Gnome Automatics Black Strap

Breeders release is a line that has been specially selected for the attributes that breeders are looking for..... These particular beans will have more color/size/yeild and vigor than the previously released fems
Exactly this
Yikes. I've got a super chunky and dark one outdoors now, but I do like more.
heres my blackstrap........... Just harvested
smells wicked :headbang:
I've got one starting to flower hope she comes out as nice as yours. The pistols are colored like that already!
Hembra's drop of Black Strap Breeders Release yesterday was gone in minutes. By the time I had completed my order, it popped up as out of stock. They should do like other sites and hold your cart items if you are logged in so you can get the payment info in there before selling out. Kinda sucks as that was all I was going to grow with Virginia's 4 plant limit.
Hembra's drop of Black Strap Breeders Release yesterday was gone in minutes. By the time I had completed my order, it popped up as out of stock. They should do like other sites and hold your cart items if you are logged in so you can get the payment info in there before selling out. Kinda sucks as that was all I was going to grow with Virginia's 4 plant limit.
49 seconds Hembra said.Same for me.I got 'em in a second but dithered entering the 3 numbers on the back (off screen at the top) In fairness cart holding can present it's own set of problems. None too keen on this hype drop culture tbh In saying that I managed to snag Damascus, the Forge and black strap(original) from multiverse beans and it WAS really exciting but probably only because I "won" the right to purchase the seeds. There were only 5 packs of damascus and forge so it's about bringing people to the seedbank as far as I can see. I always presumed the breeders selected the best plants to make seeds for release. This makes a better in every way breeders release catagory a bit strange imho unless maybe they are F2s or Version 2 or something ?
I always presumed the breeders selected the best plants to make seeds for release. This makes a better in every way breeders release catagory a bit strange imho unless maybe they are F2s or Version 2 or something ?

I found this strange as well. I thought perhaps they were regulars, but if they're a better version of the same fems, I think I feel a bit shortchanged. Someone gave me to understand that the only difference was in the packaging, but that doesn't appear to be the case. Still, my Black Strap is a fine specimen, and nothing at all to sneeze at.
Any of you know other strains besides Anvil and Black Strap that are dark colored right from the get go once they start flowering? I have the CBD Alpen Gleaux growing that is showing deep purple and just starting to flower outside in the 90 degree heat.