New Grower Black Gold or Happy Frog Soil?

Black Gold or Happy Frog?

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Jan 3, 2018
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Currently Smoking
AC/DC & Cherry Wine hemp
I'm doing a tiny outdoor grow in Smart pots this summer & am trying to decide which soil to use. I don't have the money to buy a giant bag or anything expensive, so I've narrowed it down to these two brands. I've heard that both are great for cannabis growing. I'm planting my germinated seed directly into its final home--a 3-gallon Smart Pot. No transplanting.

I'm not interested in mixing my own soil or anything "advanced," as I'm a total noob. If I get even one bud I'll be thrilled. Just wanna know which soil will get me the farthest with the fewest problems. I don't have any way to test or adjust pH. I live in the middle of nowhere, am broke & am making due with what I can get online basically.

I've read that the Ocean Forest type of Fox Farms soil has pH inconsistencies that can be detrimental, so I'm steering away from that. If I get Fox Farms it will be the Happy Frog. If I get Black Gold it will probably be the "Natural & Organic" mix. I made a poll to simplify things, lol. PLEASE PICK ONE OF THE TWO OPTIONS LISTED TO MAKE THIS EASY ON ME. I know there are virtually limitless types & combinations of soils & fertilizers out there but I'm not least not for this first grow.

Thanks in advance. :headbang:
Either, I've used both, just stay away from three FFOF, seems like it's had pH issues lately, and tends to be to hot for the little ones.
The reason I chose Black Gold is because I feel like it would treat a beginner better from everything that I have read about FF. You can probably get by with just using Advanced Nutrients pH perfect Bloom A+B and Calmag with that soil.
Havent used black gold but have had great success w happy frog.i personally switched to using coco loco which is happy frog w coco instead of give or take.a friend used it w water only for photos and always pulled quality year after year. I could get into a slightly more advanced mix consisting of walmart available organics to get some killer product too but happy frog molasses and water and u should be good.