
Formerly Hippy71
Jan 15, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Hi AFN people :thumbsup:

As a couple of people already know, I have experienced a massive rush of good karma and am extremely pleased to say that I will be helping out Sir Biotabs himself in the Biotabs section of this awesome forum. Also I am super pleased to say that a VERY experienced Biotabs grower from this very forum will also be along for the ride with me, but I will let him come and introduce himself :woohoo1:

Not that he needs an introduction as you all know him already as a bit of an instant Biotabs expert!

I can't tell you how happy I am to be involved with Biotabs and their wonderful organic growing system on here :woohoo:

So, I thought I would start this thread as a place for people to come with general queries, assistance, customer feedback and any other Biotabs issues you care to come up with!

Hopefully one of the kind mods/staff could make this a sticky please? That would be awesome. Please let me know if I need to make any changes.

Also, if you want to order any Biotabs goodies off the site come and speak to me or my esteemed (but unidentified so far) partner in crime as we may be able to help out with a special discount code!

:welcome: :coffee:
Hi AFN people :thumbsup:

As a couple of people already know, I have experienced a massive rush of good karma and am extremely pleased to say that I will be helping out Sir Biotabs himself in the Biotabs section of this awesome forum. Also I am super pleased to say that a VERY experienced Biotabs grower from this very forum will also be along for the ride with me, but I will let him come and introduce himself :woohoo1:

Not that he needs an introduction as you all know him already as a bit of an instant Biotabs expert!

I can't tell you how happy I am to be involved with Biotabs and their wonderful organic growing system on here :woohoo:

So, I thought I would start this thread as a place for people to come with general queries, assistance, customer feedback and any other Biotabs issues you care to come up with!

Hopefully one of the kind mods/staff could make this a sticky please? That would be awesome. Please let me know if I need to make any changes.

Also, if you want to order any Biotabs goodies off the site come and speak to me or my esteemed (but unidentified so far) partner in crime as we may be able to help out with a special discount code!

:welcome: :coffee:
Is that you Hippy71? Congrats friend. :d5: I liked my BioTabs experience but was/am always concerned about getting the product here in the states through customs. It is wonderful putting nothing but water in the reservoir and knowing that everything the girls need are in the pot. :thumbsup:
Is that you Hippy71? Congrats friend. :d5: I liked my BioTabs experience but was/am always concerned about getting the product here in the states through customs. It is wonderful putting nothing but water in the reservoir and knowing that everything the girls need are in the pot. :thumbsup:

It is me mate! [emoji3]

Thank you very much. And yeah those customs dudes are not cool at all! Hopefully things will get easier in future. Perhaps I should buy a boat and bring a load over!!! [emoji23] (that’s a joke for any customs dudes watching!) [emoji23]

I couldn’t agree more about the joy of just adding water my friend. I am going to try my next lot of photoperiods on Biotabs. A bit more effort due to potting up etc but still so much easier than mixing nutes!

Thanks again dude [emoji3]
Hi AFN people :thumbsup:

As a couple of people already know, I have experienced a massive rush of good karma and am extremely pleased to say that I will be helping out Sir Biotabs himself in the Biotabs section of this awesome forum. Also I am super pleased to say that a VERY experienced Biotabs grower from this very forum will also be along for the ride with me, but I will let him come and introduce himself :woohoo1:

Not that he needs an introduction as you all know him already as a bit of an instant Biotabs expert!

I can't tell you how happy I am to be involved with Biotabs and their wonderful organic growing system on here :woohoo:

So, I thought I would start this thread as a place for people to come with general queries, assistance, customer feedback and any other Biotabs issues you care to come up with!

Hopefully one of the kind mods/staff could make this a sticky please? That would be awesome. Please let me know if I need to make any changes.

Also, if you want to order any Biotabs goodies off the site come and speak to me or my esteemed (but unidentified so far) partner in crime as we may be able to help out with a special discount code!

:welcome: :coffee:

Thank you for the very nice introduction my friend :pighug:. I'm glad to say I will also be helping out Biotabs with @Hippy_BiotabsF70 and I hope we will do a good job of spreading the organic vibe through the growing community :vibes:.

Wouldn't say that I'm such a good grower but I know my way around the Biotabs line-up and I'm constantly trying to improve my setup to get the best results possible out of Biotabs, so it's a never ending organic journey :greenthumb:.

Feel free to contact us on the forum in any way you like, we will be happy to come to your assistance.

Hope you all are having a nice day :coco:.
Okay, someone has to be first...

And I am preparing for my first Biotabs grow!! :vibe:

So, based on your experience @Hippy_BiotabsF70 and @Ryker604_BT and @Eyes on Fire, could you please give me some starting info about growing in soil outdoors. Autos of course, probably Auto ultimate, which grows about 90-100 days and some faster strains, which should be done in 75-80 days.

I will start for 15-20 days indoors, then move outdoors. I will dig around 20L hole into native soil, but I will use only 5L potting soil from store and rest will be "au naturele". Because I have 50L potting soil (Plagron Lightmix with dolomite lime) which needs to be used. So 10 autos for me. Or maybe it's better to give them more potting soil and not native soil? I think it's pretty good soil there, happy golden medium I would say. So I guess I need 3 tabs and not 1, right? It's better to prepare this 5L potting soil with Biotabs additives, or maybe then with native soil? How much additives and which one?
Okay, someone has to be first...

And I am preparing for my first Biotabs grow!! :vibe:

So, based on your experience @Hippy_BiotabsF70 and @Ryker604_BT and @Eyes on Fire, could you please give me some starting info about growing in soil outdoors. Autos of course, probably Auto ultimate, which grows about 90-100 days and some faster strains, which should be done in 75-80 days.

I will start for 15-20 days indoors, then move outdoors. I will dig around 20L hole into native soil, but I will use only 5L potting soil from store and rest will be "au naturele". Because I have 50L potting soil (Plagron Lightmix with dolomite lime) which needs to be used. So 10 autos for me. Or maybe it's better to give them more potting soil and not native soil? I think it's pretty good soil there, happy golden medium I would say. So I guess I need 3 tabs and not 1, right? It's better to prepare this 5L potting soil with Biotabs additives, or maybe then with native soil? How much additives and which one?

Nice dude, great you decided for the organic option outdoors, you should have some stellar smoke :woohoo1:.

To be honest, I don't have any experience growing outdoors (except helping out a friend with his balcony girl) but I would do the following:
  • somehow I would check the quality of the native soil, at least ask around but if other weeds and cultures grow around it's probably OK
  • I would probably mix the potting and native soil 50/50 and take care to add perlite or something like that
  • I would add the BT additives in the final soil mix (potting and native soil combined)
  • 3 tabs definitely, even 4 if you want (2 in the middle of the hole, the rest at the bottom)
  • if you will use around 20L of soil I would put 100g Startrex, 100g Silicium Flash (you could do without this one probably) and 5g Mycotrex in the potting hole
  • once you put the seedlings in the hole, soak everything up with a mix of 1g Bactrex / 5mL Orgatrex per liter of water

Are you gonna use any pots or something like that or are the plants having free space for root development?

Hope this helps, feel free to ask away :thumbsup:.
- Grass is green there, also some tiny trees, blackerries etc... As I said, should be okay, soil is similar as in our garden where every food plant grows.
- I will leave plants there without pots, so directly in native soil. But first I will grow in 5L potting soil for 15-20 days, and then move into 20L hole outside.
- So you're saying first 15-20 days I feed them with synthetic nutes? I have some, so no problem. And then move outside where I put Biotabs into native soil/hole?
- Okay, 3-4 tabs per plant. If I understand you correctly, 2 tabs in the middle of the hole and 2 tabs at the bottom so 30-40cm into the soil? Isn't better to put them 5-10cm into soil, then they slowly leach into deeper soil when raining/watering?
- When watering first time, 1g Bactrex and 5ml Orgatrex? Or just one?

Any other info about flowering then? Or in the middle of growth any additive application?
- Grass is green there, also some tiny trees, blackerries etc... As I said, should be okay, soil is similar as in our garden where every food plant grows.
- I will leave plants there without pots, so directly in native soil. But first I will grow in 5L potting soil for 15-20 days, and then move into 20L hole outside.
- So you're saying first 15-20 days I feed them with synthetic nutes? I have some, so no problem. And then move outside where I put Biotabs into native soil/hole?
- Okay, 3-4 tabs per plant. If I understand you correctly, 2 tabs in the middle of the hole and 2 tabs at the bottom so 30-40cm into the soil? Isn't better to put them 5-10cm into soil, then they slowly leach into deeper soil when raining/watering?
- When watering first time, 1g Bactrex and 5ml Orgatrex? Or just one?

Any other info about flowering then? Or in the middle of growth any additive application?

  • I'm asking about pots because I don't know how long your autoflowers will take if you give them "infinite" root space
  • if you're planning on using Plagron Lightmix soil for those first 15 days, I would just add 25g of Startrex and 5g of Mycotrex in those 5L and soak everything with BOTH Orgatrex/Bactrex for the first time, so NO synthetic nutes - you can even put 1 tab in those 5L if you want, just put one less in the final 20L
  • if I understand correctly, most of the tab is "sucked" away by the plants, something like a cough drop, that's why I recommend the middle and bottom
  • Orgatrex AND Bactrex, so both
After 30 days (middle of the grow) you can again soak the soil with the combination of Orgatrex and Bactrex. During flowering you can either use Bio PK 5-8 or PK Compost Booster Tea if you want to brew a flowering tea :2cents:.
Thank you @Ryker604_BT !! :bighug:
If someone has anything else to say, please say. As always, I want to go as close to optimum, as I can.

For some explanation about outdoor autos and their time (discussed above), please @912GreenSkell come in. I know they usually take 7-14 days longer when outdoors. Maybe some more advice from outdoor master himself. :woohoo1: