyramid seeds. I don't know if I will put her on germ. too, becouse I think I won't have free time in october to cut her, dry her and all those stuff.

Blue Amnesia is now placed in glass with rain water, for 12 or 24 hours, after that they will go into cotton or into soil. Pictures and more updates when real stuff starts to go on. Cheers
So, seeds sprouted a day after placing them in water, and after that in wet towel. 1 sprouted a day after, other second day, and third day was in soil, and third seed cracked on third day and was planted 4 days after water bath. I hope you all understand what am I saying :D

They were first in 0,4 liter containers, and after that are in seedling bags made of naylon or something like that, aprox. a bit less than gallon volume. They are doing pretty well, except the smallest one, that i f*cked up a bit during transplantation ( soil cracked in my hand and has fallen apart). I placed her in bigger container, and becouse of stretching covered up some of the stem with soil. I guess that's the reason why she is a bit smaller, and slower.

American pie streched as well, but I don't want to cover her stem with more soil, I want her to strenghten up a bit. Today I found her on the ground in container, and her stem was bent, and a bit cracked, but she already started to turn her "head" into the direction of the Sun, so I don't think some major damage was done. Maybe even better, I count this as accidental HST/LST pinch and bend training :D

2 pictures taken 2-3 days ago:
Good luck with your grow mate. I also had one seed of Blue Amnesia xxl, 3 days and still no germination... Hopefully my Amnesia xxl will.
3 of them were in 3 liter pots for a bit too long, but they are finally planted in soil on site, with holes aprox. holding 35 liters of great soil, including photo fem. American Pie from Pyramid seeds. They are doing great, and they are 3 weeks into flowering. I FIM-ed one plant but accidentally broke 1 branch, hoping she will recover. So far everything is going great. They are a bit small becouse they were in those pots maybe 2 weeks more than needed but I coulnd't do anything about that.

My question is, does anyone have experience with Auto Bubble from Female seeds? Summer is pretty hot here, and I can easily wait till begging of October, or even longer for harvest, so I am considering putting 3-4 plants more in garden
As far as I know autoflowering plants can take as much sun as they can get, so keep them under the sun permanently. Sun grown weed tastes so good, you should really plant some more if your summer is hot and sunny