New Grower Blackstar 240W question


AFN New Growers Mod
Jan 26, 2011
Reaction score
Howdy :toke:

My Blackstar 240W Flowering spectrum light came today :jump: Holy shite, what a difference! Only thing is, one of the two bulbs in the center of the light won't light up. Does anyone know which spectrum these two bulbs are? The center one that does light up looks blue, but not the same blue as the numerous bulbs around the rest of the light. I can't look at the light long enough with it on to see for sure.

My thought is that if the bulb that's out is one of the numerous blue spectrum bulbs, then I'll just hang onto the light until I can afford to get my next one and send it back to be fixed then. However, if it's one of the few UV spectrum bulbs, then I'll send this one back now and get one that works 100%.

Cheers :smokebuds:
dunno there's no breakdown on lighthouse hydro's site, although i just looked at their picture of it lit up and it does look like one bulb is out in the picture too..... :confused:
Orrrrr, maybe I'm a complete and total dumbass and that bulb is the IR one? :crying:
oh if theres an IR... thats it.... lol

I thought that might be the case... an "invisible" spectrum if you will...

I'll have to remember to bring the watt meter tommorrow and we can check the specs... power for flower!
That's normal mate.the Panels run a UV and IR bulb.its all good bro and meant to be like that.nice purchase and I think you will enjoy growing with LED bro :smokebuds:
ITs fine was going to buy a blackstar and thats normal, seen a vid on youtube of one of the sales team explaining not to freak out about it.. we cant see that specrtum apparently.. id love to have one ..lucky you.. let us know how things go please
I'm on my second grow with that Blackstar 240W. My center LED's are the same as yours. You will be happy with the results. First grow was on some Casey Jones photo. They looked like they were dipped in sugar when done.